
The wind whistling, the sound of thunder that made the minds of men tremble, the salty water of the waves hitting the bow of the ship made the crew barely able to keep their eyes open.

"Come on men, hold on tight!" The lieutenant shouted as he held on to the mainmast.

The ship swayed with the waves and seemed to want to split in half. The rain left men shivering. And the thunder and lightning made them tremble in fear.


Lightning suddenly struck the sea near the ship, making the men blind and deaf for a brief moment.

While the men were trying to survive on the deck, Julio was in the kitchen trying to keep things in order because of the waves.

The sounds of the storm plagued him without ceasing.

Jin seemed to be sleeping but Julio knew that was impossible.

"What is the little shit thinking?" At this point in time, only an idiot would find the baby normal. Julio was almost certain that the baby was possessed by the ghost.

Even so, it never crossed Julio's mind to abandon the baby. For Jin's doubt.

Bang! Bang!

The sounds of nails that seemed to want to come off made Julio tremble with fear.

"Come on men, it won't be a small storm that will sink the shipwreck boat!" Meanwhile, the captain, who was trying to control the rudder, was screaming.

"Go fuck yourself old man!" The lieutenant shouted.

"I swear that after this storm is over I will drink until I pass out!" A dwarf struggling to hold on to one of the masts screamed.

"The storm is enough, dwarf! I don't want to feel your shit!" One of the men shouted back making the others laugh.


Lightning suddenly struck the side of the ship, making the entire crew disoriented again.

Suddenly, the man who did not have an eye and was at the bow of the ship shouted:

"Corals !! Turn to starboard!"

"Damn!" The captain shouted as he operated the rudder.

Before long, a creaking sound could be heard from across the hull.

"Damn iron islands and their damned drowned God! Damn these stepstones!" The lieutenant shouted.

Having narrowly avoided the corals, the captain was sweating as he tried to remember the last troubled storm.


A noise from afar was heard by the crew.

"Don't look at men, one of the ships must have hit the corals. Pray to your damned gods that we won't be next!" The captain shouted as he smiled bitterly.


The storm continued for hours, until finally the ship appeared to be leaving the center of the storm.

From a distance the captain looked at three Greyjoy ships.

"Perhaps only one has sunk and the other has just left formation" The lieutenant tried to comfort.

The captain shook his head and sighed

"It doesn't matter, from the beginning it makes no difference whether we go alone or with a few more ships."

"Then why did you ask for Balon's support?" The lieutenant asked confused.

"Why is it convenient to have several lizard tails." The captain replied in a low voice, making the lieutenant tremble.

"The storm deviated us a little from our original route, but we were lucky it wasn't worse." The man if an eye came up and said.

"Perhaps the other Greyjoy ship will have to go alone until our next stop." The lieutenant nodded and said.

"Captain!" Suddenly, Julio left the interior of the ship while carrying Jin in his arms.

"What a surprise! You survived the storm!"

"I thought the kitchen knives would jump in your throat!"

Ignoring the words of the crew, Julio went to the deck.

"What's it?" The captain asked Julio.

"Because of the storm, part of the food supply has become unusable." Julio replied

The lieutenant frowned and asked how.

Julio put his hand behind his head and replied with embarrassment:

"It turns out that I left the cleaning supplies a little bit close to the stock, and in the storm some products fell on the food."

The men looked at each other and the captain said:

"It will take us a while to get to Tyrosh. How many days can the current stock last?"

"Three at most." Julio replied

"It's enough, even if we don't arrive in Tyrosh in three days, it's not like we're going to die if we don't eat for a few days."

"The crew needs a good meal after going through such a brutal storm. There is no need to ration the food."

After hearing the captain's words, Julio sighed and went to the kitchen.

After seeing Julio leave, the lieutenant asked the captain in a low voice:

"Don't you think that baby is strange? Since they boarded I haven't seen him cry even once, and sometimes I notice him looking at me strangely ..."

"It doesn't matter, Julio is our cook now. We are as loyal to our men as they are to us." The captain turned and then, looking into the lieutenant's eyes, asked:

"You, more than anyone, understand this, right?"

The lieutenant sighed and nodded with a serious look.

"Great, after we stop in Tyrosh I want you to buy new stocks of food. Take Julio with you." The captain then turned and put his hands on the stern pulpit as he looked at the Greyjoy ships.

Seeing that the captain no longer wanted to talk, the lieutenant then went to put down the candles, since it was windy enough.

"Bastards! Now that the storm is over, why hasn't anyone put down the damn candles?"

