
"Red, huh?"

The captain was talking in his cabin with the lieutenant.

"Those red psychopaths ... what did they want with the little one?" The captain asked himself.

"It's really strange, at first I thought it was the work of a slave trader. But to think that the followers of the red god would be involved ..."

After a brief silence, the captain said:

"If they kidnap the baby just to make him a priest, I could understand since there are such reports."

"But the baby just magically came back, and in a red robe made of fine silk."

After a brief moment of hesitation, the lieutenant spoke:

"Captain, let's be frank, we know that this baby is not normal since we left the port of the Lannisters, and now with that ... Is it really a good idea to take this baby with us?"

"What do you mean?" The captain frowned.

"This baby can be a bad omen, it can bring bad luck to us." The lieutenant explained.

The captain, as if looking at an idiot, said:

"Do you believe in superstitions? For the love of the gods. If the little one were really going to bring disgrace to this ship, we would have sunk in that storm!"

"I don't believe in superstitions, but I believe in the gods! Have you heard the reputation of the red god in western Essos? He's as psychopathic as his followers." The lieutenant replied

"Stupid! Even if that is true, what choice do we have? If we abandon the baby now it is very likely that we will not arrive in Braavos! If the red god is as they say ..." The captain raised his voice slightly and knocked hand on the table.

After hearing the captain, the lieutenant was unable to reply.

After a brief silence, the lieutenant then left the cabin, leaving the captain with his hand on his forehead.

After sighing deeply, the captain lay down on his bed and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Julio was in the kitchen looking at Jin seriously.

"Little bastard, what did they do to you?" He said as he ran his hands over the red robe.

"This is no ordinary silk ... I heard from the lieutenant that this may represent a certain cult that I have never heard of."

Jin looked at Julio and thought distractedly:


Suddenly, the lieutenant entered the kitchen and asked:

"So? Is the baby okay?"

Julio nodded his head.

"Great, we'll be leaving at dawn." He said while looking deeply at Jin.

Realizing this, Julio asked:

"What's it?"

The lieutenant shook his head and said:

"Be more careful with this baby, and pray to your gods ..." He then left, leaving Julio a little confused by his manner.

Jin however understood the lieutenant's reaction a little.

-I think I better avoid this kind of situation the next time I notice something is wrong.

Even though he possessed the baby, Jin still manages to use his soul powers, albeit to a lesser extent.

He could have simply made the boy disoriented by a spiritual disturbance and let Julio react quickly.

But he was simply feeling a lot of boredom since he possessed the baby, so decide to watch.

Even in the worst case, he could have killed half a dozen men, paying a price.

So much study time and a solid soul have given Jin a good ability to survive, despite his lack of experience.

An ordinary soul, even with so much knowledge, would not be able to use soul energy without proper training.

Jon can just skip this training and use his knowledge directly. Although in a limited way.

But Jin hopes he will learn little by little, and in time will be able to use his knowledge to its full potential.

Julio watched the baby's distracted gaze and smiled slightly.

"It seems that I worried for nothing ..." He murmured.

Julio then went to a corner of the kitchen where he usually sleeps, and with the baby beside him, he fell asleep.

Jin, seeing this, smiled despite himself and also fell asleep.

After the dwarf woke him, Julio went to cook.

After an hour or so, the crew came to fill the dishes and spread out to eat.

"Captain, how long will it take us to get to Braavos?" Julio asked.

"One or two storms, they say the weather to the north is not favorable ..." The captain replied

Julio pursed the corners of his mouth but was silent.

"Two to four weeks depending on the weather and the wind." The lieutenant then explained.

Julio nodded while holding Jin in his arms.

"Are you in a hurry?" The captain then asked.

Julio just smiled bitterly and shook his head.

The captain looked at Julio deeply and left the kitchen.

"It will be a long journey, but not as long as the ones to come. You must choose even Braavos, old man." The lieutenant said and also left.

Julio then looked at Jin and sighed.

Jin, in particular, thinks that going on an expedition can be interesting, however, until he grows up, the risks of suffering a violent death on the high seas are not insignificant.

Staying in Braavos, however, can offer a safer environment for your growth.

Julio knows that, even so, in the time he spent with the crew on that ship, he created some bonds without realizing it.

Julio is almost 50 years old, and having such an "exciting" experience made his blood boil in a long time.

Julio never liked the idea of ​​growing old on a farm, but he felt he had no choice.

Now that he has the opportunity to spend the rest of his life on an adventure, he can't just ignore it.

