Moving Figures

" Welcome folks today we have a special match, in one corner we have Hisoka the clown, and in the other Randu the ripper. If Hisoka wins this match he will move on to the 199th floor. "

When the announcement ended Radnu charged Hisoka roaring as his fist pulled back ready to punch, ducking under the obvious attack Hioka landed a kick against Randu's side. Barely feeling the blow Randu tried to grab the clown but Hisoka was able to slip away, frowning Leon was losing interest.

' Maybe I was wrong about him, he might just be above average. ' Not giving up Leon activated Gyo and to his surprise, he was able to see Nen surrounding Hisoka, sitting up Leon saw the pink strands of Nen connecting Hisoka's foot to Randu's body.

Jumping into the air Hisoka shot towards Randu like he was pulled by a rope, Leon could see the pink strand pull Hisoka giving him his boost in speed. Randu turned his body avoiding Hisoka's bath but at the last second Hisoka was yanked towards Randu his foot slamming into Randu's ribs.

The crunch of bone was audible as blood was forced from Randu's lips as he gritted and tried to grasp at Hisoka but the clown was already gone. Mouth red Randu searched for his attacker but he was blinded as Hisoka started to punch in Randu's face, ending with an uppercut Hisoka ended the fight as Randu was lifted off the ground before landing on his back.

The crowd roared in bloodthirsty excitement as Hisoka stood over his opponent, turning around Hisoka found Leon's eyes and him and Leon could see his mouth move.

' I'll be waiting. ' Smiling Leon left his seat, his match was in a few minutes and he had to get ready. ' Only ten more fights, then I can actually use the thing I spent three years in a cave learning. "

Winning his next match Leon went back to his private room, his bank account had become overflowing with his winnings his latest match had won him around two hundred million jenny. If he quit now Leon and his grandchildren wouldn't have to work a day in their lives, but it was nothing compared to the Zoldyck family wealth.

Ordering room service Leon dug into the five-star meal as it had been almost a day since he last ate, thanking everything wonderful in the world that he didn't have to eat nutrient mash.

Shoveling food into his mouth Leon paused when someone knocked on his door frowning Leon looked through the peephole to see Illumi standing on the other side of the door. Unlocking the door Leon flicked his younger brother in the forehead, " Why are you here Illumi, you know I hate it when people surprise me. "

Rubbing the red spot on his forehead Illumi was still expressionless, " I was in the area and I thought I say hello. " Narrowing his eyes Leon didn't believe him, " Bull shit come on in so we can talk about why you're here. "

Walking in Leon closed the door behind his brother before plopping back down in his seat, Leon started to eat again this time with less barbarian nature, " So I'm going to ask again why are you here. "

Illumi was silent before he spoke, " I do have a job but I was wondering if you would fight against me my Nen isn't as far as I hoped it would " Leon glared at Illumi, " No I can't fight you, t go ask mom or dad or find a teacher. "

Nodding Illumi stood up and walked out of the room outside the door, Illumi looked at Hisoka leaning against the far wall, " I told you it wouldn't work, he knows me too well. " Shrugging Hisoka smiled, " It was worth a try, now it's just more of a surprise. Are you sure you don't know anything about his abilities? "

" My brother is always a step ahead of everyone else, I warn you don't anger him or it won't end well. " Hisoka licked his lips as his heart started to beat rapidly, " I wonder how much of a fight he'll put up. "

Walking away Illumi left his acquaintance alone, ' It's his funeral. '

Finishing his meal Leon was still upset about his brother trying to play him, ' I'll have to remember to pay him back one day, whatever I have a fight to go to. ' Leaving his room Leon entered the arena and not a minute later he left the arena nearly three hundred million richer.

-Somewhere on the planet-

Ten men sat around a round table each of them wore high-quality clothes and jewelry, at the head of the table one of the men cleared his throat. " As we all know Meteor City has become a thorn in our sides for awhile. Even though it is a good supply of untraceable mercenaries our operations are often raided and interrupted and the council of elders is not complying with our wishes. I suggest that we try and take over the district and make it a full-time part of our operations. "

There were murmurs around the table before someone else spoke, " Why should we devote resources to take over a collection of trash heaps, I just say that we wait for another year and see how things change. "

" If we wait another year it might be too late I'm calling a vote, whether or not we should try and claim Meteor City as our territory. All in favor. " Six hands rose around the table in favor of the plan, " Good, start gathering men and supplies Meteor City will become ours . "