Bio-sensor Technology

The release of these home robots ushered people into the first wave of unemployment. These robots priced at a tens of thousands of dollars were things of millionares.

The first wave of unemployed people was those who had been employed at the houses of these millionares or billionares.

Home robots were built to do all the works at home. This had unemployed thousands of people worldwide.

The price of the robot only allowed fairly rich people to buy the robot. Even though the stores had installment service which allowed upper middle class people of the developed country to buy them too. But for those developing countries, it was still something only rich people could afford.

The christmas was almost here. The end of the year was also here. More so, Lily would be giving birth to their child soon.

Ashly had already considered the problem brought on by the sale of the home robots. A privately funded foundation had also been made which was all funded by Galaxy technology.

This foubdation would provide six months of living expenses to those who had been unemployed by the sale of home robots. All they had to do was provide the owners information as well as confirmation that he or she was indeed unemployed because of the fact that the employer bought a home robot.

The living expenses were also varied according to regions. Developed regions were paid $2,000 a month while the less developed regions were paid $500 a month. This was because, in some countries this two thousand dollars a month for six months would allow those unemployed people to live for another year without having to do a job.

It was also notified that those people could not enjoy this compensation after six months and this six months will have to be used to find a proper job.

While all this was happening, Ankit was busy in research. He suddenly heard a notification go off in his mind.

[ Congratulations on researching bio-sensor technology.]

[Host has been rewarded with Cold nuclear fusion technology.]

[Would host like to start fusion of knowledge?]

"Master, Researchers at the virtual reality laboratory have broken through on some technical difficulties and invented a new technology.", Nanu said to Ankit while he was working on making a new prototype.

The existence of a powerful A.I. was no secret to the company researchers but they hadn't realized that Nanu was a true A.I. with her own thoughts.

While being in front of others, she would use a mechanical female voice with rigid speaking method which led to belief that Nanu was only better than other A.I. but not perfect.

"I will be back. You guys finish this", Ankit said while going to the virtual reality laboratory. He still didn't start the fusion of knowledge as he knew that this would surely make him lose consciousness as nuclear fusion technology would surely contain a flood of information.

Whereas in the virtual reality laboratory,

"This is surely the biggest breakthrough we have ever had.", One of the reasearchers said.

"If we can continue improving, we can probably build the virtual reality device in a few years.", another researcher said.

"I'm sure we will be rewarded pretty good. A friend of mine said there was a special reward that people with enough contribution would get. He didn't tell me what it was exactly but he said it was unimaginable."

"Reward. No reward. Who cares. I don't know about you guys but before I got the job here, I hadn't been able to research properly. For me, the job is the biggest reward.", One of them said.

In the western countries, having a higher education isn't really that difficult for fairly good students, finding a job is the really difficult part. Finding a job in research institutes with abundant funding is naturally all they could ask for.

After all, they don't just study science to teach kids. What they want to do is reasearch and leave their name on the history book.

Ankit reached the laboratory. He looked at the researchers resting and discussing and said, "I heard there's been a breakthrough. Let's see."

"Yes, sir.", the research head of the laboratory said while moving to get a circular headband like thing, which was full of wires.

"We were working on converting brain waves or more so information from brain into computer data that could be understood by the computer."

Previously, They had been able to send instructions but they were never clear enough. This was because the machine they had built was only able to decipher or convert around 50 - 60 percent of the brainwaves into computer data.

After the recent breakthroughs, this percentage had went right upto 90 - 95 percentage. This allowed the machine to transmit clear instructions to the computer.

Remember when someone asks you about your day, you can see the whole day in fast forward in your subconscious. This machine could even detect that.

This was more that just a controller for devices. This was also a lie detector.

"Have you guys tried controlling electronic devices with this technology?"

"No, sir. This was just built."

This another application of using this technology to make machines understand intructions from the brain was what bio-sensor technology was about.

The virtual reality technology relied on capturing human brain waves fully and sending 'fake' information in the form of brain waves to the brain which would allow a person to feel, smell, touch, hear and see what was not real. This 'not real' or fake world built by the computer would be the virtual world.

"You guys will work with electronics and chip experts and build intelligent programmable chips that can run through this technology. The further research is put on hold for now. Work on this.", Ankit said.

"Yes, sir."

"Also, all of you will be rewarderd $5 million each. And an extra reward, for which you will be notified soon."

Ankit then left the building. He seemed to thinking something when he asked, "Nanu, how is the progress of ther research laboratories ?"

Ankit had been busy in his own research and didn't really follow up on the other researchs.

"There have been minor breakthroughs in all sectors. It was all far away from any practical use, so I haven't reported anything to you, master."

"Breakthrough? Just like that. Funding alone cannot do this. Wait, does this mean…‥