Begining of the Duel

Under the curious gazes of the entire city and the city lord, a girl stood in the duelling ring with a nonchalant face. Standing in front of so many people would make a normal person feel nervous yet she stood in there like there is nothing in this world that could face her.

Seeing the brave girl most of the elders were already in awe of the girl. One of the elders asked, "why did the city lord accept this duel?"

"Surely a city lord need not take note of a complaint of a young girl right". Then another elder replied, "if the situation is normal she would have been trashed out for such actions as directly challenging the city lord, but the situation that she asked the city lord should be taken note. He was talking about raising funds for the rural development and this he even invited the elders of the academy so that the academy could provide some funding or lend their hands in the work. Since it's the rural development that he is talking about and she is also from a rural area and the complaint was that they rejected her from participating in exams as she is from the rural area, the city lord was stuck between the rock and a hard place. If he were to reprimand her from complaining he would be taking light of the people from a rural area and if he were to accept her complaint then that means he would be accepting that his elders were in the wrong.

On the other hand, if she were to defeat all the candidates then that means the standard of the students that the rock cliff city was offering to the academy isn't good on the other hand if he gets beaten up then that still wouldn't look good either, as defeating people of the same age as her that to all of them were considered as the top students that the rock cliff city would offer is hard so no one would blame her for getting defeated. On the contrary, everyone would blame the city lord for conducting such a duel".

Hearing his explanation the elder understands the situation properly. Just as he was looking at the girl in wonderment all the twenty students that were selected to join the academy this year arrived near the stage. There are fourteen men and seven girls. Out of which eleven boys were of earth element and rest of the three were fire element.

A student named Mu Fung was the top-notch and powerful one among them. He reached the chi refinement level nine with earth element cultivation. As he reached the stage his two lackeys who were also got selected to enter the academy stood on both sides.

An elder from the city lord command stood up and explained the rules. "This girl claims that she is an eligible candidate to join the academy but didn't get the opportunity so she challenged all of the eligible candidates for a duel". Hearing the elders words all the other candidates looked at her with disdain. The elder continued, "rules were simple try not to kill your opponent, and stop attacking if the opponent is hurt badly or unable to continue". After saying this he called out the one who scored the twenty earth place in the exam. He is a chi refinement level eight earth element cultivator. He is one of the two lackeys of the Mu Fung. Seeing his lackey is the first one to enter the stage Mu Fang said, "play with her till she uses up all her trump cards".

Hearing his boss giving a thumbs up by saying to play with her an arrogant smile kept on to his face as he entered the duelling ring he says a girl with beautifully dressed in blue,her face was like a beautiful painting with charming blue eyes, he got different plans for the girl in his mind. Just at this moment the elder who stood to conduct the duel rang the bell and said, "start". Shaking off his thoughts he tried to look at the girl but she suddenly vanished from the spot and before he knew it his vision went blur as he falls to the ground. Just with a single punch on his head, she managed to knock the first opponent. The entire crowd was in up roar Saying that she had cheated. As she moved even before he could make any move.

The elder rang the bell and the other lackey of Mu fung carried his friend down the stage. Seeing that there is no reply from the elder who stood as the examiner, every one frowned in displeasure. In truth, she hasn't cheated at all. When the elder said to start and rang the bell her opponent was shaking his head like a buffalo. So she used this opportunity to leap on to his back and gave a knocking punch. Hence it wouldn't be considered as cheating as the examiner already started the exam.

….another two of the contestants were eliminated with in single blow. Seeing this the crown who initially thought that she just won the first match with luck and cheating started to pay attention to her...

The third opponent was a wind element mage with chi refinement level eight cultivation. He quickly jumped on to stage as soon as his name was called. As soon as he entered the stage he used his elemental magic and created a wind tunnel and started to move around the stage with astonishing speed.

While he was moving with high speed she stood at the centre of the stage with eyes closed. As soon as the other party dashed towards her she just jumped up vertically and he got rammed into the crowd watching below the stage. as it seemed like he would dash into the crowd the elders below the stage who were watching closely inorder to ensure the safety, quickly formed a hand seal.

As soon as they made a hand seal a wall appeared while the wind elemental mage got rammed into the wall and got knocked. though the wind elemental mage had seen the wall appearing he was too fast to stop his momentum. at that moment he felt like crying. if he were to get rammed into the crowd at most he would have some minor injuries. however if he were to get rammed into a wall, he should be called lucky if he survived that ram.

With a single vertical jump, she easily won the fourth opponent as well. Seeing the amazing skills of the girl everyone was filled with wonderment. While the people were considering this as an eye feast the city lords face become black with anger.