Chapter 15

(Next Morning)

The Entire Village heard a piece of shocking news...

The Village bank vault has a shocking amount of Wealth...

This brought the question of where did this money come from...

Many Hypothesis, a kind-hearted man donated this money.

Maybe, someone can't seem to swallow the poor Condition of the village and did a charity.

"Hey, I believe it's Gato's money... Remember, yesterday, someone blew the Building where Gato's goons reside"

One of the Villager said it...


There was chaos in the village after that... No one wished to the part of the Gato's revenge.

They created chaos, one party saying to throw the money away, another party saying to keep the money and give it to the Goons coming to get it... while the third party saying to use the money for themselves... It's their money, to begin with.

In the midst of the chaos, one villager, get out of that chaos and disappeared into an Alley...


The Breakfast at Tazuna's house is quite lively...

"Hey Bastard Shiro, where were you yesterday"

Naruto asked eating and talking at the same time...

"I was scouting", Shiro answered

"Huh? was there something to scout"

Sakura asked...

And Shiro looked at her

She shrank her neck, It's better if she didn't talk in the first place, but her curiosity just killed the cat

"I am scouting the money"


'He is not mad anymore?'

"What do you mean", Blade asked coming out of Kitchen in an Apron

And putting the wares of the Food...




"You know, I am not even gonna ask you anything", Shiro shrugged his shoulders

"It's the love of my life that change--

"Yes Yes, we heard it, every time we meet a girl in the mission, Now, sit here, and Eat", Yukimura sensei said






Everyone turned to see the sound source... Kakashi Hatake

Kakashi giggle, reading the Icha Icha Paradise, at the dining table, in front of children

Shiro facepalmed.

"I am surrounded by a bunch of perverts", Tazuna sighed

"So, What were talking about? Scouting the money? what does that mean", Blade asked sitting down on a chair

"I believe even if we kill Zabuza and Gato and complete our mission, People here still will be very poor... Not to mention this bridge is useless in short term and Tazuna won't have enough money to pay for A-rank Mission in a short time either"

"What do you mean... This bridge is my people's hope"

"Yes, This bridge is the hope of your people's, It will enable the trade route... But, think of it this way Tazuna san, Trade is when someone TRADE something, In this case, it will be like the traders will be giving it you guys for free... If that's even possible in the first place"


"You guys have the manpower that is willing to put in the work... Just a bit of money and the trade will be possible... To feed this many people, for a long time, You need lots of money, you need resources, You need food & water"

"H-how will we?"

"Leave it to me... I will rob Gato clean, Just focus on building that Bridge of yours"


That was when Inari, a ten-year-old boy came, He was Tsunami's son and was kind of a brooder, not on Sasuke's level but close. No one is on the same level as Sasuke when it comes to being a brooder.

"Why do you guys even try, Gatō will kill all of you just like everyone else before you," he said with a scowl on his face.

"Well whatever I'm not so weak that I would be killed by a pathetic piece of garbage, who hides behind others, and besides I'm not like you," Naruto said almost yelling.

"Well, I'm glad that I'm not like you as well. What do you know of suffering, you are always smiling, laughing, I bet you are treated like some kind of celebrity in your village," Inari yelled

Inari puffed and went off to somewhere

"Inari, My boy, come back, Inari"

"Why that bastard", Naruto stood up and went out as well

"Naruto... Naruto stop, He is just a kid"

Sakura decided to stop Naruto fearing what's he gonna do...

"Sakura, Let him go, He will bring Inari back", Shiro said



"Tch", She sits back.

Sasuke stood up as well

"Huh? Sasuke Kun?"

But he didn't answer and went off.

"I will be leaving as well", Shiro stood up as well, "Tazuna san, it's better if you don't leave our protection, you and your daughter and grandson as well"

"Why? What are you going to do?"

"I have already done, what I have to do... I am now just waiting for the fish to take the bait"

Blade seeing every male of the two groups leaving one after another... Decided to leave as well.

"I... will be going to Tsunami san, She might be really sad after her child left just like that"


"Blade, Go and train"

"But Sensei"



Blade stood at the distance as he watches Gato goons, killing people.

Soon there was a glow of a fire and the village was burning.

"I will ask you again, Who stole the money from Gato"



One of the goon whipped an Elderly man...

"P-Please show mercy, we don't know who did it"

The men's horses neighed and Shiro saw a weak, scraggly looking villager being cut by the goon.

"Last chance who--"

There was a hand tapped on his shoulder

"Take the money and few people, and then let's go"

"But Sire"

"They don't know anything, if they did, they wouldn't be here waiting for us... and Besides, these loyal low life dogs, won't dare to bite the hand of their master"

"Yes, sire"

The Leader of those smiled wickedly, as held the face of a married woman


And forcefully kissed her

mmmpppphhh mmmpppphh

She pushed him


The guy slapped her...



"What did you say?"

"T-Thank you for k-kissing t-the Slut like me"

The leader grin, "Take her and load her up, and take her daughter as well"



"Load her up, take those as well"


The goons on their horses were laughing drinking and moving with a wooden cage.

They were on the way to their personal pleasure house when the pristine incredible looking building appeared on the distance...

The horse was carrying, the carriage, when it suddenly lifted its front legs...


From inside an annoyed-looking man came out


"I am sorry but this stupid horse went out of control all of a sudden"

"You idiot, you jus--


A footstep resounded through the forest...

"Who is I---

*No one was there



An Ice sword came flying and pierced through his throat, Freezing him to the point that he became the Ice statue...

Crack crack

The Ice statue break and was in the pieces.

"Everyone out of the horses, prepare the defensive formation"

They all took and formed a formation as people in the cage were visibly shaken and afraid...


