Chapter 17

When they arrived, countless people were lying on the ground.

All of them were workers that were building the bridge, they were not dead, but they were attacked. There were multiple cut wounds, but that's all.

"Wha-what is this?" Tazuna asked while staring at the view in front of him with a shocked expression.

All ninjas seeing this also got alert and extended their sense and awareness. Tazuna then walked to one of the workers and asked him what happened.


That was the only thing he muttered before he passed out due to pain.

It was then the mist around them suddenly became thicker, seeing this everyone gathered together and covered all sides of Tazuna's position.

"This is..." Sakura muttered.

"Kirigakure no Jutsu... (Hidden in the Mist Technique)," Kakashi said grimly as he recognized the technique from his previous battle.

"Well, well... We met again, Kakashi..." Zabuza's voice echoed in the mist "And you brought reinforcements with you... Three extra brats? And... Ah, I think I am familiar with that one... Yukimura Kenji, one of the Strongest Jonins of Konohagakure.

"That's some reinforcement with you, eh?"

All Genins, who didn't know about Yukimura turned to him with surprise, their faces morphed to awe at the Jonin, who only put a smirking face...

"Don't look at me like that... I will blush"

Everyone chuckled at that...

"Why Thank you Zabuza, I believed I would need reinforcements to deal with your Kinds.." Kakashi replied.

"Hahaha, then this will be more interesting." Zabuza chuckled before he paused and slight killing intent filled the area, "Don't you agree?"

Everyone tensed up and held their weapons closed...

"Naruto, create the clones take every unconscious civilian outta here", Shiro whispered

Naruto nodded and create the clones and then his clones jumped off the bridge with the civilian guys.

"Hehe... You can make quite a Number of Clones, Brat"

"You don't have a single idea, You shithead"

Shiro chuckles at Naruto's comment and throws his arms behind his head and calls out without a care. "Oy, Captain Steaknife, did ya use that thing to skin the cow ya used for those obnoxious legwarmers? They make this Brat Naruto's bright orange color looks good!"

A bark of laughter far across the bridge in thicker fog is followed by the fog slowly thinning to reveal Six figures standing across the bridge. At the center of the troop is the great Momochi Zabuza, blade across his shoulders, and from that mist comes another man's head...


"Shiro, It's him, the one that was following us from Konoha", Akira whispered

"You sure?"



And another head comes in the form of a female.

"Crap, They have the reinforcements too", Kakashi muttered

And then two Chunnins demon brothers and a masked hunter nin showed their heads as well.

"I'd say the same about you Brat", Zabuza voice resounded the Bridge, "But your head looks like someone put seaweed through a trash compactor to make a kindergarten theater wig."




"Wow, What a Bad Joke", Akira said in a deadpan manner

"Well, it's normal, he normally does not do that, He is the silent killer, remember, Silent is the keyword here", Kakashi put his input as well.

"Aaaaa... that explains a Lot", Blade moved in the conversation

"Well, I hate to interrupt you guys, But we need to focus please?", Yukimura sensei said


One of the Zabuza men Laughed...

Zabuza's mouth twitched inside his bandages, "You think you guys are very funny, right brats.", He looks at them with an annoying look, "Now, which one of you wants to die first?"

Shiro smirked slightly, "Akira!" He said.

"Fūton: Daitoppa! (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!)" Akira yelled as she finished her hand seals and summoned gale of wind.

The wind appeared and immediately blew away the mist that surrounded them, revealing everything...

"Sate. Sate. Sate. It seems that the new brats are not bad either..." Zabuza remarked as he stared at Konoha group

"That would be telling, right?" Kakashi shot back, "Hey you hunter nin, wearing a mask like that... Who do you think you are..!!"




'You are the one to talk, you are wearing a mask the whole time!'

Everyone from Konoha though in deadpan tone in their minds.

"Why don't we cut the chit chat and move to the fun part?" Zabuza asked with glee as his hand moved to the hilt of Kubikiribōchō.

"We will take care of them", Demon Brothers started running towards them.

"Blade, Akira, Block them...", Shiro said standing there and watching the brothers coming towards them.

"I will take care of them"

"Sasuke... My dear, don't tell me, you want some weak Chunnins, the more powerful opponents are awaiting to fight, you know, Don't you want to become stronger... faster"

"... I will fight with more powerful opponents"

Shiro smiled, "Of course"

While they were talking Akira and Blade were already fighting and effectively blocking the demon Brothers...