"Did the storm make you shocked? If so, I think you'd better give up on this expedition."

After hearing the lieutenant's words, the crew got a little angry and one of the men shouted:

"Go to shit lieutenant!"

Soon after, (sound of something falling into the water).

"Let him go up alone!" The lieutenant spoke as he started to loosen the cables.

The crew was silent and started to work.

After a few days, land could be seen, and when they approached the island, the lost Greyjoy was spotted.

After getting a little closer to the island, from a distance Julio, who was on the deck, saw a tall tower at the mouth of a port.

"Tyrosh, the city of the bleeding tower and famous for its great walls and commerce." The captain came to Julio's side and spoke.

"We are technically in Essos, what are you going to do?" He then asked

After hesitating for a moment, Julio replied:

"Tyrosh doesn't have a good reputation for old people and children. I'm afraid it won't be long before the baby and I are sold into slavery."

The captain just laughed and walked away.

Jin, who was as usual in Julio's embrace, looked at him and thought:

-But that stubborn old man, why doesn't he just admit wanting to continue on this ship?

Julio seemed to have noticed Jin's vision as he pinched the baby's nose.

"You don't know anything, little bastard. If we stay in Tyrosh it is really possible that we will be captured and sold as slaves"

Jin snorted and closed his eyes as if to say "do what you want". For Julio's fun.

After the ship entered the port, the men began to hoist the sails and prepare to dock.

After everything was fixed, the lieutenant called Julio to go to the Tyrosh markets.

After getting off the ship and going in a small boat to the docks, the lieutenant asked:

"Why are you bringing this baby up? You still don't trust us enough to leave the baby alone for a while?"

Julio shook his head and then sighed.

"That's not it, it's just that ..."

"You do not need to answer if you do not want." The lieutenant cut Julio's speech.

Julio smiled bitterly and looked at Jin.

Jin was as always with his eyes open and looking distracted.

-I hope the little shit remembers everything I'm doing for him when he grows up.

Julio thought secretly.

After going to the markets, Julio and the lieutenant spent some time buying food stocks and ordering the vendors to deliver them to the docks.

At a certain point, Julio asked:

"It's really a lieutenant, you and the captain never said your names before ..."

"AND?" The lieutenant asked back.

"What's your name?"

"... Since the day I boarded that ship, I abandoned my previous name. The same goes for the captain. You don't have to care so much about it." The lieutenant sighed and answered.

Julio then nodded and said nothing more.

The ride back to the docks was peaceful, until suddenly a boy ran into Julio, almost knocking him over.

The lieutenant quickly grabbed Julio and asked if he was okay.

Julio was about to nod when he realized something was missing.

The baby was missing!


Julio almost screamed and looked around in panic.

"The baby! The boy took the baby!"

After hearing Julio, the lieutenant got serious and started looking too.

But to Julio's panic, no matter how hard they looked, they didn't find the baby.

Meanwhile, Jin was looking with interest at his kidnapper, a boy.

The boy ran through several alleys until he finally arrived at a small slave market.

After approaching a red-haired woman, the boy said:

"Madam, I brought the baby as you asked."

The woman smiled and gave the boy some coins, making him go away.

The woman, with Jin in her arms, looked deeply into his eyes.

-Fuck !! You must be kidding me!

Jin thought while trying to control facial expressions.

He has never seen the woman before, but he knows who she is. Red hair, red robes, red eyes and a necklace with a red stone.

Who in the world could it be if not Melisandre?

Despite not being completely sure, Jin was almost convinced that it was her despite the different facial features.

Since Game of thrones is a series based on a book, and the book does not show the exact characteristics of melisandre. It is possible for people in this world to look different from the series.

This is Jin's speculation.

"Green eyes ..." The woman supposed to be Melisandre murmured.

Sensing Melisandre's deep gaze, Jin tried to remain calm and looked back.

After a brief silence, Melisandre looked a little disappointed and shook her head.

"I don't understand ..." She murmured.

Jin looked a little confused by her reaction, but he also relaxed, as it seemed that she couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.

The woman then started to take Jin somewhere, arriving after a few minutes in a small temple.

Jin was a little nervous where they were going, but after seeing the temple that had an emblem of a flaming heart, he understood what was going on.

Since he saw the candles go out and light in the temple of the Seven in Westeros, Jin was certain that the Gods of this world, somehow, were aware of his existence.

The fact that possible Melisandre suddenly finds him and takes him to the temple may mean that the Gods are at least trying to communicate with him.

-I just hope that I am not burned at any bonfire.

