When elder reached the sight all he could see is a brilliant light that's shining with bright radiance destroying everything that it comes into contact. His first thought is that the source of the energy must be a devastating attack from some powerful expert and it would be a tough fight if he had to take a fight not to mention he isn't completely recovered from the earlier fight.

It wouldn't be such a tough fight if he were to be at his full strength. However, after a few moments, even the land below the light source got destroyed into nothing. Seeing this, his eyes shuttered in astonishment. He had never seen such devastating energy before. In his life span, he had witnessed many kinds of magic but never in his wildest imagination did he thought of such magic.

Now that he thinks of it, he couldn't understand that under which type of magic does this magic falls under. There are three types of magic namely element type, dark type and light type. Element type again divided into five types fire, water, ice, wind and earth. And light magic is a gift for mankind, all kinds of healers come under this type and dark magic doesn't exist in this dimension. The creatures that come from other dimensions use dark magic.

But the magic that's right in front of him is as bright as the sun and destroyed everything. While he is still thinking about it, the light suddenly stopped, revealing what's inside. A middle-aged man who is heavily injured and unconscious, and an unconscious teenager. Though the teenager is unconscious his magic still wrapped up the middle-aged man protecting him. However, the previous outburst of energy destroyed the land below them and as they are at the edge of the landmass which is also floating just like every other landmass on the earth. They were about to fall to the endless abyss. At first, he thought that saving this unknown person with unknown magic type which could destroy everything would be a bad idea. Hence he hesitated to help as it would be a troublesome process to deal with him. After seeing john who is wrapped up in the magic power of the teenage boy, he had other plans for them. Just the fact that he is trying to save his partner even in his unconscious condition shows how caring he is. A person who cares so much can understand the pain of others and such a person would never think of harming others. This one-act is enough to understand his character.

Without any hesitation, the elder caught both of them in his magic and made a quick check about their condition. The teenager had internal injuries probably got hit by something in the fight and was completely unconscious because of sudden depletion of energy. He should be treated immediately. But the situation of the middle-aged man isn't looking good, he got several fractured bones, shattered muscles, completely depleted magic and damaged magic network in the body. Look's like he would really die. Treating someone with such injuries isn't easy. All of a sudden elder got an idea. Sounds like I would need their help who might be able to save these two. Then the elder quickly carried them to a secret location. This area is filled with pure spiritual energy and one would get a feeling that they would be refreshed just by staying there. Even before the elder could speak a voice came from inside, "get inside, I have been waiting for you". Listening to those words the elder felt happy and entered inside of a small hut in that location, there he found an old man dressed in saffron-coloured cloths. Oh, great monk, could you please explain where am I? and how did I know this place? Though I have never been here or know you I was still able to come here and when I wanted to help these two, how is it possible? The monk said, "you were here because I called you."

Then the elder understood that this means the monk isn't someone that I could fathom since he wanted me here, I should ask for the purpose of calling. But he then remembered that he came here to help these two unconscious people. Then the elder said "oh great monk please do help these two people", after saying that he dropped the two of them near the monk. With a smile on his lips monk said to wait outside. The elder stood outside of that place waiting for the monks call since the spiritual energy is high at this place he decided to recuperate for a while. After waiting for two days straight the monk finally called him inside and shocked to see that there are two people inside unconscious but the first person was a teen that he brought and the second person was also a teen whom he didn't recognize. As far as he remembers there should be a middle-aged man with the teenager but there all he found was another teenager. While he was still in the shock the monk said to take care of them and disappeared. Just after the monk disappeared the surroundings started to distort and before he knew it he was in the place where he fought with the black mist creature. It was hard to explain whether he was teleported from that to this location or he was here from the beginning and everything was an illusion. Remembering the monk words the elder checks both teens. They are just unconscious and they might wake up at any moment. Now, hence he carried both of them to his place, It was already evening by the time he reached home. He prepared two beds for both of them and started to prepare something to eat. After some time one of the teens woke up and was staring the entire place with a confused look. Noticing that, the elder came to the teenager and asked: " how do u feel now ?" With a doubted tone he replied, "I am feeling fine". "What's your name ? asked the elder. The teen then replied, "I am John".