Jin, seeing this, also felt conflicted.

It is not as if he could speak directly in the old man's mind or simply speak, since the voice of a newborn baby with no teeth is almost impossible to understand.

Jin has already thought of speaking into the old man's mind directly, but he just doesn't dare because of the risk of injuring Julio.

The difference between the two souls is simply huge, Jin needs to first remember what he learned and practice.

Jin doesn't care much about the practice, there are many people in this world that he considers he doesn't need to live.

Rapists, murderers and thieves. Jin, despite not considering himself a good person, makes a point of killing these people if given the opportunity.

(Jin can be considered a hypocrite in a way, but this is talk for another time.)

The shipwreck boat untied from the island of Tyrosh and lowered the sails towards Braavos along with the Greyjoy ships.

Near the bay of Pentos they encountered a strong storm and a Greyjoy ship had to dock in the port of Pentos for maintenance.

It took a week before the damage to the hull was repaired and they were finally able to continue their journey to Braavos.

Although they encountered another storm when they were already close to the trembling sea, it was not so wild and just made the crews get a little more wet.

"By the Gods, these summer storms are fucking boring." The captain cursed.

Jin, in Julio's arms, looked at the Titan of Braavos that was getting bigger and bigger.

Roar !!

When the ships approached, the Titan made a great roar.

Julio took a step back in fright.

Jin thought:

-It's really amazing, watching in person is different from watching on television.

"Hoist the sails!" The lieutenant shouted.

"Paddle your bastards!" Julio could hear the captain's scream at the bottom of the ship.

After a few minutes, the ship entered the great lagoon of Braavos.

When the ship finally got close enough to the port to lower the anchors, the lieutenant, sweating, came to Julio's side and said:

"We are going to spend time in Braavos, the captain has business in the iron bank."

Julio nodded and, smiling, said:

"I believe I must have a good meal now that we are finally here."

The lieutenant looked a little surprised, but he smiled too, patted Julio on the shoulders and left.

"We are getting hungry old."

"That baby of yours is making me salivate."

The men, who were close enough to hear Julio's conversation, spoke as they licked their lips.

The crew simply fell in love with Julio's food, although they never openly praised him.

Julio smiled bitterly and went to the kitchen.

After a good meal, the captain came to Julio's side and asked:

"Do you want to come with me? Maybe you want to see some Braavos before you decide to stay or go with us."

Julio nodded his head.

"Captain, our wine is running out!" The dwarf shouted.

"Give me the money, no one here but you drink wine. Everyone drinks good old rum."

The dwarf hesitated and said:

"Discount my salary!"

The captain looked at the dwarf with a strange expression and said:

"Have you forgotten? You don't work for me. Why the hell would I pay you a salary?"

"It's not just a captain, I work as hard as the others!"

"The others are not like you, Runten."

The dwarf then fell silent and sighed, taking a small bag of coins from his pocket.

"This is my last reservation, buy the best wine you can find!"

"The dwarf is a magician, every time he runs out of money he makes more appear" A nearby man murmured to Julio.

"He has said" last reserve "ten times since he was captured by the lieutenant." Another man murmured.

"Captured?" Julio asked.

"What are you guys mumbling about?" The captain suddenly asked.

The men shook their heads and walked away.

"Come on, the iron bench doesn't wait." The captain said.

Julio followed him hastily.

Braavos is the most powerful and influential free city. It is formed by hundreds of islets clustered around a lagoon in the narrow sea.

The islets are linked together by small stone bridges, forming canals throughout the city.

Braavos is governed by the Lord of the Sea and has a giant stone and bronze as an entrance mark, which Julio and the others saw. The Titan of Braavos.

It is also the seat of the powerful iron bank, where the captain has business to do.

One of the peculiarities of Braavos is the apparent acceptance of all beliefs in the known world, reflected in a considerable number of temples in the city. An example is the black and white house, which serves the god of many faces.

Jin had to admit that Braavos is probably the most imposing city he has ever seen, its aura reminds him a little of the great tower made by Karth, where he studied.

After walking for a long time between the streets of Braavos and crossing some bridges, the trio (Captain, Julio, baby [Jin]) arrived in front of the building of the iron bank.

The building had an aura of the passage of time, a sand color and several windows.

Comparing with the contractions of the earth, Jin would say that the building was the height of a 5- to 7-story building.

"The iron bench will receive its due." The captain murmured.

After arriving in front of the main entrance, the guards stopped them and asked if they had scheduled an audience before.

After the captain showed the guards a letter, they let them in.

