First thing after waking up, I check on Grak and Coward Squad to make sure they're prepared for what's to come. When I approach their section of the camp, I see them vigorously training like usual, Grak leading in my absence like usual.

"Grak." I interrupt them. They all look in my direction and immediately salute upon seeing me.

"Yes, sir?"

"I have something I want to talk with you about. In private, Follow me." We begin walking as the conversation continues.

"You're a smart gob. You must understand what's happening. Are you really prepared to follow me?"

"I come visit and here you are, speaking human tongue. What, Gob language not good enough?" Someone shouts from the side. It's Grognik. Looks like he's here to antagonize me. "Where my salute?"

"Me their captain, not you. They no reason to salute you." Grognik approaches, towering over me.

"Hmph." He scoffs. "What you talking about."

"None of your business."

"Your business my business." He gets closer. "Or you no remember last night?" I remain silent. He moves his face close to mine. "You coward. Tribe no room for cowards. Me destroy you."

"Go ahead and try. Fight to death different and you know it. Who coward now?" I headbutt him.

He reels back, pressing his hand to his head. "Ack! That's it! I kill you! I tear you limb from limb! I drink your blood and eat your meat! Everyone will know how weak you are!"

I can see Grak's knuckles whitening as he tightens his grip around his spear. "Don't, Grak."

"Do it, Grak! Try and stab me! I eat your whole squad! I eat you! I'll dig you a grave and shit in it!" I continue to remain silent, unfazed by his taunting. Grak, however, can't take it anymore.

"How dare you!" He shouts as he thrusts his spear at Grognik's throat. Grognik, however, catches the spear in his hand and laughs.

"Now I really kill you. You started it. And when I done with you, I do the same to Red. I take my time with him. Kill him slowly. I strip his flesh off while he still alive, cook it in front of him, and force him to eat it. I force "Shade" to eat it, too. And there nothing you can do to stop me."

Suddenly, I grab Grognik's throat. He can't escape my grip. I'm pissed.

My tattoo glows a disconcerting black hue and slowly grows down the length of my arm. Black wisps emanate from my entire left arm as real black chains materialize in the place of my tattoo. My chains wrap around his throat, tightening. Squeezing. The black wisps burn his flesh.

Without any commands on my part, my spirits materialize and black spears pierce Grognik's back. Grognik weakening, I force him to the ground and get on top of him. He can't utter a sound, my chains wrapped so tightly around his throat. Blood trickles from the corners of his lips, his face turns blue, and his eyes are bloodshot. I slowly watch the life fade from his eyes.

Once Grognik's dead, I release my grip on his throat and I can feel something come with me. Come out of Grognik. It's his soul. I grab it with my left hand and it shrinks down into a small ball of black energy, pulsing and writhing. Seeing it makes me angry and, uncontrolled by me, my chains wrap around the soul. They squeeze, slowly crushing it. Suddenly, there's a cracking sound and I hear a faint scream. It broke. I broke it. I destroyed his soul. It withers away into nothing.