Hidden Feature Of System

The system that Ankit had gotten wasn't as simple as it seemed. It wasn't just about providing Ankit with an enhanced brain and advanced technology.

In any reasearch process, the most important in inspiration. Just how an inspiration drives an artist to create an exquisite piece of art, an inspiration inspires a scientist to solve any problems during research or even define new theories.

One of the most important 'hidden' feature of the system was that the researchers 'working for' the owner of the system would have inspirations from nowhere. A problem in any research would be quickly solved, not only by Ankit but also by other scientists.

This meant that if the company had stats page as in a game, there would be 'research speed + 500%' in that stats page.

Ankit figured this out. Even though he couldn't prove it, he was pretty sure this was the case. He then went to his private laboratory and laid down while saying, "Start transferring knowledge on cold nuclear fusion technology."

Torrents of knowledge entered Ankit's brain. After about half an hour, Ankit woke up. He was surprised to find out that there was no pain during this knowledge transfer 'procedure'. More so, the thing that amazed him was the fact that this cold nuclear fusion technology was none other than the Tritium Arc Nuclear technology.

It is indeed the one from the movie Iron Man. This nuclear technology is different from the thermonuclear fusion technology as the temperature needed for carrying this out is not as high as thermonuclear fusion reaction.

During the cold fusion, the temperature produced is not high but it has amazing energy output.

Galaxy technology indeed had researchers working on thermonuclear fusion technology but there was noone working on the cold fusion nuclear technology.

Soon, a team was set up to start the work on the cold nuclear fusion technology. Ankit still worked in the quantum camouflage technology along with the laser weapon system and magnetic force field defense technology.

Time passed. Just less than a year had passed and Galaxy tech had become one of the most wealthy company in the world.

The yearly financial report was soon made whilst an end-of-the-year party was going to be held soon.

"The total revenue of our company this year has reached $ 978.6 billion dollars. The tax of $205.5 billion is to be paid. We have innquired and we are not subject to any special treatment.", Ashly said to Ankit.

Ashly was a bit angry at this because most tech companies like Amazon and Netflix were only paying around half of the 21% of the revenue that is supposed to be paid in taxes according to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).

"It's fine. We are making alot of money, aren't we?", Ankit said with a smile. Money had already just been a string of numbers in Ankit's heart.

"If it was amazon in our place, they would have saved a little over $ 100 billion. What about next year? And after that? We are probably going to pay over $300 billion next year. More so, they are not even exempting taxes on the military robots bought by the U.S. military.", Ashly said with a cold face.

"Then, pay them.",

"Okay. But for now, we have a serious problem."

"What is it? "

"We don't have much liquid funds, boss. We have already taken all the cash for the two terms worth of supplies of atomic matrix battery and commercial robots. And compared to your spending, the income from the other products of our company just can't compete."

"How much do we have left? Do we have to halt some research?", Ankit asked with a serious face. After all, his research was important for him. All the projects people were working on right now in the galaxy tech was approved by Ankit which meant he wanted to get into reseach in all of these projects. Even though, he was a genius, he was still a human. He couldn't be at two places at the same time and also didn't prefer dividing his attention too much.

He thought that it was already difficult handling three projects and couldn't take on anymore.

"We still have a little over $200 billion. We don't have to halt any projects. We can still keep the ongoing projects but no new projects can be added for at least 3-4 months.", Ashly said hastily when she saw Ankit getting all serious. She could promise that this was one of those rare moments when her 'boss' would seem so serious.

"That's good. You almost scared me. Also, we do have a new product. The bio-sensor equipment."

"Yes, I have been working on advertising plans for it. It is indeed a good technology. The people in the virtual reality department were really happy about their research progress."

"Yes, they did good. Sigh. Only if all those bright scientists out there could be given a chance. The world would surely be a better place.", Ankit said with emotion.

"Oh. What happened about the thing I asked you about?", Ankit asked.

"Well, we have already transferred $20 billion to the subsidiary. It will start to provide for poor and needy in a list of third world countries. We will also see to it that help is provided to those who need it."

"That's good. What am I gonna do with all this money if I can't help a few people?", Ankit said as he remembered his days in the orphanage. He had been brought up by money that came up in donations and went to school because of someone's help. He would never forget that.

"A few people? That's a serious understatement. According to our estimate, it will help hundreds of thousands of people over the globe."

"Well, the world population is in billions, so hundreds of thousands and even millions is only a few.", Ankit said with a smile.


"How's Lily?", Ashly asked.

"Lily's okay. So is the baby. It seems we are going to have it soon. Doctor did say we could expect any day within the last five days of this month."

"And Zara?"

"She's fine. She misses her parents. Lily still likes interacting with people more than robots, so it's better that she is there.", Ankit said.

"About her parents? The sheikhs are getting restless.", Ashly said.

"You got another call?"

"Yes. They said one more week or they will parcel us the pieces."

Ankit just nodded but still didn't understand why they thought that Ankit would take them seriously for some woman he didn't know.

'Do they really think I am some scared little mouse who hasn't seen the world? These guys really need to change their perception of a scientist?', Ankit thought to himself.

"Soon.", Ankit said and left for the laboratory.