Jin thought bitterly.

After entering the temple, Jin saw other red priestesses, who, strangely, looked a bit like each other, despite the different colors of their hair, and was taken to a small altar.

The woman put Jin on the altar and then seemed to pray.

There were chandeliers all over the room, and the flames on their candles seemed to increase slightly.

- "Boy ... Listening?"

Suddenly, a slightly familiar voice resonated in Jin's mind

-... Consciousness?

-"...Yes, me." The voice answered

-What is your current relationship with the gods of this world?

Jin went straight to the point and asked.

The voice, however, did not respond immediately, speaking after a while:

- "Faith ... essential to ... communicate ..." The voice answered

Jin frowned a little and said:

-This makes things a little complicated, it is impossible for me to have faith in these gods, even though I know they exist.

- "No ... need ... I-- the source--" The voice tried to communicate but seemed to be cut off by something.

Suddenly the candles went out, leaving the room a little dark.

Jin then sighed and thought:

-It seems that maintaining a communication with the conscience will be a little problematic. Although I don't understand why this is so.

-In addition, I think that the relationship of these gods with consciousness can be caused by the GT of this universe ...

While Jin created conjectures and tried to understand things, the woman stood up.

Looking at the baby on the altar, the woman bit her lip a little and left, leaving Jin alone.

Although Jin didn't understand this, he didn't care. He didn't live ten thousand years for nothing. If he wanted, he would have already found some way to facilitate Julio's searches, even if he have to pay a price for it.

But he wants to try to communicate more with the conscience to obtain information.

Julio can just wait a while.

After several hours at the altar, Jin started to get hungry and the improvised frauds started to stink.

-! # @ $

While cursing, Jin can only endure shame.

The stench seemed to have reached the priestesses as one of them went to the altar and took Jin to another place.

After the priestess bathed Jin she took him to a nurse at a nearby establishment.

It was the first time that Jin sucked the tits of another woman if not his own mother. But he was not happy about it, since his body is that of a baby and there is a lack of hormones to make anything pleasurable.

While Jin overcame the trauma of forcing the milk, the priestess took him back to R'hllor's altar.

Upon reaching the altar room, another priestess dressed Jin in a small red robe.

After placing Jin on the altar again, the priestess smiled slightly and lit the candles one by one, leaving the room shortly after.

Jin suddenly started to get sleepy and, before he could avoid it, fell asleep.

But soon Jin, who was dreaming, instinctively felt that something was out of place.

Suddenly Jin's dream began to distort, forming images of places that Jin had never seen before.

A great endless jungle, beings that looked like dragons flying in flocks, a great ice dragon on a frozen lake, a ruin in the middle of fog, too many islands to count, and several other scenes.

Suddenly, a spectacular scene was shown, a space rock with a reddish hue seemed to orbit a planet. This was the last and most enduring scene.

Suddenly Jin woke up, panting, and, turning his little head, Jin saw the supposed Melisandre praying beside the altar.

-"Comet ... Red ... Come ..." The voice in his mind started to get weaker and weaker until suddenly it disappeared and all the candles went out.

The chandeliers cracked into pieces, and blood came out of the priestess' nose.

The woman then stopped praying and stood up, looking at Jin the woman said:

"I don't know if you are the one who was promised, but I know that you will be something ..."

The woman then put Jin in her embrace and said:

"I'll take you back to your grandfather, I hope I'm sorry for that little one." She said as she gently squeezed Jin's nose.


Jin suddenly felt conflicted.

Seeing the small change in Jin's expression, the woman laughed lightly and took him to the altar room, where the priestess who washed Jin was waiting.

"And then?" The priestess asked.

"I think he is not the one we are looking for, but I think he will also play an important role for the lord of light." The woman replied.

The priestess looked a little disappointed but she shook her head and said:

"You must hand it over to those responsible." And left.

The woman smiled slightly and hissed.

Soon, the same boy who kidnapped Jin appeared.

"Take the boy to the old man who carried him."

The boy then took Jin in his arms and left.

Seeing the boy going far, the woman sighed and put her hand under the necklace.

After some time, the boy somehow found Julio, who was still looking for Jin with other crew members.

Seeing this, Jin felt for the first time lucky to have met the old man.

The boy put Jin on an empty merchandise table and threw a rock at Julio.

Julio then looked in the boy's direction and went towards him but the boy ran away.

Even so, Julio was relieved to see Jin safe and sound, even though he didn't understand it.

The lieutenant then approached Julio, looked at Jin and murmured:
