
Thank you to kool_aid756 for becoming my eighth Patreon


Walking away from his 199th fight Leon sighed,' Finally done with that, now the elevator to the two hundredth floor. ' Stepping into the glorified box Leon leaned against the wall as the elevator started to rise, looking window Leon whistled at the view.

The whole city was visible from the side of the tower, before he could become to bored the elevator stopped letting Leon step onto the 200th floor. Looking around Leon was unimpressed it just looked like a standard hotel, walking up to the receptionist Leon gave his information before getting his room number.

When he turned around Leon was faced with three men, each of them was disabled in some way, ' One in a wheelchair, one with a prosthetic led, another missing an arm. Looks like they were initiated and rather forcefully. '

" So we have another outlier today, first that jester kid now you. " The man with a prosthetic leg hopped forward, " Move. " Not paying the men any mind Leon went to pass them when he felt three collective auras try and invade his body, sighing Leon looked back at the three stooges. " I don't feel like dealing with you three, go find other suckers to prey on. "

Letting his own aura Leon easily suppressed the three men forcing their aura almost completely into their body. Letting them suffer for a bit Leon eventually let them collapse to the floor, " Have a good day. "

Walking away Leon left the three men panting for breath, " What are they feeding kids these days first the jester then that kid. " Opening the door to his room Leon threw his stuff on the bed before taking a shower and changing into a new set of clothes sighing at the feeling of clean clothes on his back Leon turned on the tv as he started to flip channels.

Frowning when he found nothing good on Leon dropped to the floor as he started to work out, using his Nen Leon was able to reach two thousand push up before someone knocked on his door. Opening the door Leon didn't see anyone when he looked down to see a small slip of paper, picking up the note Leon closed the door behind him.

Opening the letter Leon saw there was only a small line of text, [ Meet me at Cafe Torino at three o'clock tomorrow. ] Shrugging Leon crumpled the note tossing it to the side, ' What a weird guy.' As Leon sat on his bed the door rumbled before it burst open letting a mountain of letters flow into his room, eye twitching Leon picked up one of the letters to see the exact same message.

Sighing Leon sent out of a blast of Nen to clear the paper as he crushed the note in hand, ' That mother fuck is trying to Hogwarts me. Annoying. '

Too frustrated to start training again Leon went back to flipping channels, grinning when he found a station playing classical music. Propping his head up on a pillow Leon sighed as he started to drift off to sleep.

Walking through town the next day Leon stopped in front of a small restaurant, ' Cafe Torino, let's get this over with. ' Opening the door Leon looked around when he spotted Hisoka sitting at one of the tables near the back, pulling out his seat Leon glared at the clown in front of him.

" I'm so glad you could meet me here I wasn't sure that you got my letter. But now that you're here we can finally talk face to face. "

" Don't act innocent, I didn't want to deal with all the letters. So what do you want to talk about, I assume you want to fight. "

Hisoka nodded as his eyes narrowed, " Yes, and since you were able to get past those three mean you must have some sort of skill. So how about it, we both sign up for a match on September 22. "

Pretending that he was thinking it over Leon grinned, " I don't see why not it will be an easy win and I need to be a floor master in about five months. I've been here for six months and I'm really bored. "

Grinning maniacally Hisoka licked his lips, " Great would you like to stay for lunch I've already ordered some drinks and appetizers. "

Scoffing Leon left Hisoka at his table, clearly not offended Hisoka traced Leon all the way out of his view. Licking his lips again Hisoka picked up his teacup taking a sip, " I can't wait for our match. "

Shivering after his talk with Hisoka felt like taking a shower, the messed up energy he got from that guy was creeping even him out. ' How messed up do you have to be to get aroused from fighting. '

Deciding to spend some time outside the arena Leon went window shopping buying some candies Leon pigged out almost buying half of the store's supplies. People told him to stop but throwing another hundred dollar bill quickly made them shut up, walking out of the store Leon smiled. ' That's just what I needed, I still have about a thousand dollars left in my wallet why stop now. '