On the same day!

John….hey, john…! Hey, wake up….!

I am dying out of boredom here. God! How can you sleep so for long? I want to go outside and do some training and would also try to bring something to eat.

Hey, can you hear me? Whatever, I am leaving anyway, see you in the fields.

Aaah….hhaa….(yawning) with a loud yawn john wakes up a little and said hey kiddo don't go deep in the fields and return to home in an hour if u come late ill make you train for the entire day and you have to work in the field the next day as well.

Hearing that the adolescent boy replies" Not fair john, why don't you let me play outside?"

Now stop complaining and get going, let me sleep for a while, "I have a lot of work to do in the field today so let me take a nap." "Haven't you slept all night! and also all you do is to water some plants and eat the fruits all day. So don't make it sound like it will take for ever to do. Besides you only work for an hour or so. And rest of the time you spend by eating the fruits or taking a nap under the trees or throwing stones into the river". "Yah.. yah… whatever, let me sleep for a while ill see u later, bye, Good night."

Geez..! it's morning and the Sun is up so high in the sky and now you are saying good night! What a lazy partner to live with.

'Close the door before you go, kid', said John

Hey, you do know that I am a teenager. I am almost fourteen years old not a kid anymore. stop treating me like a kid!

Then he went out to the field and started running between the trees there he found a suitable spot and started doing physical workouts. while doing one-finger push-ups, he got an idea to stand upside down on a single finger and stands on a single finger. While driving his body to its fullest potential he stood still on his single finger and started to remember what he read in the books.

To absorb spiritual energy one must have to temper his/her body and have to make it strong and physically fit. With this highest and unwavering concentration, one should feel the spiritual energy in the surroundings.

Then one should absorb the spiritual energy and can temper his/her body to become a cultivator.

These are the basic cultivation procedures that he found in the books that were left by the people who lived in that place before.

He slowly closed his eyes and started to do as the book suggests with the highest concentration. He was able to hear every sound in detail. He hears the flapping of wings and that too it's too close to him and coming towards him slowly. He got a bit nervous and wanted to see what's flapping its wings while coming close to him. When he opened his eyes he was dumb founded to see a butterfly slowly flying towards him. Then he realized that it could also enhance his senses as well which is very important as they are living in the forest. Then he closed his eyes again to absorb spiritual energy and got indulged in it so much that he forgot about the time.

Time passed swiftly and it's almost evening and the Sun will set in two hours.

John completed his work of watering new plants and collected a few fruits to eat at night. When he was about to head back home he remembered that the kid was supposed to be in the fields and he didn't remember seeing him anywhere. With a slight frown, he started searching for the kid thinking that he might be sleeping somewhere in the field or by the river side.

At this moment the kid hears someone approaching him and opens his eyes only to see a rabbit hopping around. Then he got an idea to catch the rabbit to test his speed now that he started cultivating and have absorbed spiritual energy for some time and tempered his body with it. He is ready to test his limits so he ran behind the rabbit to catch it. With the increased spiritual energy all the creatures adopted themselves to use spiritual energy. Sensing danger rabbit ran away with its maximum speed. Speeds were equally matched and the rabbit makes swift turns to a bit ahead of him and with every turn, he gets out of balance and falls down. Yet he keeps on getting up and chasing the rabbit sensing all the ruckus, john sees the kid trying to catch a rabbit at a distance. While he was watching both of them the rabbit suddenly makes a turn and head towards the fence. Seeing that the rabbit is heading in the direction of the fence john got a bit nervous and ran towards them but before he could reach them the kid and the rabbit crossed the fence. seeing that john got flabbergasted and ran behind them to stop the kid. John had warned the kid about the fence numerous times and also said to stay away from it. Only he knows about the beasts that live on the other side of the forest.

He ran behind them shouting don't go but the kid is too fixated in catching the rabbit and finally manages to catch the rabbit and turned around to leave just at that moment he senses a strong presence and felt the overwhelming killing intend behind him. When he turned around he saw a beast that is almost as big as a tree standing behind him while fixating its eyes on him. He got flabbergasted and was too shocked to move. The massive beast suddenly swung its claws towards him. He manages to evade the attack in the nick of the time and rolls toward the left to run away. However, the beast is fast enough to react and closed all his escape routes. It launched another strike and this time the kid doesn't have enough time to evade the attack, so he was forced to block the attack. If his body wasn't tempered with the spiritual energy he might have been beaten into a meat paste before he could know.

Blocking the attack kid was being pushed to the ground slowly. His knees caved in and he had his two arms blocking attack while one of his knees bent to the ground. John was finally able to catch up with the kid. But when he caught up with him his eyes got fixated on the sight. With a furious roar, he strikes on the head of the beast with the weapon he created before from the beast which he managed to kill previously. The sword pierced through its head bone and injured its eyes. The beast roared with the excruciating pain and before it could move the kid suddenly rolls to the side and the beast fell down to the ground and without wasting any time john swings his sword again and this time he aimed for its neck and severs its head from the body. The beast's body caught fire and started burning. Looking at this sight the kid finally felt the fear of life and death situation and started crying. He ran towards john with eyes filled with tears.