Chapter 9

(The Next Morning, Training Ground 7, 8 A.M)

"you are late!" Shiro told blade...

"Thanks for keeping the eye for me mate, I don't wanna be the center of Akira's attention again, she got one hell of a temper"

"Sure no problem, do you have it?"

Asked Shiro.

"What do you think?"

Blade grin and took out the orange book... the famous Icha Icha Paradise...

''Still, I don't know how you can like that garbage.''

Shiro said with a grimace as he pointed to the book.

''Don't let yourself be fooled by the genre, the book it's good. It has more than just mindless sex, you know?''

Said Blade calmly.

Shiro snorted incredulously at the statement. ''Yeah right.''

''Why don't you try it and see for yourself, then?''

''I would rather be caught dead than reading that shit.''

''Come on, You can start from the first one to get the whole story. Just give it a read, it won't hurt you.''

Blade pulled a second book from his vest, but this one was colored orange instead of the green one he just bought. ''I'll even lend you my personal copy.''

''Why are you carrying that? You already read that one, didn't you? So what's the point?''

''No particular reason.'' Blade shrugged his shoulders. ''So what do you say? Accept my offer?''



Blade grinned as Shiro hesitantly grabbed the book.

"What are you guys doing?", Akira Chimed in... Startling both


Blade facepalmed at Shiro's over-reaction.

That day, Blade got a good beating from Akira, and Shiro was saved from becoming another pervert in the long line of them.


"So! Training! What do you all want to learn first? Let's start with you Blade"

"Can I learn Ninjutsu, I wanna throw non stop train of Jutsus at my enemies"

Yukimura sensei grin, "Sure, We will start with your Tree-Climbing Excercise"

Shiro chimed in, "Don't we all have to do it? Since it's... Basic"

"Yes, but Akira is from a Very Large Clan and already learned it, and you already did it in your academy days"

"Really?". Both Akira and Blade looked at Shiro like he is some kind of god or something.

Watching Shiro sighing Yukimura sensei changed the chain of discussion, "Akira, you next"

"I wanna learn Taijutsu, something that could increase my reaction speed and power"

"Blade can help in that, he is good at Taijutsu and you can help him in the tree climbing exercise, are we good?"

"Yes Sensei", came in the reply from both Akira and Blade

"Shiro, you will train with me"

"You don't wanna know, what I want to learn?"




Yukimura sensei was standing in front of Shiro.

"Why do you think I am personally training you"

"Because I am weak", Shiro said that without a single hesitation.

"That's right, you are weak, with the current you, you can only play the support role, even if you go against 1 on 1 you need to prepare a lot... that's not very reliable"

"I understand sensei"

"I learned about your condition as your teacher from Hokage sama"


"From what I was told, your physical weakness can't be overcome, it's not a matter of Talent, but the matter of your body... But I refuse to believe that, do you understand"


"We don't need you to be super powerful, as long as you touch someone, they froze right? We will use that"

"Uh? How?"

"We will work on your Mutated Ice, and develop a way to increase your speed. It will not just allow you to attack but also to run away. The higher the speed the better"

"YES", Shiro was finally excited

Seeing the excited Shiro, Yukimura sensei smiled Kindly, "In a battle, we need a close-range attack option, a long-range attack option, a defensive option and speed with reaction to match it..."

"No matter how hard we try your reaction speed can't be increased, Your Body is not meant for that, that's why we will go to the alternate way"

"Alternate way?"

"Yes, Alternate way, that is to make you react to opponent move before they even begin to move, We will make you a sensor, you are not a natural-born sensor, that's why it will be hard to do it"


2 Weeks went by, and Team 6 prepared and trained with everything they got.

Yukimura sensei watched Shiro at night, practicing his chakra sensing. As the boy sits in a meditation position.

Utilizing his freezing ability in a non-traditional manner, Shiro is able to sense the presence of others, though not by their chakra. It's not possible to do it for him, he is not a chakra sensor.

Opening up his abilities, Shiro sends out small traces of freezing chakra throughout the entire area.

He is able to able to sense beings that produce heat...

'Just 2 weeks and he is already able to sense others.. what a monster'

Yukimura sensei gulped and remembered the conversation with Hokage sama, a few days ago.

'That heart, it's too mythical, No matter how much we study or research about it, we still don't know anything. I don't even know where Orochimaru got his hands on that thing... And do you know the worst thing is, despite that heart making Shiro's body a glass cannon, that can be killed just from a single stroke, it's increasing his chakra supply and regeneration alongside chakra control, not to mention his talent in controlling that mutated Ice is growing day and night... His talent is just monstrous.'

'Does that mean he can fire non stop amount of Jutsu'

'Oh yes, he can, but do not mistake it as him being invincible, he will die even if someone slap him a little hard'

Shiro opened his eyes and looked at Yukimura Sensei.

"Very Good, with it, You will know the moment your opponent will make even the slightest movement. You just need to be proficient in using it, try to keep it active the entire time, even if it's not dangerous or you are in Village"

Shiro nodded...

"It's time to start working on that attack and defense option"


"Let's go to the mission desk and get our fist D-rank!" Yukimura sensei cheerfully starts walking away

"Come on boys! Yukimura Sensei and I are going to beat you there!" Akira that girl is way too happy. She must not know what D-ranks mean.

One Week Later...

"I hate D-ranks! Why is painting a fence a mission!" Akira angrily smacks her paintbrush into the half-painted fence after a measly five minutes of silence.

"I find painting fences to be one of the better missions. I get to use my chakra strings! It's Best Mission Ever"

Blade Sentance earned him a glare