New Materials

Currently, the metal that was being used in making the combat robots was titanium alloy whereas the civilian robots were made with stainless steel alloy.

The current price of titanium was around $4,500 per kilogram, while each combat robot used around 20 kilograms of this material while the civilian robot used a few kilograms of it in manufacture of important parts.

Ankit went inside the materials research laboratory when he found a group of scientists excitedly testing the properties of a new material.

"This is ground breaking. Although this isn't nearly as hard enough as we were asked but there is some progress."

"Yes, the money that could be saved from this is just alot. Compared to titanium, this is as cheap as dirt."

"Congratulations to host on developing High Specific Strength Steel material technology."

"Host has been rewarded with Advanced high density steel alloy material technology."

Ankit's head was flooded with knowledge about the new material technology. Still, only thing that happened was his face got a little pale and a mild headache.

This was because of the fact that the new high density material technology wasn't too much new theories and such but just a procedure with which normal steel was treated with along with a few more metals to make a high strength and high density alloy.

'So, this means even when i don't take part in research, i can get credit for it after new technologies are discovered by my employees.', Ankit thought.

Soon, the researchers noticed Ankit and went to him with an excited expression.

"Sir, we have researched a new material. Even though, this isn't what you asked for. This is certainly something that we need.", the head researcher, James, said.

"How so?", Ankit asked.

"Sir, this new alloy is 1.5 times harder than the titanium alloy we have currently been using in making our combat robots. And, the main thing, this material costs less than 10% of what the tianium alloy cost us. We can prepare one kilogram of this new alloy with only around $450."

This new alloy called the high specific stength steel alloy was prepared after allying steel with almunium. This lightened the steel but also made the alloy a bit weak. Manganese and nickel was also added to it in a small amount, while modifying the way the metal crystals form at the nanometer scale.

"Good. This will indeed save us alot of money. All the reasearchers here are rewarded $1 million each.", Ankit declared.

Everyone cheered and this was alot of people. There were almost 40 people working there.

Ankit signaled them to stop and added, "I will increase the funding and increase the number of researchers. State your demands if you have any regarding research facility. But, I need results."

Ankit joined their research and led the researchers to conduct research on technology he got.

While, Nanu had directed all factories to use the new alloy, which was cheaper and more effective. The metallurgy factories were also modified to produce this new alloy while the titanium alloy was abandoned. After all, they wouldn't use that stuff now.

That night, Ankit returned home after providing them with the whole process. The researchers were excited to hear the formula made by the boss. After all, it was pretty known in the company that their boss was a genius and a research madman.

Ankit saw Lily and Zara sitting in the living room and talking with each other.

"Don't worry. We will save your parents. They will be fine.", Lily consoled.

Zara nodded and asked, "When are you guys expecting?"

"Oh, I'm seven months pregnant now. So, probably in another two months.", Lily replied with a smile.

Zara smiled.

Ankit entered the room. He went to Lily and touched her stomach while asking, "How are you?"

"I'm good. ", Lily replied while looking at Ankit.

"Are you better now, Zara?"

"Yes, sir.", Zara replied rigidly.

"Don't be so stressed. I won't eat you.", Ankit said with a smile.

Lily glared at him and said, "Who knows?"

You could see Ankit almost sweating. Zara saw this scene and laughed. The atmosphere became warm again and three of them went to have dinner.

Zara was settled in the guest room while Ankit and Lily went to their room.

"I will get her mom and then she can leave."

"Aren't you going to keep your 'gift'?", Lily said in a teasing manner.

"Ugh. Don't get me started."

"Wait, why'd you say get her mom? I remember her saying both of her parents were taken."

"Her… father. He was killed."

Lily came and hugged Ankit with red eyes and asked, "Does she know?"


"Are you gonna keep her?", Lily asked while stammering.

"No. I love you, my dear.", Ankit replied.

"How about we let her stay here? She can help me take care of our baby. It would be better than a robot helping me take care of the baby."

"What if she snatches away your husband?", Ankit said while laughing.

"Uff. I don't need this husband who bullys me anyway. Let her take him.", Lily said while holding him tightly.

She clearly didn't mean what she said. They both also went to sleep while it was decided that Zara would be staying with them.

Time passed. During this time, Ashly had purchased alot of land in three states i.e West Virginia, Mississippi and Arkansas.

This was under Ankit's instruction. These places would be used to build factories for increasing production.

As these were just production bases, the only staff needed here were the robots as well as security personnel.

Ashly started the construction of the factories and the staff building as soon as the official work was done. Work started on the thousands of acres of land, galaxy technology had bought in all three of these states.

These projects were very large scaled and were providing employment to alot of people in these states. This was the plan. There weren't enough robots to carry out these projects. So, the construction companies that had been employed were to work and hire local people. This was benificial in earning public support and improving the image of the company.

Soon, the day of the sales of atomic matrix battery came.