Major Changes In Auto Industry

The major auto manufacturing companies including toyota, ford, tata, BMW, tesla, suzuki, general motors, etc were send an invitation along with a sample battery and the technical data of the battery.

Shizuoka, Japan

Headquarters of Suzuki Motor Corporation,

CEO's office,

Osamu Suzuki was in his office going over some daily reports he had just been submitted. Just then, his assistant, barged into the room.

Osamu got angry and squinted his eyes. He had been very strict about mannerism from a young age.

"Sir, big news", his assistant said with a flushed face.

"What happened? ", Osamu said in a calm voice.

"Sir, the Galaxy technology sent us an invitation. It has invented a new battery technology. This is the technical data that came with it.", she said while handing over the technical data.

Osamu read it because after all, this galaxy technology was owned by a reasearch madman or so he heard. He had heard from fellow businessmen that the owner of this company was rarely seen as he was always in research. After all, this was also all rumors as noone actually had any insider information on galaxy technology.

Osamu's face became red because of excitement. He excitedly said, "Did they provide a sample? Did you guys test it? Is the data true?"

"Sir, control yourself. You need to calm yourself. They did provide a sample and it is currently being tested. We will have results soon."

"Good. Let's go to the laboratory where the test is being conducted."

"Yes, sir.", the assistant was really worried about the CEO's health so she even called a few standby health personnel of the company directly to the laboratory as to check on Osamu's health.

Soon, the test results were out. The research staff that had conucted the test were visibly excited. They came out with a set of technical data and it was pretty much the same as galaxy technology had sent them.

"Sir, this sample seems to be a small bersion of the battery. The medium version data they have sent is the one they will be selling tobe used in cars. We assume that the data they sent is correct then after replacing the batteries, we can make our electric wagonR model lighter and also the range will be increased from the approximate 240 miles to around 2000 miles approximately."

"Good. Good. Can you crack this technology? "

"I don't think so. It is very advanced. Even if we had the technical data it would take us at least one or two years. But, just with this product, i think we're looking at around five to six years of research and alot of funds."

"Sigh. That's a very bad deal."

"Indeed, sir."

"You go to the invite and secure as much batteries as you can. Also, see if we can get the large version of the battery. It will be benificial for the larger vehicles such as trucks. Also, start designing the new vehicle with less battery space and modify the production lines as soon as possible. The entire auto industry will change."

This scene was happening in various auto manufacturing companies including tata, toyota, BMW, tesla, General Motors, ford, etc.

The news of this was spread pretty fast in the rich people's commute. But, of course, as the auto makers were looking for more profit as well as more share of the atomic matrix battery. Some people's interests were harmed.

The sheikhs of the middle east. What did the middle east have? Deserts and oil. In simple terms, the only reason the people in middle east were living such a good life was all because of their oil.

As all the vehicles and motors and such in the world used oil, they had gotten rich just by selling oil and this was pretty much the only major source of income for them.

If the electric cars and the atomic matrix battery was released, it might as well be the end of their luxirious life because of the drop in oil prices.

The electric vehicles have been released in the market for a long time but it isn't as popular as traditional fuel vehicles. The major reason of this is the electric vehicles short range.

After the atomic matrix technology is released, that problem will be solved. And of course, people will surely shift to electric vehicles as electricity was cheaper and it was more environment friendly.

While all this was happening, the military robots that had been delivered to US military had their batteries replaced while new robots were also delivered to them.

Ross was very excited with this as the battery upgrade had come in a few months time. They even had plans to invite Ankit for research in some military projects but were denied by Ankit.

Elliot was also excited while the president had even tweeted about the robot army saying, "We support world peace but will not stay silent if our country or it's allies are threatened." while posting an image of the 4,000 freshly delivered combat robots.

Hypocrite. I know.

But we are beyond this. We know, power is everything. There is no good or bad. Your good maybe someone else's bad. It's just a perspective.

The various business families or the banking dynasties of the world had also been called. They were sent an invitation about the commercial or civilian robot sales rights auction.

The rothschild family of Europe, Rockefeller and Morgan family from the United States, the Mitsui family from Japan, the Chiang family of China, etc were invited.

The battery sales were to be held on one day. The next day would be the civilian robots sales rights auction and a few days after that official announcement about both the cooperations would be announced to the public.

Just one day before the day when the auto manufacturers were supposed to visit the headquarters of the galaxy technology for cooperation, galaxy technology headquarters was visited by an uninvited guest.

A parade of ten cars stopped in front of the gate of the wall that surrounded the whole galaxy. This wall alone had cost them millions of dollars to build. And this was just the current space of galaxy technology. They were soon to expand and finish final phase of expansion.