whit's and Gut's

Seeing that he won the second round shiv's eyes glowed bright as a sense of accomplishment engulfed him. words can't describe just how happy he was at the moment. With eyes as bright as day light shiv went to elder Dao and john.

In the beginning elder Dao just wanted to be a spectator but situations turned out in such a way that he can't remain as a spectator any more. Since his cover is blown there is no use in staying silent any more, "he stood up and ordered the city lord to continue with the test and after completing with it, take care of the formalities".

With a quivering tine city lord reply's "I'll take care of everything elder, and ill report the results as soon as possible". Hearing that elder Dao nodes ain approval and said, "I'll be heading back to academy", just as he said those words his magic aura expands and engulfed Shiv and John. Shiv and John looked at the city for one last time as the surrounding started to get blurred with in no time they started to move so fast that they can't see the surroundings.

…. After some time they reached elder Dao's residence. It's already evening by the time they reached. After reaching the home elder Dao said, "take rest I had some things to report in the academy so I'll be leaving and, will be back by later to night". Just as he said those words elder Dao vanished.

After elder Dao left the spot both of them were left alone. Shiv was all smiles as he won the match. Seeing the Shiv's happiness John was happy and sad at a time. Though things work out well in the end it wouldn't have been same if elder Dao isn't on their side. In the end strongest ones words were heard loud and clear. The other major thing that he noticed today was that in any situation one should stay humble and low profile. If not they won't even know what hit them before they died. Since the situation is like this on the exams then it would be even harder for them in the academy.

Thinking all this John wanted to cultivate until he reached the peak of this world. With this sudden inspiration he sat down and started to cultivate. Seeing John starting to cultivate Shiv also started to cultivate….

…..time passed by and the sky quickly darkened and the moon is soaring through the clouds. Bhoom… bhoom…. Both the John and shiv reached chi refinement level ten (chi refinement level ten is the pinnacle of chi refinement) just at this moment elder Dao reached his residence and heard two loud Bhooms... hearing the loud sound he knocked the door thinking that the two of them were messing around.

Hearing the knocks John opened the door. Seeing John elder Dao's eyes bulged in astonishment. With a surprised tone elder Dao asked, "you reached the chi refinement level ten already". Just when did the other party stated to cultivate, it haven't been a single day since the other party started cultivation yet he reached chi refinement level ten.

"Yes elder Dao, After you went I got some inspiration to cultivate so I started to cultivate and before I knew it I was already in chi refinement level ten". Hearing his explanation elder Dao went speech less. Just at this moment shiv walked out and said, "Elder Dao even I had reached the chi refinement level ten". Just at this moment that elder Dao wanted to jump into a hole to hide.

He is considered as a one of the top genius yet he took three months to reach chi refinement level ten. While comparing him with these two kids wouldn't he be useless? Thinking this matter will make him more frustrated so he said, "let's go inside and take some rest, I am tired"...

(…in earth element nation…..)

The entire city was on a up roar…two girls were fighting in the duelling ring…seeing that entire city was present at the city square a young man who just entered the city asked a spectator about what's happening over here. A middle-aged man replied, "do you see the girl in the blue dress with a pink flower on it, she is a girl fighting all the eligible candidate to join the academy".

"Are you saying that she is fighting all the contestants from the rock cliff city to join the academy".

"that's insane"! "Is it going to be a duel or a battle royal", asked the young boy.

"Apparently she wanted to take down on all of them at once but considering her safety all the elders proposed for a duel instead", said the middle-aged man.

"isn't that courting death. Just how powerful is she to challenge all at once", said the young man.

I don't know either, apparently, she wanted to join the academy but as she was from the village near the rock cliff city. Since she is from a remote area they didn't bother to test her ability to join the academy and rejected her. She then reported this matter to the city lord while he is holding a public meeting. In that situation, he can't either turn down the girl or he can't approve this matter as the reputation of the elders at stake as they were supposed to be impartial and guide the new talents to the academy. While he was contemplating about this matter she proposed to conduct a battle royal with her and the other selected students. If she is able to defeat them then the city lord should list her name on the list of students entering the academy".

Understanding the situation the young boy nodded in admiration gleamed up on his eyes. One should have both whit's and the gut's to pull this off. However, defeating twenty people one by one isn't an easy task either. As the person in question, she stood on the duelling ring waiting for the opponents to arrive.