Beast Horde

Somewhere in Yorknew City, a man sat in a leather chair in his hands, a glass filled with amber liquid. Hopefully, his subordinates would bring him some good news. Ever since the incident in Meteor City, the business hasn't been as usual.

"Sir, you need to look at this." The Don sighed as his right-hand man gave him a tablet to read. "What is this Bean."

"It seems like the Hunters Association has sent a force of ten thousand to try and tame the Dark Continent." The Don couldn't help but laugh, "Those fools, no one can survive in that hellscape, even we tried once."

"That's the thing, sir, they have set up a base with defenses." The Don glass stopped at his lips as he paused, "How long have they been there."

Bean adjusted his collar, "That's another thing, Sir, the fortress has been there for years. The Hunters Association has allied with a new budding nation, called the Dragons Rebuplic."

"And who's running this so-called country?" Bean flipped to another page and a picture of a young man with long spiky silver hair standing on a stage.

The Don was filled with rage in an instant. It was that little batard from all those years ago. He had grown up, and the Don decided it was high time he removed the small shit stain.

"I'm going to call the other Dons they need to know, Bean. Start hiring mercenaries and contact our man on the inside." Bean rushed off to do what Don said, but when he was far enough away, he picked up his phone.

After calling the number, someone picked up the call immediately, "Did you do what I told you."

Bean nodded and looked around nervously, "I fed him the information you gave me, he's pretty pissed, and he plans on calling the other Don's."

"Good, make sure your accessible at all time." Bean put away the phone and looked around one last time to see that no one had seen him.

Gotoh smiled as he put away his phone. His master was right. The mafia would rush to take action, "I need to back, to work. So much to do."

Meanwhile, Leon was overseeing a canteen's construction for the Hunters that would work as a place where they could buy supplies. It was partially built into the mountain so the Hunters living below could have easy access.

Leon looked down at the blueprints when sirens started to go off, "What's going on." A second later, Leon got a call on his phone, "What is it, Butch? What's going."

"There's a beast horde about five minutes out. They're about five hundred strong." Leon sighed; Ziggy had written about beast hordes in his notes.

Some beast can influence weaker monsters and stir them into a rage, "Fine, have every one retreat inside the walls. I'll handle this." Leon hung up on Butch and then called Chrollo.

"I assume your call has to do with the alarm." Leon rolled his eyes at Chrollo's question, "Just have everyone on the wall. The spider needs to feed."

In five minutes, everyone was on the wall, "It's about time we get some action." Uvogin cracked his neck and fingers, "Just keep your brute strength, in control."

Uvogin smiled at Nobunaga, "I bet you that I can get three for every one you kill." Nobunaga gripped his sword handle, "Maybe I'll cut down that ego as well."

At that moment, several drones flew overhead, and they hovered around, "What the hell are those for."

"What you thought I just called you out here to fight some beasts." Leon jumped on the wall, his suit ditched for some athletic clothes that didn't restrict his movement.

"We're going to put on a show, and then 'accidentally' leak it to the internet." Feitan glared at Leon, "Does that mean we have to hide your strength."

Leon smiled, "That the best part, pull out all the stops."

A second later, a sound like thunder echoed through the valley, "Well, what are we waiting for." Uvogin jumped down from the wall, and everyone else followed suit.

For the first time in years, Leon got ready to fight, "Oh god, I need this." Uvogin slapped Leon on the back, "What did you become a desk jockey, in those few years."

"But yet somehow, I'll still end up saving your ass like all those years ago." Leon smiled as Uvogin scowled and backed off. He had won yet again.

The eight Phantom Troupe members formed a line as the first of the horde broke through the swamp.

Inside the mountain, everyone turned to one of the screens mounted on the wall. They flickered, and what looked like drone footage started to play.

"What's going on?"

"If you shut up maybe we could find out!"

"What did you say you shit!!"

"Both of you shut up and look."

Everyone was silent as a live feed of outside the wall started to play and then trees started to topple and beasts of every kind started to pour out from the swamp.

"That can't be real, there must be hundreds of them."

"Wait are those people?!"

Everyone's eyes widened as the drone zoomed in on eight figures standing in the way of the horde.

"Are they suicidal!"

"They can't really take them all on."

"I don't know, I tried to ask the pink-haired one out on a date yesterday and I almost shat myself."

The hunters started to whisper among themselves as they waited to see what was about to happen.