$1.3 trillion In Two Days

Inside the conference room, Galaxy technology,

Representatives from various companies such as Suzuki, Tata, General motors, Tesla, BMW,etc were seated while Ankit stood at the podium.

Yes, Ankit was the one who was doing this. Ankit had decided to take part in this kind of events because he couldn't keep pushing this off to Ashly.

As the owner of the company, he had to be the face of it.

"Hello. I am Ankit alderson, the owner of galaxy technology. As you all know, today we will be deciding on the share each company has in the annual production of the medium sized atomic matrix battery of our company."

"Our comany would like to buy this technology? ", a voice said. It was none other than Mr. Suzuki, owner of the Suzuki motor corporation.

Soon, others followed.

"Gentlemen. We are here for deciding who gets to buy our battery. We are only selling the product and not the technology. This is not negotiable. You can leave if you do not intend to cooperate.", Ankit said calmly.

Everybody then sat down with a cold expression. Galaxy technology was going to eat the whole market share for this new battery. These people still didn't leave because everybody knew how impaortant this battery was to them.

Ankit smiled and continued, "Now, onto the main event. The current production capacity of our company is 2 million medium sized batteries per month. This number will soon increase to 10 million per month after the first quarter of the next year."

"We have invited you to conduct an auction for the share of these batteries. This contract will last for 1 year and we will hold this auction next year as well."

"Each share is worth 10% of the production. This means we will supply 200,000 in the first quarter of next year and 1 million in the next three quarters."

" 1 billion."

"1.1 billion"

"1.5 billion."

"1.75 billion"

"2 billion"

"2 billion going once."

"2 billion going twice."


The first share was bought by General Motors. They surprisingly spent $2 billion on it.

"Now for, the second share…"

The auction went on and ended finally after an hour or so. The one's who bought the share were General Motors who bought two shares for a total of 4.25 billion dollars, Tata who bought one share for 1.8 billion dollars, Suzuki motor corporation who bought one share for 1.65 billion dollars, Dongfeng motor corporation who bought two shares for 5.1 billion dollars, Volkswagen who bought one share for 2.1 billion dollars, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) bought one share for 2.35 billion dollars, Tesla bought one share for 1.9 billion dollars and last but not least, Hyundai bought one share for 1.85 billion dollars.

All ten shares were bought at varying prices but were sold.

"Finally, the price. The price of each battery is $1,000. This is also not negotiable."

All the companies that had bid transferred money to galaxy technology's account.

The eight companies that bought these shares were excited while other companies were disappointed and expressed thei hope to Ankit and asked him to increase production.

Ankit then went to check the progess of the material science laboratory and spent rest of his day there. No matter what, he was still more into research than socializing.

The total money obtained after this was $ 21 billion dollars. More than that, the order they had just settled was worth $ 96 billion. So, whole total, this year alone, the profit made by this battery was $117 billion dollars.

The profit from this atomic matrix battery technology was just unimaginable. This was just the statics for now. Next year with increased production, they could bring in even more money. Also, after a new battery technology has been researched, this technology could be sold too.

The news of this cooperation was not leaked. It was requested by Ankit. He wanted to reveal atomic matrix battery technology at the conference along with the civilian robot.

There was some news around that galaxy technology might cooperate with auto makers but noone was sure about the specific content. Some said smart cars while some said electric cars. Noone was sure but most people believed smart cars as galaxy technology had released a very good AI along with it's AI.

The next day, same setting but the audience was different. The people present here right now were representatives sent by the wealthy families and the wealthiest of consortiums. These people represented what you would call the top 1% of the top 1%.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen. I am Ankit Alderson, the owner of Galaxy technology. Today, we are here for the civilian robots sales rights auction. As you guys can see, this is a civillian robot and we have already provided you with all the technical information about the robot along with the invitation."

"We will be auctioning the sales rights based on regions. We have divided up roughly eight regions which are the North american region, Latin American region, European region, Russian region, Southwest asian region, South asian region, Southeast asian region and the African region."

"Each region will get 10% of our current production while we will conduct another sales for remaining 10% of the production while remaining 10% will be handled by the company."

"Now, let's begin the auction. First up is the North american region."

" 10 billion."

"15 billion."

"18 billion."

"25 billion."

"27 billion"

"27 billion going once."

"27 billion going twice."


The auction continued. The eight regions were obtained by Walton family that got the north american region for 37 billion dollars, Rothschild family that got the European region for 39 billion dollars, Rockefeller family that got the Latin american and African region for 53.5 billion dollars, Mitsui family that got the South asian region for 34 billion dollars, Al-saud family that got the southwest asian region for 35.5 billion dollars, Li family that got the south east asian region for 38.75 billion dollars and finally Morgan family that got the Russian region for 36.5 billion dollars.

Compared to yesterday today was a real big transaction. The sales rights alone were worth $274.25 billion dollars. This was just 80% of the shares.

The remaining 10% extra share was bought by Walton family for $40 billion dollars, which made the total sales rights worth 314.25 billion dollars.

Unlike the other battery sales, these families had gotten a five year sales rights.

"The price of each robot is $90,000 for you guys which you can sell from $100,000 to $180,000. The price in your region is controlled by you but you cannot go above or below the price we have specified. In the first quarter of the next year, our production capacity will be 200,000 robots a month while in the following three quarters our capacity will be 1 million robots a month."

Ankit shook hands with the partners while Ashly who was looking from side started planning for the new conference that would soon have to be held.

Today's orders were worth $864 billion. Together this was around $1.17 trillion. Along with the atomic matrix battery sales, this was around $1.3 trillion. In two days.