"And thrust!"


"And thrust!"


I watch my troops train. Half of them are sparring with spears while the other half are training formations and basic moves like a simple forward thrust. They'll switch off after a while. This way, they safely get combat experience while learning discipline and to fight in formation. It's nice watching them. I'm glad Coward Squad reacted so positively to my newfound abilities and are treating my undead like normal companions. Things continue like this for a while.


Eventually, I hear victory horns sounding followed by masses of cheering. Looks like we finally won. I grab the chiefs head, unsummon my spirits, and head back with my squad. They got some much needed training in and I can already see all around improvement in the spirits.

I see the chief standing tall, talking to Grognik, and I kneel before him. I place the head down. "Chief. I collect chief head for you." His eyes burn the back my head and his short silence seems to go on forever. I don't know how he'll react.

"Hahaha! Good! Good!" He picks me up by the shoulder and slaps my back before spitting on the head. "That bastard deserve worse but this okay. It's time to party! Bring out the drink! We have feast!"

Everyone cheers.


The mood is light. Gobs are having fun fighting each other, eating 'till they're full, drinking, and more. Everyone's energy was running high even after the war, so fighting is natural. And now is the perfect opportunity to prove your strength after earning some achievements in the war.

I've spent the night so far with my squad, drinking in silence as they all have a good time. They keep urging me to participate but I don't think it's a good idea. I'm their commander after all. They're aware of that, too, but invite me anyways. It's very kind of them but it's about time I saw Red, I think. I head towards the slave tents and enter his. Unlike the other slaves, he at least gets his own tent.

As I get up to leave, someone's hand falls on my shoulder. When I turn around, I see Grognik's ugly face staring back at me. "We fight. Me show them you weak." Shit. Just what I needed

"I no--"

"You no choice. Take stance."

I walk a few steps away and take my fighting stance. Like he said, it looks like I have no real choice here. He's decided we're going to fight and I can't really turn him down in front of everyone, either, despite just trying to. Shit. This is the worst.

I eye up Grognik. He's huge. At least twice as tall as me and equally bulky. He has massive tusks protruding form under his lips and his body is full of scars. Battle wounds. There's just no way I win this.

I charge him, going for the stomach. My fist lands but he just literally laughs it off. His fist lands square on my jaw, sending me flying.

Gobs start cheering and jeering.

"You no captain!"

"You supposed to be chief's hand?"


"Even I stronger!"

"Shut up!"Grognik silences the crowd. "You, stand!"

I stand. He grabs me by the neck and lifts me off my feet. "You, always remember you place. You weak. You no strong. Me strong." He continues to strangle me a bit before finally releasing me and walking away, laughing.

Well, that went about as well as it could have. I guess it's time to finally see Red now.

When I enter, I see him nose first in a book. Typical. Books are stacked high in this tent, goblins other than Red having no need for them. They'd normally be fuel but giving them to Red instead is another small boon afforded to me by Chief's grand generosity. I note the shackle on his ankle that prevents him from leaving the tent.


"Ah, Shade! I'm glad to see you return." I see a gentle smile, genuinely glad to see me, plastered on his face before he turns and actually does see me.

"Shade! What happened to you?"

"Oh, just Grognik's usual. How are you?"

He gives me a concerned look but knows to drop it. "Good, thank you. I've been reading and the chief sent someone with food and alcohol earlier. I suppose he must be in a good mood, then? It seems the war went well."

I notice the mostly empty bowl and tankard. "Mm. He is. It did. We won and I collected the enemy chief's head."

His smile immediately turns to a frown. "You risked yourself again, didn't you? I know you take precautions but you keep doing unnecessary things. If you just--"

"It was something I needed to do this time. I promise."

"You always say that." We stare at each other for a few moments before bursting out in laughter.

The night continues like this.




"What would you do if you were chief?"

"Hmm... I suppose I'd make sure everyone is fed. That way, aggression would subside and we'd see less assaults on kith. They'd hunt us less, then, and full gobs are loyal gobs. I'd probably try to get some seeds and start farming. I'd also..." He continues on but I zone out. I don't really understand this stuff. "I'm not strong enough to lead the tribe, anyways. Why?"

I stand, pat him on the shoulder, and say "Don't worry about it. Things will be changing soon, though. Just keep that in mind."


"Don't worry, Red. Everything will work out. Oh, before I leave," I continue "do those books say anything about necromancy? Gods related to the undead?"

"They do, why?"

"Which god?"

"Nyx. Again, Shade, why?"

"Thank you. Good night, Red."

I leave his tent and head to mine. From outside his tent, I hear him chuckle and say "That's just like you, Shade." It's time to get some sleep.