Assault on the Industrial Zone

Magnus was careening down the paved road in his car. He was headed west, the fastest way to the General and the front line. Magnus was going as fast as the car would let him. That was, until he came upon the industrial zone.

He saw the great big smokestacks of the factories, and the grey brick that made up the structures of the buildings made to shelter over 200 people as they worked. Magnus marveled at the architecture of the centers of labor and income that he was about to destroy.

Getting out of the car, Magnus lifted up the cushion in the back seat, revealing the automatic rifle he had found in the trenches. He pick up the rifle and the bag of explosives, now light after his excursion in the research facility.

Magnus kicked open the locked door of the industrial complex and open fired. He shot at anyone he saw working around the conveyor belts.

Magnus kept shooting and shooting, until his magazine was empty. Some men who were hiding behind the conveyor belt stood up and emptied their own magazines of pistol ammo at him, as they had been supplied by the administration of the factory with pistols, being the only viable security the factory had. Magnus was hit by the spiraling bullets, but he had developed his mental capacity to the point where he could consciously heal himself now.

After staggering backwards, Magnus didn't move. The workers who were crouching behind anything they could find, stood up, and looked at the standing body, not sure whether it was dead or alive. Their worst fears became a reality as the body started shaking, the bullets falling out of it.

Magnus stepped forward, reloading his rifle. He was shot by the puny pistols of the security detail of the factory as he walked forward, the bullets falling out of his wounds just a second after they had entered. The workers stepped backwards, wondering what kind of monster this was and what it wanted with their humble factory.

Magnus set the explosive on the middle of the conveyor belt, and shot at the men standing on the balcony above himself and the workers. The unarmed workers tried to escape while the armed workers, factory's security detail, were stepping back slowly, clicking the triggers of the empty guns they were desperately gripping, wishing that this monster would just disappear.

The armed workers were out of ammo, and were too stunned by what they saw. They knew they hit this man, this monster, with their shots. Why was he not on the ground, writhing in pain? Why was he not dead?! The big wigs running this factory never told them that they would be attacked by an invincible man! They said they were safe from the war here!

The factory workers with guns questioned reality. One of them, wishing to keep the other workers charged this monster, and swung st his shoulder with a tactical shovel, this factory's product, effectively burying it in Magnus' collarbone. The monster's head was down. Maybe they had defeated it.

Magnus lifted his head up and grabbed the shovel and pulled it out of his wound. The attacking party soiled his pants, liquid flowing down his leg. He fired the automatic rifle at point blank, holding the shovel so that he wouldn't be able to escape.

Magnus turned around and left the building, not being shot in the back because the factory's armed workers had run out of ammunition for their handguns.

Magnus got in the car, and drove to the next factory, only having three explosives left. Magnus felt no remorse as he did this, only concerned with his orders, only wanting to end this war as fast as possible. Amicus told him that this next factory was an ammunition factory.

One of the workers in the ammunition factory had heard the explosion and opened the factory doors, wondering what on God's green earth was happening. A car pulled up in front of him. The worker heard a loud bang, looked down, and saw blood gushing from a hole in his gut. He fainted and blood started flowing from of his mouth, caused by the internal bleeding from the bullet.

Magnus waited for the man to fall over, then fired a couple bullets at the boxed explosives for the artillery guns. After dispensing seven bullets from the barrel of the automatic rifle at the boxes of shells, he drove off to the next factory. He heard an explosion behind him, but payed no heed, not caring what happened to the Deutschlanders, just that this never happened to his own country's civilians.

Pulling up to the next factory, Magnus was getting quite tired. Being the only factory left in this area of the industrial zone, Magnus figured it was time to get back to the General. He set up an explosive on the side of the factory, and ran around to the other end. The explosion blew a gaping hole in the factory's wall, and Magnus threw his second-to-last explosive into the factory.

He ran back around the corner and waiting for the loud thud. Hearing none after the time he had set for the bomb to detonate passed by, he walked through the hole in the wall of the complex, open firing. This factory produced canned food for the war effort, and it reeked of fish.

Magnus, wanting to get out of there as fast as he could, not being able to stand the horrid smell, opened fired on the employees of the factory. Magnus knew they were all men looking to provide for their families, but he concerned himself with the families of the UPC. He was cracking, his psyche was disturbed.

Magnus could only think of the people back home so that he did not label himself a murderer and a monster. He was too busy trying to calm himself to notice the bullets that entered his body. Looking at the second-to-last bomb and realizing that it was a dud, set it next to his last one.

Magnus was finally bothered by the pain of the bullets penetrating his flesh and shot the lone man comprising the security detail. The Third Deutschland Reich was already running low on guns and ammo for their soldiers, so they had to conserve such things. Thus, they only supplied one man with the means to defend this factory.

Magnus, now indifferent to the trauma of killing innocent people, left, giving himself only twenty to get out of the area. He opened the door of the car and entered it, ducking his head so that he did not hit it on the canvas roof of the car which he had put up because it had been raining earlier in his drive.

Magnus started the car and drove off, hearing the explosion behind him, twice as loud as it had been before. He was off to the General to learn how to fly now. His face was that of a stoic. No longer able to bear the pain of killing people, Magnus had to wall it off. He knew that eventually those emotions would become toxic, like John's emotions became anger when he shouted at him.

Magnus, no longer wanting to contemplate such things, did so, walling his emotions off, and leaned forward in his seat, focusing on his drive. He had drive another 230 miles before he reached his destination, which was the General.