He turned to look at the elder, without a second thought the elder said to run as far as he can. With a horrified look in his face, he started running. However just after taking two steps a black mist engulfed the area. He can only see a few meters ahead at most and there is a rotten smell in the mist that makes it hard to breathe. Though he doesn't know where to run and which direction to run he kept running as if it's his last day. He started running with a conflicted expression because he never thought that the elder would tell him to run." Where did this mist come from?"

"what's about this smell?"

Whatever it is, it isn't something that I could mess with. Not to mention even the elder himself told me to run. Doesn't that mean even the elder is not sure about the thing that caused the mist .what if the elder isn't able to stop the thing from attacking the city? Will everyone die? I should go and find Haoren. Just when he is thinking about it a white streak of light hit him and he sent flying dozens of meters. He landed heavily on a tree. Surprisingly he didn't get injured and he is out of the black mist.

Inside the mist, the elder is fighting the other-dimensional beast furiously. however, the elder is slightly more powerful than the beast and manages to land heavy blows to the creature. No matter how many blows he hit the creature, it always manages to get back at him with full strength without a single injury. this made him frown. He doesn't know how much time he can keep up with that. The beast isn't taking any damage and after landing heavy blows he is getting exhausted. It's just a matter of time till he exhausted his full strength and die in the hands of the beast.

Every time he manages to hit a heavy blow the creature gets injured and blown away from the mist and it comes back as nothing happened and starts the fight again. Things are getting more and more intense. At the beginning of the fight, the elder had the advantage but as time passed by the beast is gaining the upper hand on the elder.

Outside the mist, the young man knows it should be the elder trying to save him. But what if the elder needs help form others and sent him off to get some help? He got horrified, the elder is the strongest person that he had ever known. If the elder isn't able to handle the mist then there is no one to stop it. The chill that he felt in the mist clearly tells that whatever that is inside the mist is up to no good. And if he doesn't do something as soon as possible. They all might just die at that place. Thinking this he started running like a mad dog towards the city but after he started taking few steps, surprisingly he is in a thick forest that he never knew that exist however the hills nearby felt like he knew them before and if his guess is right the city should be on the other side of the hills. knowing that he can't waste any time he kept running hoping to find someone to help. After running for a while he finally reached the city. Just with a single look, he could tell that it's definitely not the city he knows. But something tells him that he has been here before, yet he doesn't seem to identify anything. He doesn't know where to run.

whom to ask?

who could help him?

Just when he was bugging with this problem a middle-aged person called him with his name. Surprised, he turns back to see the person that almost looks like him except that he looks like he aged a decade.

But that person with tears in his eyes said, brother?

After listening to that voice once again he finally realized.

With eyes filled with tears," brother where have u been all these years?". Said the middle-aged man.

Lin, is that you? Said the young man with a conflicted look. Yes, big brother, Replied the middle-aged man.

The young man got his head spinning if that is his little brother? How come he is older than me? And where are we exactly? With a doubtful tone, he asked "where are we? And how come you look like a middle-aged man?" Brother don't you remember anything you have gone missing for thirteen years now and there isn't any place that we haven't searched for you. What happened to you.

Thirteen years? Hasn't it been a few hours since I left the home? I went to the city square… and then he said what happened from then. Just where in the hell did I travel through time? Everything was fine till the black mist enveloped me but when I come out of it I was in an unknown forest could that mean in the black mist time flows differently than the rest of the world. Now that I think of it I have spent slightly more than ten seconds in the mist. Does that mean each second in the mist is equal to one year in the normal world? So that means we are in the same city that I was in thirteen years ago it's just that the city has changed a lot in these thirteen years. Well, it's good news as well as bad news that means I could save elder by bringing someone to help. Then the young man explained everything that he thinks happened to his younger brother and asked for help. Then both of them went to the city square to the mage fort and backend a mage for help and the mage hall sent a mage to check the matter and make a report on the matter.

Then all three of them went to the forest to find the black mist while they are searching for the mist the mage says about the various mysterious happenings that happened in the forest and about people missing and the sightings of a black and unidentified creature killing people. After searching for a while they finally find the mist and entered the mist. Inside the mist, the elder and a black creature are fighting furiously. Just the pressure inside the mist is enough to make them immovable no matter how hard they try, they are unable to get close. The elder noticed them and in a moment of the fight, a slight distraction could spell death. The black creature managed to land a heavy blow on the elder pushing him out of the mist then all the three of them went out to help the elder. The blow was aimed for his heart but in the nick of time, the elder managed to block the attack. Yet he was blown to outside. Due to that, the elder landed heavily on the ground. Then the young man quickly reaches the elder and gives him a bottle of water and explains everything that happened. Then the elder realized what happened. Every time he lands a heavy blow on the creature it goes out of the mist and recuperate and kill the people nearby and enters into the mist to kill him when it is ready. It's like trapping the enemy in the mist by making the time flow slow inside the mist. Since the time flows slowly inside the mist the enemy doesn't know that a year had passed outside the mist. And for the person inside the mist, only one second is passed. Even if the creature appears once in every year for the person inside the mist the beast appears once every second. Now that he thinks of it if not for them to reappear in the mist and distracted him he would have got exhausted and slowly got killed by the creature. Not to mention though the creature got upper hand it never landed a blow on him that makes him move from his spot. It's probably waiting to land one hit kill so that he doesn't know its secret and he would be killed inside the mist without knowing what's going on. Now that he knows it he quickly recovers from his exhaustion and it takes one day for the other-dimensional creature to come out of the mist. no matter how fast it responds. By the time it comes out the elder is already recovered and was waiting for it to come out as soon as it comes out he manages to land a single strike that could kill it instantly with his full power. After killing the creature of another dimension he quickly collected the black mist in the jade bottle.