Chapter 16

(6th Day, Tazuna's House)

(Early Morning)

The Sun has not shined yet.

It was nearly 4, and Shiro was sitting on his bed...

Pulleys, hinges, levers, tripwire, pressure plates, Bombs, Seals.

Everything was put off on the bed, as Shiro sits there deep in thoughts.

Nothing is absolute in this world, He is not built for Battles, at least not for head to head battles.

He is an Assassin, meant for sneak attacks, Traps, Long-range damages, he is not a warrior...

Before every battle, before every single attack, he foresees the scenario that would leave the enemy no chance of withdrawing.

This bridge is his greatest challenge yet.

How does one turn an immovable blank slate into a successful trap? How the hell could he hide traps in the field where everything is open...

He put them all in his pack, before leaving Tazuna's house at the first crack of the sun.


"Shiro chan the breakfast is ready"

Tsunami knocks into his room, to call him...


She came to the dining room where everyone else was sitting...

"Shiro chan is not in his room"

Yukimura sensei drink some juice, "He must be out there, to prepare for our Inevitable duel with Zabuza"

"Zabuza must be close to recovery, we must be prepared as well", Kakashi slammed the book close and said in a serious tone.

Yukimura nodded, "I agree, That's why we will train in pairs today"

"Naruto, you need to learn stances, that style of Just spamming shadow clone and charge it, won't hold it... Blade, you will train with naruto today"

"Yes Sensei"

"Sakura, you will train with Shiro"

"Huh?.. well... Sensei... can't we... you know... change partners, I mean he is not even here"

"Sakura, I know, Things are tense between you and Shiro, and considering what he said just after coming here, it's understandable... But you will still train with Shiro, that's the only way you will improve... Of course, I can change your partner, But then the level of your improvement will be lower... You said you wish to improve right?"

"I will train with him", she said resolutely

"Sasuke, You need to learn how to hit... Akira, make sure he does not get to hit you"

"Yes sensei"


Meanwhile, Shiro stood at the bridge deep in thoughts, Architecturally, it's sound, it's solid and free of the many vices that could leave it open to trickery.

He requires hiding places, loose soil. None of that is here, no place to hide his toys, no naturally existing mechanisms to take advantage of as a part of his strategy, and no natural landmarks to reshape and process into a usable form. A blank slate upon which he can only build, but building anything upon it would be all too obvious...


Shiro turned seeing Kakashi appearing out of thin air, in the whirlwind of leaves.

"It's tough to put traps here right?"

Shiro nodded, "This place is way too open, I don't see a way other than fighting head to head... But that's idiocy, if we are not spared, we are looking for the major death toll of nearly both Teams"

"I don't think it's that bad"

"Yukimura sensei told you that we were followed since Konoha yes?"


"Think of this way Kakashi sensei, You can fight Zabuza, Yukimura sensei can beat another Jonin that comes with them, But there still are two Chunnins and one elite jonin remaining... Even if we take on 2 Chunins, Sasuke and Naruto will fight the Elite Jonin, two on one... and I am not even considering that if they somehow get a backup... We will be screwed"

Even Kakashi was dubious on the possibility of it in such a space, at least for the first few hours. They all knew the battle would have to take place here, it was the perfect arena in which their opponents would have an overwhelming elemental advantage. It's also somewhere they would all be required to be as a part of their mission and efforts to complete the bridge and free this country from Gato's grasp. It had to be here, and so, they had to find some way to even the odds against Zabuza and his partners. But could they?

Kakashi eye smiled at him, "You are sure a very Perspective one"

Shiro rolled his eye at Kakashi and went back to thinking

"You know, I am older than you, and I have done more missions than you could even count"

"So? want me to worship you or something"

Kakashi giggled

Shiro Groan, he hates this annoying hip and cool and not caring what you say attitude of this white Hair Kakashi.

"with that comes something called wisdom"


Kakashi's answer came in..

Shiro's eyes widened, as he was shown the ways to trap even the most opened places By Wise Kakashi.


Shiro stands in front of Sakura as they both Stare each other...

"You want me to help you?"


