"I'll do my best". Elder Shen Li asked john, "do you know anything about your parents"? " I don't remember my dad but my mom said he is a healer, my mom was a fire mage". Healers are rare in this world, you may not find one in every thousand people. So, most healers are popular in their areas. "Our academy had consulted every healer in this kingdom to combine all the healers so that any kind of issue should be resolved if an injury were to visit this academy".

The main reason is that each healer has their own methods for treating people, however, few have better and advanced techniques that far surpassed others. Hence this platform is more like a learning centre to the healers. One could learn more techniques and improve their way of healing.

"There used to be another head for the hall of healers before me, but for some reason, he went missing. Then the principal of this academy consulted me to be the head to the hall of healers, though my cultivation isn't strong". "Oh Shen Li, we all know that you have an exceptional way in healing. You were able to create many medicines which show's your capability. I don't know anyone who can do this role better than you and you seemed to become stronger than before", said elder Dao. "Yeah after you went missing, I had nothing to do, so I focused on my cultivation and got some small breakthroughs". "Don't worry, now that I am here you will have enough work to do", said elder Dao while laughing heartily. "So as I was saying john, you might find some information about your father here". Hearing that john eyes lit up and asked in excitement elder if that's true, where can I find the information about my father? My mom used to say my father is strong so he might be alive somewhere in this world so I would like to know more about him. At this moment a young girl walked inside and informed that "elder Dao our principal had just arrived and agreed to meet you".

Another girl walked inside the room and said "elder Shen Li, there is an emergency, a student broke forty bones in his body, Shen Li frowned in displeasure. These kids are always fighting with each other and expect us to heal all of them. Another girl barged in and said elder Shen Li another forty students came in with broken bones. "What what's going on," said elder Shen Li. Apparently the student with forty broken bones fight with them and broke their bones in the fight. Elder Dao laughed loudly saying, "seems like there is someone like me in the academy this year". "Dao lets meet again, I should attach some bones while breaking some more". After taking two steps he said, "John, find me after the meeting".

Elder Dao went to the principal chambers along with the two teenagers and elder Shen Li went to check the condition of the students.

After reaching the principal room elder Dao asked both of them to stay outside and went inside the room. After some time he came out and said "John, you and your friend had two options now. You guys could either join the academy right now through my recommendation or you can go out there and get the eligibility to stay here by yourself". Without a second thought, john asked how to get the eligibility. "l want to grow strong but I can't do that if you keep protecting me". With an exciting tone shiv said, "yeah, I would like to go and take the exam. I want to know how it feels to compete with others".

Hearing that elder Dao felt happy and said, " I actually wanted you to choose the same. You can't grow strong if you don't face anything. I'll be arranging both of your accommodation and complete the formalities and explain the procedures later". Hearing that both of them felt excited.

When they are about to leave John remembers that elder Shen Li asked him to meet after the meeting. Elder Dao said I still have things to take care since you guys know the way, you guys should go and meet him and come back to the home before evening. Hearing that John and Shiv started heading towards the Healers Hall. After some time they reached the healer's hall and found that elder Shen Li is busy but he informed the matter to the receptionist to appoint an elder to help them check the records. Personal information of the healers is not open for others to see. How ever, Shen Li being the head to the hall of Healers, he had the authority to go through the details of the mages. There are hundreds of healers and John don't know which name his parents used when they were here. It's normal for cultivators to use allies to avoid their enemy's from finding them. Hence they had to check the details of everyone. Then an elder showed them the record room. Checking the records they sorted the people by age first, then they were left with nearly a hundred and then they checked their marital status of the mages. They then checked the details of the mages who married fire mages luckily there are only a hand full of mages with their life partner as a fire mage. It took them nearly three hours to check all these details and sort them through the records. At this moment elder Shen Li came to the record room. Seeing the progress in their search he felt excited to know the healer that they are searching for. Then slowly he placed the token inside each record detail of the healer into a jade box but nothing happened. With a smile elder Shen Li said, "looks like I came in the right moment, the token contains the soul imprint of the healer and the appearance. Hence, it is more important to save these details more carefully. For that, you need the token of the head of the healer's hall to access the information". Then he placed his token and checked the details and showed the picture of each of them. The token slightly flickered and two faces appeared on the jade box. After seeing those faces, eyes of John fixed and he even forgot to blink his eyes. He saw his mother after such a long time. Tears flowed from his eyes with a faint smile.