Anti-gravity Theoretical Papers

"Mr. Alderon, what are your thoughts on the future direction of your company? What research are you guys over there carrying out? You said galaxy technology works to bring us, humans to the future. How do you intend on keeping your promise?", the reporter from MSNBC asked.

"I am very sorry but I cannot release what we are currently working on. But I do assure that I, Ankit Alderson will do my best for human kind. As for the future direction of the company, we are shooting for the stars. Literally. There is a whole world out there for us to discover, why be limited to our own planet ? We have be adventurous, go out and see the world."

"Sir, do you believe in aliens?", a reporter from BBC asked.

"As a matter of fact, I do. I realize that many don't but what have we even seen? A few centuries ago, we believed earth was flat. I believe in aliens. But, as history has shown us, it is not good to be found. We should find them rather than them finding us. The indians in the 'new land' were found by the colonizers from the Europe. Result. Slaughter. Maybe the aliens that visit us will be friendly but maybe not. We can not leave the fate of our entire race on some chance."

"Sir, do you believe the end of the world might come soon? The attack from aliens? Independence day?", one of them asked.

"No, I never said it will surely happen. I just said that the aliens might not be friendly so we have to ensure our own safety. That is all for today.", Ankit said while getting off the stage and leaving.

"Sir, what about your wife? How long have you guys been together?", one of the reporters asked while looking at Ankit's departing back. He was the MSNBC reporter.

Ankit turned around and said, "Well, we are childhood sweethearts. So, you could say we have been together most of our lives."

Ankit then left the building and went right back into research while the world got crazy over statements made by Ankit.

<> CNN.


<> NHK News.

<< Who is Ankit Alderson? Who is his wife? Is Ankit Alderson the new Elon Musk?>> Fox News.

<< Will Galaxy technology really change our lives? Will we really travel to the outer space and get to 'adventure' and 'see' the world? >> BBC.

The news headlines were filled with news about Galaxy technology and Ankit Alderson. The whole world knew these two names while some were sleepless and didn't even have the time to look at the news, all because of Ankit.

Who were these people? It was naturally those researchers who had read Ankit's paper on anti-gravity technology he had sent to th International journal of theoretical physics.

The papers had been seen by a editor of the journal. He was a theoretical physicist specializing in quantum mechanics, gravity and cosmology. His name was Sean M. Carrol.

At first, the title gave him a feeling that this was something done to get attention. He had read the papers because he had to read it once. It was his duty. The more he read, the more he got into the paper. Before even finishing half of it, Sean was begginning to have the feeling that this might be it.

He didn't even go home and just sat in his office with a pen and a bunch of papers, talking to himseld while looking at the papers with stars in his eyes.

"It works. This theory, it seems quite correct. No, I need second opinions. Where are those other bastards? ", he said as he called other physicists who specialized in general relativity and gravity.

"Listen, i sent you some papers. Check them. This research is ground breaking. This theory, just look at it.", he said after calling Charles W. Misner.

He called a bunch of other people but the content was same. Soon, physicists all over the plaxe were being sent the papers after being verified by various well known physicists while the search for the writer of the papers started.

But the writer was in his bed, having a sleep with his wife. Technically, Nanu wrote it but it was Ankit. (Ik confusing lol.)

The next morning, 7 AM.

"Is it really him?", One of the physicists asked.

"We think it's him. He is the one who has the same name and also just yesterday, he said that the future of mankind is out there in space. This is probably him. We will call and verify the news.", the editor-in-chief of the journal said.

"We will also immediatelty issue an special edition of the journal and publish these papers as soon as possible.", he added.

The editor-in-chief of the international journal of theoretical physics was Heinrich Saller. He had worked for over 40 years in mathematical physics with a special focus on field theory.

The galaxy technology staff got a call from the international journal of theoretical physics.

"Hello, galaxy technology. I'm Linda. How may I help you?"

"Hello, I am Heinrich Saller. I am the editor-in-chief of the international journal of theoretical physics. I would like to comfirm something with your chairman. Can you connect us?"

"I'm sorry, sir. I can not do that and our chairman is busy."

"Can I get any other high level? Tell them that Ankit has submitted papers to our journal. We wish to confirm that it is indeed Ankit Alderson of Galaxy technology who sent this."

"Yes, sir. Please wait.", she said while contacting Ashly.

"I will talk to him. Transfer him to me.", Ashly replied.

She hurriedly called Ankit and asked about the matter.

"Yes, it was me. Tell them it was me.",Ankit replied.

"Hello, Miss Ashly. I am Heinrich Saller. I am the editor-in-chief of the international journal of theoretical physics. I would like to talk to your chairman. You should know about the matter."

"Yes, I know. I have asked him, it was indeed him.", Ashly calmly replied. Even though, she didn't know what the paper was about, she knew it must be pretty important considering the fact that the editor-in-chief of a scientific journal himself called.

"Thats good. I also have one request from him.", Heinrich asked.

"Please.", Ashly replied.

"Some of the physicists have been fascinated by Mr. Alderson's intellect and wish to have discussions with him. I am not sure if he is willing to meet us. I hope you will tell him.", Heinrich asked hesitantly.

"I'm sure he would be happy to do so. I will tell him. Please, rest assured."

"I won't keep you then. Thank you for your time.", Heinrich said while ending the call.