"Alright... not Interested"

Shiro went off

"Wait", She ran behind him and tried to hold his hand to keep him in his place

But he smoothly dodged, "Sakura, Listen, I am sorry alright, I shouldn't have said what I said, But it doesn't change the fact, We are not Compatible"

"I heard that you are great at being a Support, I wanna support my team, so please teach me"

She bowed to him 90 degrees of angle

"Sakura, you think it's easy, Being a support"

"No, that's why I am asking you to teach me"

"You are not listening... Alright, then please tell me, How do you plan to support your team"


"Here's the deal, To play support you need one of these things alright?"

She nodded...

"You can blast opponent from long-distance... But considering your Low Chakra levels, You can't spam Jutsu, Not to mention Jutsu tough enough to break opponent defenses"

"You can place opponents in Genjutsu from the backline, making Efficient support... But if the opponents break the Genjutsu, you place your entire team on the danger zone, Considering your low chakra levels, I highly recommend against it"

"Another way is, playing the Medic Role, Healing your comrades to let them fight for as long as you stand... I even heard of Legendary Sannin Tsunade, who is a battle Healer, and fight as well heal comrades at the same time... but forget about that, it requires dedication and time with a very good teacher willing to teach, So, I doubt you can be a Healer either"

"Another way is setting the traps, For that, You need to be very Stealthy, With you low chakra levels, and Naruto and Sasuke taking credits, You might pull off the Stealth part... But for this, you lack perspective, The ability to scan the environment and placing the right trap at the right place at the right time"

"Even after all of this, You still lack that ferocity, that leadership, and confidence"

"So you see... You are not compatible to play the support... We good?"

He saw her clenching her fist and few tears fall from her eyes.



Like hell, he cares...

He turned around to leave...

...Only to see, Yukimura sensei glaring at him.

'what a pain in the ass'

He smiled at her, "Alright, I can teach you, I can make you stronger as support"

She looked up... tears were gone and eyes were shining

"But what I said is also true, You don't match any of the condition, well, all, except the medic Part that is... we will work on that"

She nodded, "Yes"

"I can't teach you medical Jutsu's because I don't know any either. But you can learn it in the hospital"

She nodded again...

"I will instead create the foundation for you... Let's start with the basic water walking exercise"


Having breakfast at Tazuna's on the seventh day, one would expect things to be slow and tense.

They know Zabuza is most likely to arrive today, and Gato is getting impatient. There's a drastic fight ahead of them, and very little they can do to avoid it.


Kakashi got everyone's attention...

"I believe Gato will send his men to you and we already have to protect Tazuna san. We can't protect you both at the battlefield, so you stay here and wait for us to get back..."

"That's right... As Kakahi said, Gato and his men might try to harm you guys... So, whatever you do, stay inside, Shiro, are the traps ready"

"Yes, Sensei. I have rigged all the entrances and exits, and staying inside won't trip any of them. I'll disarm them all when we get back."

"Wait.." Tsunami stumbles towards the door. "What?" Just as she gets there, the door shuts, and a series of seals trigger that lock it up as tight as the Hokage's vault. She rattles the handle a few times, but the glowing seals upon the door gravitate towards the seals tagged onto the doorframe and prevent any more than a millimeter's shift under her meager strength. This seal impacts both the inside and outside of the door...

She fell on her back... Only to fall in Blade's arms

"Beware and Be safe my Lady, I will be very sad if something happens to you"

"Hey, what are you doing to my mom"

Everyone rolls their eyes and Ignore Blade...

Tazuna looks between the genin and the door frantically. "A-Are you sure that's a good idea? Like, those aren't gonna blow up like your seals, right?!"

"Those are designed to blow up. As Long as someone triggers them. Once I activated them" He pauses, "Tsunami san tripping them, when I didn't activate them won't blow up anyone, don't worry"


Right on cue. Kakashi and Yukimura saunter to the lead of the pack as they approach the bridge, finding cut and bloodstained bodies scattered about the supply stations on their end of the bridge.

All brilliantly executed and in the middle of menial labor. Left open to assault with their hands occupied. Textbook, but in such mass at once and at such speed is certainly the work of an expert.

No sense in holding back. He raises his headband and his Sharingan spins freely.

"Alright, kids. You know the drill. Defend our man at all costs and pull no punches. Our opponents are true professionals, and they will not hesitate to kill us at any moment." He grumbles as a thin mist develops, approaching the bridge, but leaving most visibility intact for now.

The Battle Of the Bridge finally started

[If someone likes my story please give reviews and Comments... I appreciate it]