Tears rolled out of his eyes, he never imagined that he could see his parents again. Seeing the look in his eyes both of them understood that they are his parents. As for the records his father used to be the head of the Healers hall. In other words, the head of the Healer's hall, who went missing. Knowing that the issue is sensitive, elder Shen Li who is the current head to Healer's hall suggested him to keep this a secret. People behind their missing might still be around and may attempt something on him. In the worst scenario they might attempt to even kill him. In such situation it would be better to lay low. Especially, when they don't know the identity of their enemy.

John asked with reddened eyes, "what do u know about my father?

Did he had any enemy's that you know of"?

"I came here after your father. Though I haven't involved in the Academy issues, I heard about your father. He was a genius healer that everyone can look up to. He proposed many medicinal techniques. He laid a new path in the way of healing. I am still researching the techniques that he proposed. And many techniques were still not understandable to us.

As for his character, he had a very calming and gentle character. He used to treat poor people for free and didn't hesitate to treat them at any time. He was kind and popular. He was the next promising candidate to become the principal. Your mother was a fire mage born with a disease, she needed to be treated by a healer in regular bases to keep her strong. As far as I know there were no reported incidents of disputes or any enmity". Even after being in such high status why do they went to such a remote area? If they went to such a place then that should be known to the academy and their deaths should be recorded but the record says that they went missing. Which means either the person could control the information or might have changed the information.

In both the cases that person had access to the information. All the persons that had access to the information are top echelons that could shake the kingdom. Since you don't have the power to oppose any of them, you should stay more careful about your information. Don't ever reveal your identity to anyone. Meanwhile I would try to investigate this matter.

"Thank you for your help, elder. I'll get strong and repay them in wholesome". This is the first time that he had encountered such situation and emotions. All he could feel is, rage inside him. The desire to get strong had deeply imprinted inside him. Coming out of the record room it's already evening, "Elder Dao told us to get back home by evening, so we will be heading back to home now", said Shiv.

They walked to home slowly. Elder Dao welcomed them with a cheering face and prepared a delicious dish out of an intermediate mage stage deer. This dish is rich in spiritual energy and contains healing properties. Elder Dao had fought with the troublesome black mist creature and moved with incredible speed to save the kids. He was fully exhausted by all those events and also took a heavy blow from the black mist creature. As for the kids, they have almost died in the battle with the beasts. Though the monk had healed their physical injuries they still need to improve their physical and spiritual energy. This could help in improving their condition.

After the meal the elder asked John, "what happened in the healers hall. It seems like you cried a lot, your eyes tell everything even if you try to hide it from me . if there is anything that is bugging you, you can get help from me . I can ensure you that I will do everything that I can to help you". Then John starts telling about everything that happened in the healers hall from the way they sorted the things to find their parents to elder Shen Li asking them to hide their identity. " If everything you said was true then there is a threat to elder Shen Li's life. Though the matter seems simple outside many people might involve in the incident. If they were to know that we got suspicious about the missing case every one might be in danger. And as for your revenge it's going to be my revenge as well since my dearest friend's life is at line. But the important thing in hand is that you should get strong . I may not be a fire mage but I still have some basic cultivation methods. If you ask me every one have separate body and aura. Even though you are a fire mage like everyone else you can't cultivate the same technique as others if you want to grow stronger and want to be unbeatable, you should forge your own path. I can only show you the direction you should choose the path on your own. create your own fighting style and your own cultivation technique", said Elder Dao.

Then he said to the both of them to sit together cross legged and started to impart the knowledge of cultivation. The way to focus one's concentration and the way to absorb spiritual energy. Always keep your mind clean and positive. It helps you in future to strengthen your soul.

After imparting them the method of cultivation he started to explain the way to enter into the academy. As you guys can see there are thousands of students in the academy. Still there are lakhs of people out there cultivating without any guidance. It's just that academy can't provide the education and the cultivation resources to everyone. So we need to test the student's capability and choose the most talented one. And in order to maintain the equality we conduct the tests at multiple places and choose the people from different regions to ensure the equality in allocation of seats. Tests to select the people near the academy are over but there are still some regions that should still conduct the test. So we could try participating from that region. Normally it's not possible to enter the test of people from one region in another region but I have used some tricks and bought two entry passes for the test for both of you. We are going to take the test tomorrow. Hearing that, both of them jumped with joy.