AG-1A (Anti-gravity spacecraft)

The discovery of these new materials didn't really change the production process. The new materials were used for production of new robots that were used inside the company but anything sold outside were still made with initial materials.

The civilian robots for outside were made with steel alloys while combat robots for outside sale were made with titanium alloys.

While, the civilian robots for the company were made using High specific strength steel which made the civilian robots around ten times more powerful. These robots, if installed with combat module could contend with 2 titanium alloy combat robots.

Whereas the combat robots made with the new advanced high density steel alloy could alone destroy 10 sets of the previous combat robots i.e. 100 robots.

The new advanced high density steel alloy was around 15 times harder than the currently used titanium alloy material. Afterall, the material made for anti-gravity engine was indeed tough. Even though, it was twice as expensive as the titanium alloy, Ankit decided that the robot squads for the company would be made with the high density alloy. Because, the last thing galaxy technology was lacking was money.

The current engine that had been designed by Ankit was pretty rough and was theoretically supposed to acheive the speed of Mach 26. This was 31850 kilometers per hour. This meant even the basic and rusty engine made with anti-gravity technology could allow an aircraft to circle the earth along the equator in less than 1 and an hour.

With this aircraft, even shooting down ballistic missiles would be possible. This was not even the full potential of anti-gravity technology. According to the simulations done by Nanu, the anti-gravity technology could reach maximum speed of around 0.8 times the speed of light.

This alone was around 860 million kilometers per second. This might seem alot, which it is, if you look at the current technology. But, out there, in the vast space this was not much. This was barely enough. The length of Milky way galaxy alone was estimated to be around 100,000 light years which meant that this anti-gravity technology would take thousands of years to just go travel within the galaxy from one end to another.

Ankit knew this. Ankit already had all the knowledge regarding the model of the engine that would be required to reach the speed of 0.8 times the speed of light but the material required to support that was not available.

For the anti-gravity technology to be fully harnessed, three things were needed. They were the full anti-gravity technology, energy source big enough to power the anti-gravity engine at full power and the material to build the aircraft that could handle the acceleration and speed at which the aircraft travelled.

The anti-gravity technology was all there in Ankit's head. The second thing, energy source. Ankit had planned to use nuclear fusion to power the engine and the energy provided by the fusion reactor would surely be enough. The last thing, material to build the aircraft. Research on the materials was also going on and the advanced high density steel alloy was currently the only material on earth stand the speed at which the first and most basic version of anti-gravity engine could travel.

This meant that after the AG-1A aircraft was built, it would be able to travel from earth to the moon in approximately 9 hours and 30 minutes. The name AG-1 was given to the aircraft that used the version 1 of the anti-gravity engine. This aircraft according to the model built by Nanu was fit with the artificial gravity machine which would simulate earth gravity on the aircaft. The whole aircraft was airtight and had self sufficient oxygen supply. But, the main feature of this aircraft was it's payload capacity and the resources consumed during it's travel.

According to it's design, it would be 5 meters high and 8 meters long. The payload of the aircrat was 10 tons cargo along with 2 engineer robots, 2 combat robots, 1 medical robot and 10 crew members. Each aircraft had 5 large batteries installed along with 2 extra fully charged atomic matrix battery for emergency purposes.

The five batteries could allow the aircraft to bring and deliver full payload for 10 roundtrips. The extra batterys were actually there incase of some emergencies such as a detour was taken and energy was consumed, weapon system were over used, defense system were over used, etc.

Yes, you heard it correctly. Weapons system and defense system. Ankit had also been working on a side project of laser weapons and energy sheilds.

These were relatively easier for him rather than larger projects going on in the company like quantum camouflage, quantum radar, quantum communication, virtual reality, anti-gravity technology, Nuclear fusion, Nano-robots, etc.

Every research team hoped for Ankit to work with them but Ankit would work on things according to his mood.(Little secret - he works on projects where author wants him to work on lol. dont tell anyone.)

This was just the first type of spacecraft to be designed as it would be used for mining purposes. Other designs for fighting, luxury, group travel, etc were also created. They were named as AG-1B, AG-1C, and so on.

December came. The day of the press conference was coming nearer while Galaxy technology was in full swing and bought more land around it's home base in New york. New factories along with an airbase were built. Hangars were to be built here.

Various permissions were taken from the government which naturally aroused interest from the media. Various news were reported but still no sure news was released.

More money was thrown to increase the construction speed of the three factory spaces in the three states of West Virginia, Mississippi and Arkansas.

Ankit still enjoyed his time with his wife at night and researxhed during day. Zara was a bit normal and stayed with them. She still seemed worried about her parents but she didn't let it show on her face and always presented herself with a gorgeous and warm smile.

Sure enough, time and tide waits for none. Time soon passed while Ankit was conducting research on quantum camouflage while the day of the conference soon arrived.