"Lesson one, kiddies. Learn to focus on multiple opponents at once."

Haku appears behind Sasuke and swings a backhanded kunai into his jugular- only to hit the Kunai of Naruto.

She suspects as much, and the moment her toe touches the ground, she pulses chakra into it and leaps from the bridge and twenty feet into the air, clean over the fireball that nearly torches her from behind. She wheels around in the air and throws a scattering of senbon towards the fireball's origins, before falling off the bridge and into the water, where she simply disappears.

The incoming senbon are handled with a quick Mud Wall thanks to Yukimura sensei present there and another shadow appear taking Yukimura with their battle.

"I will take care of these two brats", Said the only girl of Zabuza's group

"Beware of that boy, I am having a bad feeling about him... he is way too calm about all of this"

"Understood... But don't worry these are just 2 brats"

And with that she and Zabuza ran side on the side to each other, to deal with Kakashi and the remaining Brats.

"Shiro, Sakura, Protect our Client", Kakashi said and ran towards the two upcoming opponents...

"Shiro, what do we do?", Ask sakura

"We... we will do nothing, that's the best thing of supports... they do nothing... not until the time is ripe", He smirks


"Shut up, and let me focus", His eyes watch everything...


Kakashi was fighting 2 opponents at once.

Up on top of the bridge, Zabuza's water clones scatter and chase down Sakura, Shiro, and Tazuna.

"w-what do we do? They are coming to us", She got tensed and Held her weapon closed

"Don't you understand the term shut up"

He didn't even look at her...

She grit her teeth...

That clone manages to just barely catch them. Shiro moved his little pinky


An explosion happened, Killing the clone on the place.

A smirk formed on his face...

"Water Style: Water Bullet Jutsu", The Lady of Zabuza group made the hand signs to hit Kakashi as Kakashi was busy fighting Zabuza.

Shiro at that very moment Waived his arm


She emerged from the Black cloud by Jumping in the air...

Shiro's fingers twitched as Zabuza stepped on his seal...


Zabuza was trapped in the paralysis seal.

He could not have survived but another Jonin fighting Yukimura saved him by interrupted...

At the same time, Zabuza side sole Kunoichi landed and moved again...

But Shiro was waiting for this as he snapped his fingers




A series of Explosion happened, Keeping every Single Jonin and Special Jonin in their place, Though it didn't harm them at the latest.

Blade Jumped at Gozu, Who took a Step break, Only to be paralyzed.

'What the---

Superman Punch, Right hook, Left hook, Cross, and A very powerful Uppercut


Gozu was turned into the log as he Disappeared...

Meizu tried to Hit Akira but she practically dodged everything...

Meizu tried to backflip to dodge the kick of Akria only to be blasted


Another Black cloud appears and Meizu jumped from inside it...

Zabuza side somehow made it to their original place...

And Konoha's side made it to their original position as well...

Every Genin looked at Shiro in awe and new respect...

"How did you do that?", Asked Naruto

"The show is just starting brother", smirk Shiro

"This entire Place is rigged dammit", Said Gozu

"How the hell is he avoiding his teammates with those bombs... and how did he hide so many traps at such an Open Space in the first place", ask the Kunoichi of Zabuza group

"He is using our Positioning, He is keeping an eye on our movements, and only activate the seals when his comrades are not in the range... as for Hiding Traps, That's easy, as long as you know where and how to hide it", answer the second Jonin of the group.

Zabuza nodded his head, "That explains the weak explosions, and also the weak paralysis seals"


Hunter Nin of Zabuza group realized something as her/his eyes widened, "Wait, those explosions were very weak, didn't that mean... we are at the position he wanted us to be"

"Dammit everyone Run", Zabuza Yelled

At the same time, A hail of Ice Swords fell in that area of effect.

But the Zabuza group managed to scatter...

Shiro smirked... all the pieces are on the right places

He waved both his arms, "Ladies and gentleman, Welcome, to the freakshow"


"Oh, Shi--


Huge explosions happened and destroyed almost half of the bridge...

"Sakura take care of our Client... Rest... charge", Shiro said this only once, as he alongside rest ran towards the enemies...

Towards the enemies who were very badly injured.