Think big think deep. I start with these four words. If you want to expand and grow your business you need to think deeper on your marketing and operational planning.This will have to start with an understanding of where you are today to build a vision of where you want it to be. Set aside some time with your spouse for a casual meeting. Do not get stressed and have an open conversation over a cup of coffee. This I feel is an opportunity to have a positive conversation with your spouse. Well frankly I think this exercise will bring both of you together to discuss on your dreams for your business. Isn't it wonderful to finally have your spouse to talk with about business. I hope it won't end up with a bad argument. But a positive argument is good if both of you can calm down and decide what is best for the business.
Take your time and complete this exercise so that you have a holistic view on your current situation and brainstorm areas for improvement. Also include an action plan with timeline. This meeting or I can say a business date with your spouse should be done at least once a week. Now that both of are mentally prepared on what is expected I will just briefly go through with you on this exercise. If you are interested to learn more you can Google or find on YouTube for more information. The keyword is SWOT. (Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats)
Why is this exercise important for your business? Firstly you need know your current situation and position in the competition to move forward and step up your game.
You start with identifying your business key strengths and weaknesses.
Strength can be what you do best and had created a positive impact on your sales.
Weaknesses can be something both of you are lack with. It can also be in need for education to improve on your business. Example to improve on marketing skills in a digital environment. So both of you can take a digital marketing course to improve your knowledge in sales.
Take action and plan for improvement.
Next stage is on your business perspective.
Find out any opportunities or threats for your business. Opportunities can be something that you have done and found that it is creating sales. So you develop a further action plan to fanned out to other areas so that it will reap more sales.
Threats may require some foresight. It could also mean a deliberate or unpredictable forces that could effect your business sales.
You can observe that the exercise I've mentioned is paired like good vs bad. I want to just summarise everything so that both of you can start to make an appointment for your business date.
Anything that is good you can still improve further to make it better. Anything that is bad is an opportunity for improvement.
Sometimes you don't have to take any action if you think that it best to observe first on the situation before both of you decide to counteract on something you see could be a threat to your business.