Inside the Research Facility

Magnus walked until he got near the building. Because of his immense stamina, it was no trouble at all. Magnus strolled up to the entrance. Thinking, Magnus saw two choices in front of him. Either go in, guns blazing, or go as stealthily as possible.

Magnus thought out the advantages and disadvantages of both plans while obscuring himself in a bush.

"Going in shooting everything up will be cooler, but going in stealthily will give me a better chance of killing all the researchers involved in the project...", Magnus thought, trying not to think of the casualties. He also knew that this facility was not only dedicated to the nuclear bomb, but also was a learning facility for college students. This destruction was the reality of war.

"Schmitler brought this on them, not me! I'm innocent!", Magnus cursed, going around to the back entrance. Magnus got to the door. Visualizing it becoming open without closing his eyes, the door swung open. Magnus had done his first successful open-eye material manipulation.

Magnus went in through the door, and started tip-toeing down the stairs. This facility had a basement, but it was only one floor. If Magnus were to detonate 15 explosives on the support columns down there, the building would collapse, killing most of everyone inside. Magnus would be able to wait outside and shoot any survivors with the pistol he had.

Going down to the basement, Magnus saw the first location to place an explosive. Adrenaline coursing through his veins, he went over to the second checkpoint. Some researchers are approaching!

Magnus hid in an empty room, being tempted to close the door, but left it open, and hid behind the wall. Hearing their idle chatter get slowly louder and then quieter, he crept out after the researchers had turned the corner. Magnus kept on creeping through the carpeted hallway, looking less like a soldier and more like a common thief because of his casual clothing and brown leather bag.

Magnus spotted the second and third destinations for the explosive payloads. He crept over like a mouse, looking anywhere and everywhere for any researchers that could spot him. He placed the second and third bombs on the pillars, and kept creeping around. Magnus was successful, until he got to the twelfth bomb.

On the way to the twelfth location, he saw two guards, standing at both sides of the hallway. Magnus wondered how he could deal with them. The pistol would be too loud, and they would probably shoot him before he could get close enough to them to twist their necks.

Magnus realized that he had five extra explosives. Deciding he would surprise them from around the corner, he rolled an explosive down the hall at one of the guards' feet. Hearing him walk forward, pick up the explosive, and continue forward, Magnus tensed his body. As soon as he saw the body walk out from around the corner, he sprang into action.

Magnus grabbed the head of the armed man, and pulled him back around the corner of the hallway, twisting his neck. Sure that he was dead, Magnus waited for the other guard to come and check on his comrade. Hearing the steps clack down the hall, he tensed up his body again, ready at any moment for life-or-death combat.

He saw the body come into full view, but the head was turned the other way. Magnus sprang, and twisted the neck as hard as he could. Having killed both guards, he ventured forward after hiding the bodies in an empty room.

Coming upon the twelfth checkpoint, Magnus placed the bomb and continued onward. Wondering why the Deutschelanders had guards guards stationed there, he ventured into the room.

Magnus saw eleven people seated around a table, discussing the production of the nuclear bomb. As the building was a research facility, it was shaped like a labyrinth, so the hall to the last three checkpoints were through that door. Realizing that these were the people he had to kill, Magnus whipped out his pistol, deciding on a dime that he should switch to the guns blazing route.

Magnus ran in and fired three shots at the three closest bodies. The three bullets all penetrating the brilliant brains of their targets, Magnus grabbed one of the bodies and used it as a shield. Firing five more shots from behind the wall of dead meat, Magnus slayed five more minds who had enriched the world greatly with their previous research. Hearing shouting, Magnus looked at the doorway and saw two more guards dart into the room. There were three more researchers left along with two guards.

Magnus hid behind the body and a flipped over table, sandwiching the dead man's body in between his own and the table. He reloaded his pistol and stood up, holding the up the body, using it to protect himself from the oncoming barrage of hot lead, and fired six shots, leaving only two bullets left in his possession.

The first four made their mark, landing inside of the skulls of two researchers and both of the guards. Magnus dropped the body and placed the explosive. He stood back up and took aim at the last researcher running desperately down the hall. Magnus took aim at the shiny, bald head, bobbing up and down, distancing itself from him, and pulled the trigger.

Leaving a pile of bodies in his wake, Magnus picked up a rifle and a magazine and started running as he knew that someone upstairs must've heard what was going on. Placing the fourteenth payload, he heard the fire alarm go off. After successfully placing the fifteenth explosive, completing his mission, he booked it out of the building with only eighteen seconds to spare. Having left one of the explosives in the hand of his first victim that day, he ran out of the building with eight seconds to spare, and kept running.

Getting a safe distance from the building, he turned cocked the rifle and waited for anyone fleeing the facility. Seeing three people exit the building, the ground shook. Suddenly, dust was propelled into the air, obscuring his view. When Magnus stopped coughing and could see again, there wasn't anymore building to speak of. Just rubble. And cries for help.

Locating the cries, Magnus executed the origins of the horrid screams one by one until it was silent. Not knowing whether the three who initially exited the building were dead or alive, Magnus started walking to his car.

When Magnus got to where he thought he left the car, there was nothing.

"Hey, Amicus? Where did I leave the car?", Magnus asked, unsure of himself.

"Magnus, you walked the wrong way from the facility. You were supposed to go left while facing the main entrance with the river to your back. You went right, you fool!", Amicus stated, easily recalling the location.

When Magnus traversed another ten miles by foot, he arrived at the car. Magnus got in the car, started it, and drove west, towards the industrial zone and the front line.