Across Schweizland

Magnus was freaking out as he felt his body being carried. He felt it slam against a surface that he assumed was the trunk of a car.

"Magnus! Calm down! Magnus, just listen to me! Let me tell you something. Your new abilities are that of an Admin, except you do not have a domain. You might have been assigned one by now, but you aren't restricted to it... Yet.", Amicus replied, desperately trying to stop Magnus' worrying. If he didn't the dark, cozy void would probably shatter and leave Magnus helpless and asleep.

"The powers of an Administrator are simple, really. They are immortal, not able to die, but can be ended. To end an Administrator is just to stop its existence in all realms. Administrators can end other Administrators, but not as effectively as an AI could. However, according to the laws of the AI, we cannot.

"Administrators have the power to manipulate matter in their domain, but in your case, really, anywhere. All they have to do, is visualize it happening. The more mental capacity an Administrator has, the easier it is to visualize things. This allows for an Administrator to have complete power over their domain, as they can just make anything happen.

"Administrators can also see everything that goes on in their domain, allowing them to visualize anything in their domain. This also allows for them to visualize their surroundings, enabling them to teleport. Teleportation is much harder than matter manipulation, but allows for more apt Administrators to better take care of their domains.

"Along with these, Administrators can learn anything. Just with some time and focus, an Administrator can know everything concerning a topic and be able to regurgitate that information. Administrators will never forget anything they have learned unless they want to. Knowing less will sometimes boost your mental capacity, but other times knowing more will boost your mental capacity. It really just depends on what that topic is."

Magnus, thoroughly calmed down and felt his body repairing itself. Magnus asked, "So why can I feel my body now when I'm asleep? And why does my body repair itself when I'm asleep?"

Amicus answered, "When you were first made an Administrator, you had the mental capacity of a human, which is about a millionth of the most apt Administrators. Now that you have learned some things and interacted with me quite a bit, you have increased your mental capacity about twenty times that of what it was originally. Humans are much more pathetic than what they make themselves out to be.

"To answer your other question, your subconscious became that of an Administrator when you became one. Because of that, your subconscious can perfectly execute Administrative abilities, while your conscience remains that of a human. Therefore when you are asleep and your subconscious takes over, it can do things like heal your body. Theoretically, your subconscious would be able to fend off attackers if it were not killed immediately.

"Most Administrators have their body implanted with an Automatic-Threat-Reaction-System in their body, but it only works when the body is directly harmed a great amount. If you are pricked by a thorn on a flower, ATES won't kick in, but if you are shot, ATES will kick in. Administrators will do this so they don't have to deal with everything that comes their way.

"In the Realm of Trial, however, the Administrators cannot harm each other. They do have bodies that look like human bodies, but they will often change some details on their body in the Human realm so they look a little more normal. Some Administrators don't even use human bodies in their domain because humans aren't the intelligent species there."

Magnus was so absorbed in what was Amicus was saying, that he realized that his body had finished healed itself. As he was about to ask another question, he woke up in his body.

It was now nine o'clock at night. Magnus woke up in prison. Apparently, he had been assumed drunk and asleep, and taken to the nearest holding cell.

The reason he did not get up, Magnus realized, was because of the way he was sleeping. Stuck sleeping in a car with no where to rest his head, Magnus had not rested enough, so his body decided to take control and sleep longer.

Magnus, realizing that he did not abide by law in this country, decided to learn how to hot-wire a car. About five minutes in, a policeman walked up to him, speaking Schweizs. Putting how to hot-wire a car on hold, he learned Schweizs, needing to talk immediately.

After twenty minutes of shouting, the policeman left, deciding that Magnus was either too drunk or hungover over. Most likely both.

As soon as Magnus finished learning the language, he called out to the policeman, asking him why he was in the prison. The policeman responded that he was taken into custody for sleeping in a no-rest area. When Magnus asked to be let go and his car returned, the officer of the law handed Magnus a form. Magnus needed to pay for the towing and impounding costs. Realizing that he didn't have any money, he panicked.

"There's some money in the bag the General gave you.", Amicus said, once again helping him out.

Magnus asked for his bag, and was given it. After rummaging around in it for a few seconds, he found enough money to pay the policeman back. When he payed him, the man led Magnus to his car that had been impounded.

Magnus got in the car, thanked the man in Schweizs and drove off. From the policeman's perspective, it looked like he was driving off into the sunset, as for some reason the sun sets at 9:45 p.m. in Schweizland.

Magnus was on the road again after having wasted a whole day. He drove down the highway, conversing with Amicus. He could now talk with Amicus for over eight hours a day before feeling the traces of a headache ensuing.

Having slept the entire day, Magnus needed not worry about falling asleep himself. What he really needed to worry about were the other drivers. In Schweizland, there really weren't that many other drivers, but when there were, Magnus kept his eyes open.

At one point during his drive, he was almost run off the road by an oncoming car. A couple minutes later, a car rear-ended him. Pulling over and getting out of the car, he waited patiently as the car slowly approached him. The car pulled close to him, and eventually stopped. When it did, a man got out, complaining in the language of the New Roman Empire.

Wondering why a New Roman citizen would be here, he started shouting in Deutsche. The New Roman, understanding that he did not carry the local accent, asked Magnus where he was from in his own native tongue.

Magnus knew not the question, and told the New Roman in Deutsche so. The New Roman bowed and offered Magnus some of Schweizland's currency. Magnus took it as reimbursement for the accident and walked back to his car. The New Roman called after him, "Good luck!"

Magnus made the fatal mistake of responding, "Thanks!"

Immediately, the New Roman fired shots at Magnus' head, all missing but one. That single bullet struck Magnus' back. Magnus then realized the sticky situation he was in. His car was almost out of fuel and someone was trying to blow his brains out.

The bullet burned Magnus, inflicting upon him a searing pain. Magnus ran to the car as fast as he could and started driving away. But, boy, did that New Roman have a fast car.

They drove for a couple of miles, and then the road went up a mountain. Magnus knew that this mountain road was his chance for getting the hostile off of his tail. Magnus asked Amicus for advice.

"Magnus, you have to keep driving for five more miles. There is a fork in the road up there that you have to turn right at. Hopefully the New Roman will be driving too fast to turn and will drive off of the cliff."

"Thanks! I owe ya one!", Magnus said, putting the petal to the metal and then some. Magnus felt that thrill again. He felt the blood-lust of battle, but he just wanted to go fast. He became a speed demon. Feeling the rush of wind blowing his long, blonde hair behind him was an exhilarating feeling. Magnus knew he could never go back to the pleasure of an evening drive now.

Magnus was approaching the turn, the New Roman hitting his back bumper every few seconds. He had to turn now, or never! Magnus spun the wheel as fast as he could. He looked in his rear-view mirror and saw the New Roman, looking at him as he neared the edge of the cliff. Magnus stopped looking back and focused only on what was in front of him. He heard a large explosion and a orange-red glare lit up the road.

Magnus kept driving and driving, asking Amicus for directions. By the time the sun rose, he had crossed the border. He was in Deutschland now.