Civilian Robot Sales Rights

"Yo bro. Sup? What are you guys doing here? Is there a new iphone being released or something?", Adrian asked while looking at one of many peole standing in line at a certain store.

Adrian was totally amazed while looking at the around 500 meter line that was waiting in front of the store.

"Bro, it's that new robot. It's being released today. It's called A-1. It's really cool man. Don't you watch news or something? It's friggin' everywhere man.", the overexcited guy said.

"Wait, that's today. I thought it was next week."

"That's for the premium version bro. The basic version is gonna launched today. I mean, premium version is too expensive man."

"Damn, I'm gonna go get in line.", Adrian left and stood at the end of the queue.

It was 11:00 AM right now and the agent stores that were supposed to sell the home robot would open sales at 12:00 PM, according to the statement released by Galaxy technology.


Three weeks earlier…

"Boss, are we going to release the civillian home robot this soon. We just released the military robot. Also, the battery problem. Civillian robots need to have a longer battery life or people will be a bit hesistant to buy it."

"I have researched a new battey.", Ankit said while putting two small block like metal objects on the table. One was silver-white while the other was metallic black.

"Is this it? How much better is it compared to graphene? How long can the robots function with this?"

"Don't get too excited. This silver block is an empty battery while the color changes to black when it's fully charged. With this battery, the civilian version can function for around a week. This can be said to be a thousand times better than the graphene battery."

"How much does the battery cost?", Ashly asked with shining eyes. This battery technology alone was enough to create a fortune 500 company. This battery could be used in their own robots but more else, it could be sold out to other companies. Electric equipments and automobiles were probably waiting for this technology.

"The raw materials cost a bit. As for the machines and manpower required, the robots can handle that. You could say that just these two batteries cost around $1,000. So, I'd say, each of these small size batteries cost $500."

"There's bigger sizes with bigger capacities?", Ashly asked nervously. This seemed too good to be true. She was even having doubts about whether Ankit was an alien or something. A guy this genius, she had never ever seen or even heard of.

"Yes, there's the medium size which can operate automobiles and also combat robots. It's volume is around two and a half times of this small battery. There's also large size that has a volume around ten times of this and these batteries can probably power small aircrafts as well as large vehicles. These large batteries can probably even be used to power up households for a month or more. I'm working on even bigger sized battries, but the robots that build the machines required to make them need to be more precise. I'm working on it."

"We can also export this or even start our own electric vehicle brand. This is …"

"I'm gonna have to stop you there.", Ankit interrupted. He then added, "We can't swallow the whole market. Our focus is only on advenced technoloical products. We only work with black technologies. Let others do the normal stuff. We just supply the battery to automobile manufacturers. I will send you the technical data and you can contact them. Also, for the robot, we will be looking for partners. We will supply and fix the price while our agents sell the product."

"This will be good. If we do this, there won't be much retaliation from the interest groups of those consortiums."

"Ashly. You have a family, right?"

"Yes. No siblings. Single mother household. So, just me and her."

"Well, we will sooner or later have to detach ouselves from this country. So, you should be ready."

"Detach ourselves? From the United States Of America?"

"Well, yes. Sooner or later, our power will be too big of a problem for the USA. And, once the country and our group's interests are colliding, it will be harder. You realize that, ryt?"

"Our company. Boss, our company will be that powerful. How could…? Okay. Is this related to the technology you told me about?", Ashly asked while calming herself down.

"Yes. The technolgy is already researched. The energy source problem is also solved with the battery problem. You should now focus on recruiting scientists in all fields. Create a subsidiary of the company called Galaxy Aerospace and start recruiting and training astronauts."

"Yes boss. when do we hold the press conference for the release of civilian robots?", Ashly asked.

"Contact them as soon as possible and you can hold the press conference after finalizing the agent sales rights for the civilian robots. We will hold an auction for this."

Soon, the heads of various consortiums and hidden families were notified of the auction for sales rights. They had also gotten all the data regarding the sale of the robots. Overall, each robot they sold, they would make minimum $10,000 dollars. This was because there was a minimum selling price mentioned to stop anyone from going below the base price and harming others sales, while the upper limit was two times their cost price.

What this means is, A civillian robot costs $50,000 to make for the galaxy technology. This is because of some material breakthroughs Ankit had obtained after studying antigravity technology as well as research. (#loophole. Im just starting so there might be tons of these. idk if you guys remember but in one of the earlier chapters i said that civilian robots cost $100 grand to make. I actually corrected it now back there. It's 50 grand back there too and sorry lol) They sell it to agents at $90,000, who can sell it the customer at minimum profit i.e at $100,000 or sell it at upto twice it's cost price i.e. at $180,000.

The price and profit of civilian robot was low but the demand was huge while the price and profit of combat robot was high but the demand was relatively small. Ankit, decided to throw a piece of pie at the hungry capitalists and stop them from interfering in his work for now.

And by the time they realised, it would probably be too late and galaxy technology will probably be too strong by then. Ankit was even planning on selling just the anti gravity engines to the car manufacturers but decided against it and decided to use the sales rights plan he had once seen in a novel during his bachelors.(I'm in college. Bachelors. And thats when i saw that lol. Hope i get a system too. Not a scum one but a nice cute loli voiced system. SMH. life is hard.)