Duel (1)

In the fifth round a girl from kai-clan, Kai Siya entered the ring. She had a proud look on her face. As soon as she entered the ring she whispered something in the ear of the opponent. However, her opponent just gave a cold smile. Seeing the smile that she gave to her Kai Siya was dumbfounded, didn't she hear what I just said? Is she dumb or something!

Seeing her acting like she won't care about anything she just said, a cold sweet dropped of her. Just as she was full of such thoughts the examiner rang the bell to start the duel. Both of them were ice element mages and both of them had already reached chi refinement level ten, both of them released their aura.

Just by the aura that they released entire stage went frozen solid on the stage while Kai Siya was getting chills from the frost while her opponent stood like its childs play to her. Gritting her teeth Kai Siya concentrated her magic energy on her palm. She was giving her all in this single strike as she knows her opponent isn't someone to play around. If she were to give any opening she would defeat her easily without a second thought. Though she whispered in her ear that she is from a high-status clan and would give her a lifetime worth money if she were to lose the fight, all she got was a cold smile as she didn't care about who you are? Where are you from? Once you enter my stage I will rule.

BZzzzzz… the ice elemental magic gathered in her was soo dense that it started to make bussing sounds. With a swift movement, she pushed her magic energy aiming at her opponent. While she was pushing her energy she was ready to aim her hand at her opponent as soon as she moves left or right. As it is a splash attack all she needs to do was to aim not too far from her opponent so that her opponent remains in the area of the attack.

However, as soon as she thrust her palm her opponent suddenly dashed towards her. Though Kai Siya aimed at her face she just bent two as side elegantly and punched her right in her stomach. As she was focusing completely on attack she didn't have any energy left to defend herself.

As soon as she got hit all she was able to see is her opponent earrings moving a little due to the disturbance created by her attack before as her palm missed a few inches gap from her earrings. The whole moment was so beautiful and her moments were elegant. There is only one word to describe her moment before, and that is "perfect".

After being punched she weekly fall to the ground. With the last bit of energy, she asked," what's your name?"

"Aarvi", she said with a voice that is cold yet beautiful just like her. Hearing her voice was like music, which one would thrive to hear again and again. Pung! The examiner strikes the bell stating the end of the round.

Seeing the new girl winning yet another round with a single move entire crowd broke into an uproar. One should know that each and every opponent that she is facing was the strongest young offspring that were selected to join the Mage Academy. Defeating five of them in a single go that to in a single move is no easy feat.

The crowd below the stage as soon as they heard her name went crazy. "Though you are just fourteen years old, I'll wait for you till you become my lover".

"Young girl Aarwi, I am rich and unmarried shall we get to know each other".

"Hey beautiful, my father is the esteemed Mori clan head, if you be my girl nothing can stop us".

"Hey stop trying to pursue her she is mine."

"Do you think the likes of you can get her charm? Dreams on."

….everyone started to shout out their feelings for her. She just gave a cold look and the entire crowd went silent. Seeing the way she controlled the crowd the city lord was astounded, not even he could pull something like that.

…she kept on fighting ten rounds were already over and the eleventh round was with the second lackey of the Mu Fung. He was an earth element mage with chi refinement level nine cultivation.

All of her opponents were strong but none of them had used any battle technique. If the cultivation strength is a bottle of paint then the paintbrush would be the battle technique. Without a proper brush to draw one can't paint the best painting they can. In a similar way without a proper battle technique, one cannot bring out the true might of the strength.

Since she was able to easily beat one after another with a single move just by her reflexes it is apparent that she got better battle senses that others….while the eleventh contestant was about to get on the stage Mu Fung said with a hushed voice, "you can't defeat her but you can injure her to make it easy for others to defeat her. Remember to stay put and wait for the opportunity".

Remembering his boss words he gets on the stage and released his cultivation gathered his magic and spiritual strength. Both of them stood still as the situation tensed up. He Is moving slowly along the edges while rotating around her. While he was moving she just stood at the spot without avoiding her gazes. While she was still thinking whether she should first attack or wait for his attack he quickly takes a step towards her and lifts the leg half of his height and quickly uses his momentum to just move from the spot. Seeing this everyone gets astounded, "did he just fake the move?" "Have you seen that? He just faked that move!" "He seems to be skilled in battle, will she be ok". The crowd started to whisper.

While he faked the move, he was expecting some reaction. That fake move was the first form of a battle technique which changes its form according to the response of the opponent. However contrary to his expectations she just stood still in defence. Seeing that his first try was a fail he got desperate to make a move on her. Then he gathered his magic energy and gathers few rocks to float around him slowly. After gathering enough rocks he shot all of them at her.

She quickly made an ice shield to block all the stones. While she was blocking he uses this opportunity to get close to her and pulls back his hand as he was about to punch her seeing this she took a step back as to get out of reach but contrary to her expectations he threw a stone which he was hiding in his fist the whole time. Though the rock is small he used his spiritual energy to throw it hence getting hit by it could easily tare off once flesh. Seeing that she had been scammed, she quickly channelled her elemental energy to form a shield over her body. But before the shield could form completely stone broke through the shield and hit her shoulder.