"Don't move where you shouldn't, wait in the main hall and a bank employee will attend."

After entering the hall, they saw a large table with large chairs on one side and only two benches on the other.

Behind the table were large doors.

The captain looked at Jin and sat on one of the benches with his arms crossed.

Julio sat down and Jin looked around while feeling a little bit of nostalgia.

Although not exactly the same in the series, Jin thinks that, based on his memories, the difference is not so great.

They waited for a long time, Julio even started to wonder if they would be attended to or not.

Soon after he thought that, however, the doors opened and three men sat on the chairs.

"Welcome to the iron bench."

"The captain of the famous shipwreck boat, I hope you haven't scheduled an audience for anything." The man sitting in the center said.

"Hah! Arrogant as always, Nero Cyrus." The captain said without a trace of politeness.

"And you are ... as always, too." The man named Nero said.

"I know you don't like small talk, so I'll get to the point." The captain said as he took out a piece of paper.

Putting the paper on the table the captain said:

"We've done this before, right? You know I'm good, so why don't you just give me your damn gold to advance my side?"

The man on the left side of Nero asked:

"A map? Don't tell me that we're talking about a treasure hunt?"

The captain looked at him with a look that said "are you an idiot?" and was silent.

After a brief silence, Nero said:

"It is incomplete."

"Of course it is incomplete, you must be smart enough to know why."

Ignoring the captain's words, Nero said:

"From what I see, it is not a map of a well-known place."

"Of course not, this is a map of what is left of a part of the Valyrian penis."

Frowning, Nero asked:

"What are you looking for in such a cursed place? Kings have already died with their fleets in that place while searching for wealth."

"Do you really think I'm going to say it?" The captain scoffed.

The man on Nero's right side frowned and asked:

"How do you want the iron bank to invest in an expedition without even knowing the details?"

"My reputation is enough already. You will have to bet on me if you want to have the chance to be able to the world ..." The captain replied in a mysterious tone.

"This is ridiculous!" The two men on Nero's side spoke and stood up.

"The iron bank cannot bet on you, especially when you are going to a place with so many dangers and mysteries." Nero said but also added:

"But I can, I will give you the gold you need, in return, I want a division equal to what you find in that place"

The other bankers looked at him in shock and the captain laughed.

"I knew you had the balls, Nero. I never lose a bet, you must know that."

"I will need a few more ships, the Greyjoys helped me so we will have to leave in three equal parts, if you know what I mean"

Nero looked disdainfully at the captain and said:

"Still with your old tricks."

The captain just laughed and continued:

"I'm going to need some barrels of flammable westeros liquid as well, and you know that these things are a little expensive, since they are not sold by 'ordinary' means."

Nero snorted and said:

"Now that the mad King is dead and Robert Baratheon has just been crowned king, there is no better time to buy 'live fire'."

"But I wonder why you want to carry something so dangerous. Does it have any use in your plan?"

The captain smiled mysteriously and did not answer.

Irritated by the captain's attitude, Nero suddenly stood up and prepared to leave, but was stopped by the captain, who said:

"I would like to ask a favor, Nero. Something like a gesture of sincerity for our cooperation."

"It is what it is?" Nero asked tiredly.

The captain then pointed to the baby [Jin] and said:

"While we're on the treasure hunt, I want you to take care of this child."

Everyone was shocked, and Julio, in particular, was a little bewildered.

"... Do you want me to take care of a child?" Nero asked with a strange look.

The captain shook his head and explained:

"You don't need to take care of yourself, you just need to provide shelter, food and education until the child can survive alone."

A silence reigned in the hall, until Julio asked:

"Captain, what does that mean?"

"Old man, do you think I don't know why you don't want to go with us?"

"You are worried about this baby, so you were hesitant to go with us."

"And you are right to be concerned, this expedition will be dangerous and even and the entire crew can die if a misstep is taken."

"Therefore, I think the best way to resolve this impasse is to leave the child here in Braavos in the care of someone with the minimum of honor to be called honorable."

After hearing the captain's explanation, Nero just hmphed and Julio was silent with a complex look.

Jin, who was just watching, made a decision.

"-Go ~"

A sudden silence seemed to take over even the minds of the people in the room.

Everyone's eyes widened as they looked at the baby in Julio's arms.

Jin ignored it and said while looking directly into Julio's eyes:

"-Go ~" Baby Jin's voice resonated.

-Fuck! I knew that speaking now would be strange, but to think it would be so acute!

While enduring the shame, Jin continued to look Julio in the eye.