John and shiv woke up early in the morning and started to cultivate according to the instructions given by elder Dao. As they started to concentrate on their cultivation, spiritual energy started to move slowly towards them. The concentration of spiritual energy in the room started to grow slowly.

John reached the nascent mage level in his previous body. The body presently he is using had never cultivated before. Hence he had to start from the beginning. The new body was a gift from a monk who saved him. The Monk specially made this body for John. His previous body couldn't put a candle in front of what his present body can do. The way his body absorb spiritual energy is one example. When he previously concentrated in the hut to get strong, he wasn't able to induce a sudden change in his body. he had to gradually improve his strength day by day. Now he can clearly feel the growth in his strength. Chi refinement level one, chi refinement level two…..he cultivated barely for ten minutes, he already reached chi refinement level five.

Elder Dao was preparing the meal for both of them to boost their strength and vitality before they go. Then he suddenly felt the sudden disturbance in spiritual energy and went to see what was happening in the room of the kids. When he knocked the door John and Shiv opened their eyes.

When they stopped cultivation they were covered with sweat with a stinky smell. John hurried to open the door. Seeing Elder Dao, John asked, "Elder, are we ready to go? ". Seeing both of them with stinky smell elder was out of words for a second. Since they lived out of the society its normal for them to not know about such things, thinking this, the elder said, "take a bath and come down I have prepared food to eat". We will be heading out after we had food. Hearing that John politely replied, "thank you for your help elder".

With an embarrassed look in his face john looked at Shiv. Shiv chuckled a little and said let's take a shower. Both of them went to take a shower. While John was taking shower he noticed one thing that Shiv had also advanced his cultivation to chi refinement level six. He was able to advance his cultivation swiftly due to the gift given to him by the elder. How did shiv manage to cultivate faster than him? Did shiv also have a gifted body? Or Shiv is smarter than him and was naturally able to do that? Actually, when shiv cultivated for the first time he cultivated body cultivation technique. It boasts one's physical strength. When he cultivated previously he cleared his body with spiritual energy, it's a method of body cultivation. One should clean his/her entire body with spiritual energy. Normally it will take months to reach the first level on cleaning as the amount of spiritual energy one can absorb is slower than Shiv.

"Whatever the reason may be, Shiv getting stronger is a good thing", thought John. After bathing they changed to a new pair of clothes that the elder had prepared for them and went down to eat.

The elder invited them and they started eating. Shiv grabbed a big bite and ate heartily. It's his first time eating such delicious food. After completing, elder Dao said, "we are going to Hongu city. Though it's a bit far from here I can take you there with my special technique within one hour". Generally, the procedure of the test is conducted by the local heads. The main aim of the test is to check the capacity and potential of the candidates so that the academy seat is given to the most suited candidate. The main rule is that the student should be above 14 years. The ability to cultivate starts at age 13 generally. And in this one year student would be able to reach chi refinement level five in the least to participate. "Don't worry about that, I'll impart my cultivation to you guys, with that you could reach chi refinement level five in few seconds". John then said, "elder, there is no need for that and released his aura". Seeing the aura emanated by John, the elder was dumbfounded. Seeing John releasing his aura shiv released his aura as well, chi refinement level six. How is that possible? how can you guys have this cultivation level and especially if they were this strong why wasn't be able to sense it. As his cultivation is higher than them he should be able to gauge their strength easily,

but he wasn't able to see through their cultivation. Is this one of the effects that monk gave them? After contemplating for a while he didn't bother to mention it but he explained the way one could be able to gauge others strength and explained how he wasn't able to see through their cultivation hence he asked them to leak their aura slowly so that others won't have any suspicion about them. Though there are rules and regulations to guide the people, there are still shadows were the strongest reign the most. Maintaining a low profile and humility will always save one from the danger. After giving them some guidance they set off for the entrance test. Elder quickly enveloped both of them in his magic and headed towards Hongu city.

After reaching the city, elder Dao got both of their names enrolled in the list with the tokens he had earlier. It was the afternoon when they reached. Contenders were standing one side, the elders and the clan heads of local clans along with the city lord were sitting on the stage. City lord wanted to invite elder Dao on to the stage but elder Dao gestured not to invite him. Elder Dao is a person who didn't have any interest in such issues and didn't want to stand out. He always tries to maintain a low profile. Since elder Dao can align his moments with nature no one noticed him gesturing to the city lord. Just the act of gesturing to city lord is enough to know the persons standing in the city. Hence elder Dao aligned with the nature gesturing to the city lord, as a result, no one noticed elder Dao.

As soon as shiv and john entered the contest an elder started to announce the test details and the type of tests that they have to go through. Though the contenders were standing near to each other one can clearly see the students that are standing in groups. Each clan have their offsprings to participate in the test every year so that their offspring would get strong soon and join their ranks strengthening their clan.

An elder started to announce the details of the test. First-round would be a running race. All the students should go out the city and start running when the signal is given and the first one to complete a lap around the city is the winner and we will select first forty students for the second round. In the second round, you have to win a fight against your given opponent and the one who wins will be selected.

Hearing the announcement people started to whisper among themselves. Then city lord stood up and said, 'I know what you guys are thinking as you guys know we used to get 18 seats every year but this year we get twenty seats'. I wish good luck for the contenders this year.