Start Selling Civilian Robots

"Baby, I saw her crying today. She is really sad.", Lily said.

"Zara? She seemed fine during dinner."

"She is good at hiding it but she's sad and worried. Her parents?"

"Soon. Don't worry. In a week or two. I will get her here."


"Her father. He .… he is no more.", Ankit said in a solemn tone.

Lily coverd her mouth with her hand and hugged Ankit with tears on her face. As an orphan, who could understand the loss of parents better then them. She had formed a good relation with Zara despite the situations under which they had met. Naturally, she felt sad when she heard this news.

"Get her mom back. Safe.", Lily said with a low voice.

"Don't cry, babe. I will get her. Safe and sound.", Ankit reassured while hugging her tight. They soon went to sleep.

Next day, the special article of the international journal of theoretical physics was published, which caused waves in the physics community.

But, this was just the beginning. The news was soon released that the theory for anti-gravity technology was printed on the scientific journal.

The subscription count of the journal increased while media people only mentioned one name i.e. Ankit Alderson.

<> CNN News.

<> Fox News.


The diacussion was fierce. Some said it was the chairman of Galaxy technology while some said it was a different person. The discussion didn't last long.

Soon, the journal releasing the theoretical papers confirmed that this Ankit Alderson was indeed the indeed the same as the owner of Galaxy Technology.

The netizens were also fiercely discussing the release of this technology. After all, it had a pretty significant effect on them, especially after Ankit's speech.

Netizen 1 - This is so cool. I feel like we are soon going to enter the interstellar era.

Netizen 2 - It's going ro be fun. I need to have a planet and rule like a king.

Netizen 3 - Guys, stop being delusional. The theory was just released. The process from theory to pratical use is decades long. You will probably be in your seventies by the time they fly the first spaceship.

Netizen 4 - You are the one who is delusional, dawg. At most 20 years. I mean, look at the interest groups. All the countries in the world will be working on this. Let alone the private organizations. How could you even forget that the one who wrote those papers is a billionare businessman? I bet Galaxy technology is working on it too.

Netizen 5 - I don't know when this technology will be released or anything but I am proud to be an American and the fact that we have a genius who is among the ranks of Einstein.

Netizen 6 - +1



Netizen XXX - +859

The discussed went on while Ankit met with the physicists led by Heinrich.

Heinrich led 20 other older men and visited the Galaxy technology under Ankit's warm invitation. All of these twenty people had a good name in the theoretical physics field and had big achievements in research.

They were currently waiting in a room in Galaxy technology waiting for Ankit like some excited kids.

Soon, Ankit entered and shook hands with everybody while saying, "It's a pleasure to meet all of you big names."

The physicists who came naturally did not have much social experience and quickly got into knowledge exchange. They all started various question about the anti-gravity technology.

Ankit calmly answered them. They also talked about various other things such as Ankit's opinion on the future of scientific research.

Their talks and discussions lasted more than five hours. At last, everyone was ready to leave when Ankit said, " I have a request."

"Ankit, if it's about recruitment, just save it. We are all old and would like to spend our remaining days checking up on progress of our juniors while carrying out our own interest. It's no use.", Heinrich said. He had already been familiar with Ankit. So, he had said this in a frank and honest member.

"Aren't you going to hear my offer?", Ankit said with a mysterious smile.

"Surprise us.", One of the other physicists said.

"Life. A healthy body."

"What do you mean? Can you? Really?", the faces of all the people there changed and a look of disbelief and longing flashed in their faces.

"Yes. It is what you think it is. I will provide this to you and your companion, if you decide to join. Also $5 million annual salary and you can also continue working on the journal but you need to give at least 5 hours to the company."

"What do you think, gentlemen?", Heinrich asked while looking around at his colleagues.

"I'm in.", One of them at the back said.

"Me too.", Another said.

Soon, everyone was on-board with the idea and the 20 something brilliant physicists joined the company.

As for the promised thing, they would soon move into the company headqartes and get their benifits.

Time passed. The hype went on. Various news media wanted an interview with the Genius of this era but none got the chance.

The novel prize winner in the physics field was already selected and the ceremony would happen soon or else Ankit would have gotten this year's Novel prize. Anyway, next year's Novel Prize was already in the bag.

The release date of the home robot A-1 also came. The process of selling home robots or civilian robots in different regions varied.

All the regions had opened walk-in stores in major cities whereas other places had to other through the internet. The economically sound countries naturally had more walk-in stores while poorer regions such as the African region had less of those.

The North America naturally had all walk-in stores as Walmart family was the one who bought the sales rights of the North-american region. They directly put the robots in their own stores for sale while using existing online services to sell.

The prices were also not consistent throughout. The more developed the region, the cheaper the robot was. This was because the number of possible sales was accounted for while listing the prices at first.

China was the only nation which was the most developed but also sold the robot for most expensive price. It was directly set at $180,000.

This was because of the bad relations between both countries. Even though, the robot might have been prohibited from sale in China, that didn't happen. This was because of the Li family. It had alot of say in the Chinese goverment and could at least dictate this.

Once enough benefits were provided, everyone in the world would lay down on fours and let you have them. This was the truth.(ik i am very bad at this. let you have them boom boom lol😂😂😂)