John takes the kid into his arms and starts running back without paying much heed to the kid's emotions. The longer they stay, the longer they are exposed to danger. There might be more beasts from where it came from. Due to all the ruckus, they created many small beasts around the area have already surrounded them and waiting for their moment to strike. He can already hear lots of other creatures swarming up around the area for the dead body. There might be some cunning beasts lurking in the shadows and many more are on their way here.

The meat of a beast is good to increase the physical strength of the body though it may not be able to induce a massive growth in one's physical strength, it could still improve one's physical strength by a significant percentage, which might be able to change the outcome of a battle.

Not to mention the aroma of meat being roasted is mouth-watering. Not many beasts can stay put for long and wait till they go. Few might even attack them for just being there. Every single second they spend in that place could spell their death.

Hence running away from there as soon as possible is a good decision. John and the kid were running towards their fields. After running for a little while they can't shake the feeling of being watched though they don't see any beasts around the area. As the kid took a blow from the beast, he got significantly weak which reduced their speed. When the fence is at a visible distance they felt safe as they had never encountered the beasts on the other side of the fence. Not that the fence is too strong to break through but for some reason, the beasts keep avoiding the fence. Which is good news for them now. So they wanted to cross the fence as soon as possible. The fence is weak and could easily be broken.

As they approached the fence a massive beast approached them out of nowhere and landed a heavy blow on the kid from the back. He got smacked to the fence heavily and broke the fence landing on the other side of the fence. He got crashed to the ground heavily, sustaining internal injuries.

This single hit knocked the kid out cold and he fell to the ground with his eyes rolled. Witnessing such a shocking sight right in front of him john lost his sanity and the sword in his hand burned immediately. The high intense flames caused the surrounding areas to burn into ashes. With a furious roar, he dashed right at the beast and hit it's head with the sword and sliced it into two pieces. The beast breathed its last before it knows. He managed to slay the beast with a single strike but got exhausted while doing it. He barely had any energy to move around. With sheer will power he went inside the fence and checked the kid, seeing that he is still alive he calmed down a little and carried the kid on his shoulders, he started to move towards the hut.

On the other hand at the city boundary, the elder completed collecting the mist into the jade bottle.

"Elder, what are you going to do with the mist?" asked the young man. Elder swiftly opened another jade bottle and sent a little amount of the mist and gave it to the young man. With a perplexed tone "Elder, what could I do with it and it's too dangerous to have such a magic fog around" said the young man. Then the elder replies with a smile keep it with you at all the times this might just help you in the times of need and could potentially save your life from a precarious situation.

Understanding the intentions of the elder, the young man took the jade bottle and stored it. Right at this moment the elder halted his moments and stood still for a second. Seeing the elder standing still, the young man asked: "elder, what's wrong?". Then the elder said, " I need to go. I can feel the energy pulsations, which means there is a fight going on somewhere else, I should go and take a look". Barely after telling these words the elder disappeared into nothing like he isn't there before.

With an exhausted look in his eyes, john carried the kid a little far from the fence and stopped under a tree to take some rest. Barely after a few minutes, a thunderous roar echoed in the air from the direction of the fence. John turned to look at the fence and the sight in front of him made his pupils widen. A shiver ran through his spine. Three beasts started running towards them, it's only been a few minutes since he last sleyed the beast at the fence and he barely recovered enough strength to move around. The kid is still unconscious and he himself is in no condition to fight with them. The only way to save their lives is to run as far as they can. Without making any delay he started running with the kid on his shoulders. He keeps on running for a long as he can. After running for a while he managed to make some distance between the beasts and him. He sat under a tree and tried to replenish his strength as fast as he can and started running again. Then suddenly, a beast strikes them from the left while one was chasing from behind. This one dash sent john and the kid in his hands flying. The beasts quickly surrounded them from three sides. John wanted to move but he was unable to move a single muscle and even if he wanted to move there is no place to move. There are three beasts on three sides and the other side there was an endless abyss stretches as long as he can see. He had a choice to make either jump into the abyss or to fight with beasts and get killed by them. His lips curled up and with a furious roar he said " if I have to die I'll take at least one of you with me", and charged right at the beast and landed a strike with a bare fist and pushed the beast significantly back then the other beast hit him from the side his ribs were broken and he shouted with excruciating pain and fell to the ground. The Kid gets his consciousness by hearing the shouting of John. When he opened his eyes, John was under the foot of the beast motionless. Jo.. John… ! After seeing john in such a condition kid lost his sanity and a tremendous amount of energy got released from him wiping out everything it touches and enveloped john within the energy. Three beasts were turned into dust in an instant. Even the land below them turned into dust and both of them fall into the abyss.

The elder wasn't sure of the direction before and the energy pulse emanated by john faded as soon as it came since the elder was too far he wasn't able to pinpoint the location. Now that the kid released a tremendous amount of energy it would be hard for him to miss them. The elder appeared right in the moment. After releasing so much energy at once kid got unconscious again and was falling into the abyss. The elder caught them both from falling.