I don't really have time to process what happened. Killing Grognik won't be much of an issue--that sort of stuff happens all the time here--but exposing my magic puts me in danger. It makes me strong enough to compete with Chief and he'll know that. So I need to get to him first, naturally. I'm not entirely certain anyone other than my squad saw but the possibility alone means it's do or die. I wouldn't be surprised if Chief had some spies lurking around.

"Follow me," I tell Grak "and be quiet." We walk silently, spirits summoned, towards the chief's tent. We draw a number of onlookers and the atmosphere is thick. Palpable. They know what's coming. As we walk in silence, my mind wanders towards earlier events. How did I summon my spirits and make them act? It was more like they were an extension of my will than something I command. And what was with the chains? I look at my left arm, the chains long having vanished and the tattoo having since receeded. Everything is back to normal like it never happened.

Before long, we arrive at the chief's tent. It has never looked taller. "Stab the tent." I'm not playing games here. My men do so silently and the chief's shouts can be heard. He was stabbed from outside. He suddenly barrels through the tent, bleeding, and knocks over several of my men. We're giant-slaying today. Just like his tent, Chief seems extra large today and so too does his axe.

"You!" He shouts before charging at me. I reach towards my waist and throw sand in his eyes. Blinded, I then circle behind him and slice the back of his legs with my daggers. He shouts out in pain but doesn't even drop to his knees. Instead, he swings his axe at me and just barely misses. My men and spirits all stab at him but tiny wooden spears don't seem to do much. Deadly to any other opponent, they're like insect bites to Chief. He swings at me again, smashing his axe into the ground. I swear I can feel it shake and I fall over trying to get out of the way. He raises his axe again and just before he swings it down, I toss my stones at his face. I quickly crawl under him, climb up his back, and stab my daggers into the back of his neck. He reaches for me but I'm long gone. And weaponless.

Grak tosses me his spear and the chief and I circle one another. He's surrounded. I command my spirits to stab at him and they succeed. He turns, swinging his axe, and they all lose their grips on their spears.

Chief stands there, eyeing me, breathing heavily, and bleeding as several spears poke out from his back. He charges at me, presumably tired from severe blood loss, and I manage to land my spear directly into his throat. It's over. I pull my spear out and he slumps to the floor, face first, gurgling. I kick the spears out of him, grab my daggers, and kick him over. Finally, I plunge a dagger deep into his throat and slice it wide open.

I won.