Mage Accademy.

Good morning! You woke up earlier than expected, said the elder. With a cheerful smile, john said: "it's a habit". As we know that John used to be a former, waking up early and watering the plants is his daily routine. While they were exchanging pleasantries Shiv woke up with a loud yawn.

"Good morning shiv", said John. Without looking at john shiv replies," yah john good morning! Where are we"? We are in the home of the elder who saved us. Then he remembers what happened and he quickly turned to see john but he couldn't find him anywhere. He gets confused and started shouting john…. hey john…. where are you?

Seeing the panic in his eyes john caught shiv's hand and said," I am here, don't worry everything is fine". Seeing a teenager just like him holding his hand and trying to comfort him that too with johns tone, Shiv got mad and said who the hell are you? How come you can talk like john? Shiv quickly gets out of the bed saying, "where am I"? "I want to go home". After saying that, he started to run towards the door. John quickly caught hold of him and said," shut up kiddo, stop whining and start listening". Listening that shiv realized that the teenager is john because no one will call him a kid since he is a teenager. People might be able to copy his voice but not his character or the way john addresses him. John started to explain everything about the monk saving him to the elder taking care of both of them.

"So you are saying that your body is way too damaged to heal so the elder made a new body with same voice". "No, it's not the elder, it's the monk," said john. "Oh, so monk saved us then?" No, it's the elder who saved us". "Ehh what ?"

"Forget it, the elder here is our benefactor, so say thank you". With an embarrassed face, Shiv said, "thank you for saving us, elder". Elder starts laughing on shiv's quarrel heartily. "It's my duty to save others. Besides what's the point of being strong, if you can't save such a naughty kid?" and started laughing. John with an embarrassed look said, "it's my fault elder, I spoiled him". "It's ok, get ready to go to the academy. I'll be back in a minute", said the elder and leaves the room.

After some time the elder returned with a green robe. Shiv and John spent the whole time by recalling what happened. They started walking for a while and eventually reached tall gates and on top of them was written as MAGE ACADEMY. This is the first time for both of them in the outer world. John spent his whole life on the landmass and shiv never crossed the boundary of the fields. For him seeing so many people at a time was like an impossible coming true. John holds a bit of hatred for people who left him alone in the woods.

In his past, after his mother died, one day, when he woke up not a single person who lives around that area was around. He woke up all alone and was afraid to go outside. At first, he thought they might have gone into woods to hunt food. Even after waiting for a long time no one ever returned. All of them left without a trace in a single day. If they were leaving that area they could have informed him so that he might have tagged along but they simply disappeared without even taking him with them. He had never known that people were so selfish to leave a kid whose parents were dead, all alone in woods.

But for shiv, john was a kind person who took care of him and even the elder whom he doesn't know had saved them from a dire situation. So he had a positive feeling towards people. In free time shiv used to study the books that were left behind, hence he had a fair bit of understanding towards people and how things work in this world.

There are totally seven massive buildings. One building for each element and that is fire, air, earth, water and ice. A totally five buildings for five elements. One building for healers, One for formations and weapons. There is a separate ground for each building and a large open area for the combined events. Besides the grounds, there are dorms for students, for masters, and elders.

Seeing such massive constructions shiv's eyes were filled with joy and excitement. He felt like a frog in the well. Now that he came here, he got a whole world of opportunities to explore. Words can't explain how happy he was. When they are filled with wonderment the elder went to the receptionist and passed a token, after seeing the token she immediately stood up and greeted the elder and asked "how can I help you?" he said he wanted a meeting with the principal to discuss some topics. She quickly went into a room and came back to reply "elder DAO, the principal went out for a mission and would take some time before he returns, would you mind to wait in this room".

"How much time do we have before he comes"? "Elder, I can't guarantee a particular time but he would be here by afternoon". "In that case, I would be heading out to take a look at healers hall. Inform me when he returns".

Then the elder and both of the kids started heading towards the healer's hall. After walking for a while they arrived at a majestic building. There were words inscribed on the building that looks like they are going to pop out at any time. Just by looking at them, one could feel a calming sensation engulfing them. Elder and the two kids entered a massive building. Elder passes a token and the receptionist with a polite tone asked, " elder what can I do for you". "I would like to meet with my old friend Shen Li". "You are acquainted with our hall leader?" the receptionist asked in bewilderment. However, she quickly concealed her expression and asked them to wait in a room. Elder Shen Li is an impatient old man who hardly speaks with others. However, the person right before her claimed to be his friend, which surprised her. After a few moments, an old man walked inside the room. Looking at elder Dao, he stopped for a second and shouted loudly, " you are alive?". What held you for so long? "You should have at least left a message". "Were you too busy to send at least a raven? It's been thirteen years, no.., almost fourteen years. Did you go into seclusion or something? Wait a minute you haven't age in the least. How is that even possible? What miracle did you stumble upon that can make you stay young? Seeing the elder who hardly talked to others going on and on like a chatterbox everyone in the guild got surprised. Paying no heed to their bewildered looks both the elders continued with their conversation. Elder Dao explained the whole story about what happened. So is that why you are here? Then, elder Shen Li turned towards John and started observing him properly. After some time I don't know properly but the legend says there are seven great monks in this world. No one knows where they are how they look. As the legend says they are eternal. They are the ones who protect this world from destruction. If you are saying that this young boy received help from the monk, then it's a good thing. That means he had a role in saving this world in upcoming years, so make sure to take good care of him.