Story 1/2

Jason took a deep breath and started to talk

"in the middle of this forest is a human camp, a large one and I'm from that place"

Jason turned to the alpha wolf

"I want to invite you all to that place to live there"

The entire pack exploded with noise and chaos, one of the older wolves spoke up

"We can't trust hoomans, you're an exception and you know that, they kill us and sell our fur, if we were to trust all of the hoomans we wouldn't be wolves anymore, we would be slaves."

All of the wolves nodded in consent with what the wolf had just said. Jason looked around worried, he wasn't getting anywhere close to his goal currently, and at this pace, he was afraid he might actually lose his place in the pack if he continued.

"Look," Jason said, "in the camp and the rest of the human world, there's this thing called being a familiar, basically when a creature like yourselves is a familiar, then humans will not treat you like monsters but treat you like the warriors that you are."

Jason decided to take it even further so he stood up and said solemnly.

"I promise, that if you do follow me into the camp, I will protect you at all costs and make sure that none of you are treated wrongly."

The alpha wolf walked up to Jason. Jason looked back at the alpha wolf, he didn't notice it until now but the alpha wolf was really intimidating. The sharp gaze in the alpha's eyes was enough to send a cold shiver down his spine. The grey fur that glistened in the moonlight could captivate Jason. His limbs were strong and muscular yet lean and compact, made for hunting down enemies. Jason thought that wolves were just creatures that were fixated on hunting and were the definition of ravenous creatures, but now the alpha wolf and his pack had changed his thoughts about wolves.

Before he was scared of them and only wanted to do things for them to survive. Now he did it, well, he did for the points, but he also did it to help the wolves. The points gained were a testament to the fact that the wolves had intelligence and felt emotion and he definitely felt it when they buried their kind.

So many more thoughts were running through his mind when the alpha wolf was looking at him with an expression he had never seen before. Before he was always treated with kindness, the alpha wolf and the rest of the pack treated him like one of their own after he helped them in the battle.

Jason started to regret proposing the offer to the pack, perhaps they didn't need help they had such an able leader they probably didn't even need him in their lives. Jason's eyes started to dim, for some reason he felt this feeling in his heart like it was getting pierced by a dart, except that instead of a sharp pain it was a dull slow numbing pain that speed everywhere in his body.

Jason tried to shake off this feeling of gloom, but it kept on returning to him, memories started to flood to him. The first time they took him on a night run. The time he killed a goblin leader with them and their help. Or when he made food for them and their reactions.

Frick, he already was emotionally invested in them huh. Jason let out a sad smile because he knew in his heart that this was probably the end of all of the fun adventures he had with them.

The alpha wolf watched Jason as he went through all of the emotional changes judging his face and observing it the entire process. The alpha wolf gave a small laugh and asked Jason

"so what does being a familiar entail?"

Jason swung his downcast head back up to the alpha wolf, expressing the most confused face he could give.

"you say what now?"

The alpha wolf smiled gently and repeated it

"I said what does being a familiar entail"

Jason started to fumble his word

"u-um its means that you'll have to follow the person the familiar belongs to which in this case would be me, b-but don't worry! I'm sure there is a way to find an equal relationship contract somewhere and I promise I won't even dare try to...."

Jason's words trailed off the alpha wolf raised up his paw to silence Jason and Jason looked around to see the rest of the pack laughing just like the alpha wolf. Usually, Jason would feel pissed or upset that people were laughing at him, but this laughter felt different like a parent laughing over his child making a simple mistake, or when they go and say something really stupid.

The alpha wolf finished laughing and told Jason

"Hooman don't worry about it, its just funny seeing you after being so calm and collected when fighting and cooking for us, being so panicked when we disagree with you over something."

The alpha wolf then sat down and prompted Jason to sit down too next to the campfire. The night sky was now visible and the rest of the pack also surrounded them sitting too. The alpha wolf looked up into the sky to recollect their thoughts

"let me tell you a story hooman, a story of pain and grief, but one that I think, may have just found its next chapter."

The alpha wolf now started his story

"once upon a time, there was a large wolf clan. It was great and majestic, thousands of wolves lived in that clan. Filled with wolves from all around the land, from the snowy mountains to the firey sea, heh there were even some mystic wolves that claimed they were from the hidden forest if I remember correctly. "

Jason's eyes widened at the mention of the mystic wolfs and wrote them down while Boops was freaking over the hidden forest part of the story.

The alpha wolf contained

"anyways, the clan lived in harmony, we had peaceful relations with the rest of the clans around us. A small grey wolf was born into that clan. Now being a grey wolf is being the lowest tier of the wolves. Even though that wolf was just a grey wolf and was insignificant the clan didn't treat that grey wolf differently, instead, they did quite the opposite they showed it with love, the fire wolves from the firey sea taught him the art of fighting while the wolves from the snowy mountain and hidden forest taught him how to lead and learn from others. It was hard but the grey wolf grew, not much in strength, he couldn't compare to the mighty warriors from the firey sea, but in knowledge and leadership."

The alpha wolf stopped for a second as if calming an emotion that was about to erupt from him

The alpha wolf continued

"so that grey wolf was promoted, he became a leader of the grey wolf team and eventually the entire grey wolves' leader. That grey wolf found happiness, he even found a wife and had a kid...."

The alpha wolf's voice trailed off from there, he did open his mouth to speak again but his voice didn't come out and even Jason could see that he was fighting something deep within that was about to break out. The alpha wolf took a few seconds to struggle and recover but before he could recover completely one of the older wolves walked up to Jason

He said to the alpha wolf quietly

"ill continue the story"

The alpha wolf nodded quietly and went back to the side of the camp nearby Jason but far away enough so that he wasn't the center of attention. The older wolf started where the alpha wolf had left off.

"that grey leader was an excellent leader, the training from the rest of the wolves had paid off and he was praised as one of the greatest leaders in the clan, the pride of the grey wolves. Life was good, the grey wolf warriors only got stronger under his leadership and the entire clan was at peace."

The older wolf looked at the alpha wolf to check on him, noticing the nod the alpha wolf gave to continue the older wolf started again

"but all good things must come to an end, sadly this one ended tragically. An army of goblins rose up from the mountains in the south. Before the wolf clan knew it the wolves of the snowy mountains had fallen in their territory in the south, but they hadn't fallen for nothing, they made absolutely sure that the rest of the clan had ample time to prepare."

"But then the wolves from the firey sea fell next, they fought valiantly but in the end, they were crushed not even their elemental attacks could do anything against the merciless blades of the goblin army."

The alpha wolf added sadly

"The clan had been crushed in 2 days"