All turned to see a straw hat-wearing man walking towards them...

He was in ragged clothes and looked like some middle-aged man.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu"

As the Shinobi of their group shoot a Great fireball out of his mouth...

All sight was dyed red instantly as the devil straw hat guy turned into a terrifying, burning hell.

"You did it, right..!!?"

"I don't know! but he should have been eaten by the flames!!"

Two people voiced their thoughts after seeing the destruction the flames brought.

One was their Leader while other was the group's Shinobi. A low-class shinobi.

The burning of the flames that the man had shot had stained many nearby trees black...

Together, they stood amongst the smoldering dust and embers.

But the silhouette that should be there could not be found

Only flames remained, there was no sign of human life.

They had expected a carbonized person to appear on the ground, but such a thing was not found within the newly created burnt area.



The man with the Leadership raised his voice.

The battle had not ended yet, the men remained vigilant.

If they are not cautious, today, they may become the hunted rather than the hunters.

In Formation and very carefully they start searching for the guy...

"A Gentle Blast of Cold Air"

A bored voice echoed through the entire forest... Shocking everyone

A Cold blast of Gentle Wind touched the Shinobi of the group, and the moment the air touched him, He froze and crumble to fragments of ice...


"What the--

The leader of the group took a few steps back out of sheer fear.

At that very moment, the man in the center of all of it, their Leader eyes wide opened...

As he sensed some attack, though he is not some mighty Samurai or Shinobi he is very experienced at it.

He quickly turned around and managed to prevent the attack using the broadsword in his hands. 

The sword that was moved subconsciously managed to catch the enemies blow before it connected with his body.

The sound of colliding metal resonated.

After preventing the attack, the man was astonished to see the enemy's appearance.

Within the line of sight of the man, there was….nobody.

However, there was someone... Someone attacked him, where the heck could he go

"Coward! Show yourself..!!"

"Who are you?"

Hearing the voice of their Comrade everyone turned, to see a Straw, hat-wearing middle age man...

Gently walking while caressing the chest of the two Goons...

As they soon turned to a sculpture of ice and blasted into the fragments... The man disappeared the moment the blast happened.

Seeing his men close to collapse, the man screamed.


whoose whoose


Many heared the noise and saw swords, Ice swords raining down from above



The Swords kept coming and raining down on them from above...

He saw his men trying to defend against this attack but the swords were too many, as A hailstorm impossible to be stopped...

But Strangely none of the swords came at him...

He saw many of his men dying through the blades.

At the same time, the straw, hat-wearing guy came out of the shadows. Walking leisurely among the screams of the bandits, Goons

"A death-like sleep, A gentle step wafting to the after-life"

At the same time as he said that, He disappeared and appeared in front of the guy standing beside the Leader and Gently caressing the cheek of the Goon.

The Goon turned into an ice sculpture and blasted into fragments.

The Leader of the Bandits took a few steps back, feeling scared as hell.

"Don't you think, Such a Gentle Step is pretty"

The Guy ran... Like hell.

The Straw hat-wearing man threw a Kunai at the Wooden cage... The villagers can free themselves.

Walking leisurely towards the Pleasure House of Gato...

The Middle age man in the middle of the road threw his straw hat, and his ragged clothes... and with a poof!! of Smoke turned into a Beautiful Girl.

That day, a Major source of Income for Gato, the Land of Wave Pleasure house was entirely frozen... with everyone inside it, and the Lady took all the money inside with the scrolls.



The Leader of the squad of Goons ran towards a certain building...

"What is it...", Another man asked

"That that monster", The leader pointed outside

"Calm down... take a deep breath, and calm down"

Huff Huff

"What is it?"


"A gentle Blast of Cold Air"

A voice resounded through the entire hall

Everyone took a step back, as a Cold blast of Gentle Wind touched the guy, and the moment the air touched him, He froze and crumble to fragments of ice...

Everyone took out their weapons

"Who is it?"

"Me? I am the one that takes a Gentle Step towards your Death"


The Next Morning, the Village saw a big pile of money that appeared in front of their village's bank once more... Shocking and scaring everyone.

"Are you sure, this will work, It's not like Gato has a low amount of money, He will just send more and more people to get his money back... You will run out of Villagers faster than Gato running out of money"

Yukimura sensei and Shiro watched the chaos among the village from one side...

"I don't care about this money sensei... What I wish to find out is where the hell do they come from?"


Shiro took out a map from his pocket

"See here sensei, I have crossed all the marks that lead to the entry of this village... from my observation, they are coming from here... from the south"


"Yes, South, I have scouted the south though, there is not a single location that I could find them... I believe, there is a very good hiding location in the south, that's where Gato is hiding all of his money and main force"

"I know what's in the south"

"What is it?"

"Uzushiogakure... the home of the greatest seal masters... and the home of Uzumaki's"

"Uzu... You mean naruto?"

"Yes, Naruto... Uzumaki Naruto"

"I will tell you the details later, what do you think Gato will do later"

"Gato, as I understand that guy won't pay to Zabuza and understanding his personality, He will come out to mock Zabuza and the weaken Konoha shinobis"

"You sure?"

Shiro nod, "That's what I conclude, based on the structure everyone provides of Gato, though If everyone is wrong, I can't be sure on that"

"Alright then... we will raid the hideout of Gato after our Inevitable duel with Zabuza... I believe Zabuza will heal soon as well"

"Yes, Sensei"

"And Shiro"

"Yes, Sensei"

"Good Job on successful scouting of Money and Gato's hideout"

"Thank you sensei", A smile appeared on Shiro's face as he left with Yukimura sensei towards Tazuna's house.