Devil's Civil War - Victory

The battle started once again. Spell rained from time to time, lance and sword clashed here and there.

Damaidosu had already lost an arm while Damon was bleeding almost everywhere from sword slashes. However, utilizing his connection with Phenex, wounds would heal in no time and the serious ones would get better. It did take some power and it consumed a lot of Damon's stamina to do so but if the battle continued like this he would win. And Damaidosu knew that.

It all came to an end when Sirzechs killed the chimera and rushed over to help. Damaidosu saw that and ordered a retreat, the effects of the teleportation law having dispersed. Damon wasn't letting that happen.

"Those in battle cannot retreat."

It was just a second, for even with Damon power he couldn't force so many devils to stay. However, a second was all it took. The moment Damaidosu froze in the middle of teleporting, Damon and Sirzechs attacked at the same time, matching their magic power so as to not nullify each other attack. In the future they would look back and ask how they did that without communicating with each other.

Chains wrapped around Damaidosu and Damon used Authority to lock space around him, making it difficult to teleport or change places with something else. Even if he had more time, it wouldn't matter for Sirzechs's Power of Destruction had already made contact and with no defenses in place, Damaidosu was no more in a few seconds.

Damon, seeing his enemy dead didn't relax. He again used Authority, this time making the defeated unable to leave. It only worked for a few seconds but it was enough to Serafall freeze the battlefield and everyone in it, with the exception o Grayfia who seeing Damaidosu's death surrendered.

"Thank you for coming, Damon," said Sirzechs. "The arrival of a chimera was unexpected."

"No problemo, really. We are allies after all."

After that, Damon, Serafall, and Sirzechs teleported every prisoner and Allie back to the HQ.

After processing the prisoners of war and getting checked by Jeanne, Damon went fora well deserved rest. He didn't know yet but Sirzechs called him King of Magic after seeing the effects of Authority of the King and it spread like fire among the devils. Ironic how fate works.

If another man saw me now, they would die of envy. Jeanne was sleeping soundly, her head resting on Damon's chest going up and down each time he breathed.

Now that he was no longer exhausted, Damon could think about his fight.

I took a lot of unnecessary hits. Just because Phenex can heal me, doesn't mean I shouldn't myself get hurt, one day I may not be able to heal.

During the fight, there were moments that Damon could dodge and his borg wouldn't be able to withstand the attack but instead of defending he went to attack, confidant in Phenex's life magic.

Authority worked just like I imagined, if I'm able to work it together with Territory Creation it would be even more powerful.

Considering that Territory Creation would make everything I do more powerful in that area, Authority would in theory affect those more powerful than me or at the same level to the point of being unable to resist for some time.

I think by the end of the year I will be at the high-end of the ultimate-class. By the time I should use a ritual to break the limits of my body, taping in my future potential to naturally enter super-class. I think it would take four to five years to accumulate to that level and at the pace, they're going, the same applies to Sirzechs and Ajuka.

The rest of the night passed and the next morning Damon could be found watching as Jeanne taught Claire and Rihan drank sake with Falbium. Those two carefree and lazy beings founded in each other a kindred spirit.

After the major battle yesterday, the Satan-Faction wouldn't make any major moves so for a while they would have some peace to rest and strategize on what their enemy's next move would be and the things they could have the initiative to do.

Hm, perhaps I will scout if I can safely enter Hade's territory. I don't know a lot about Lilith but it's better if she isn't in Hade's bone hands.

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Hello guys, what up? I'm back.

I'm truly sorry that I haven't posted in the past days but there were two reasons for that. One is that last Thursday I got sick, no it wasn't corona just normal allergies. I'm already better. The second reason was that I had 4 projects from university for Sunday so I wouldn't have the time to write even if I could.

With that out of the way, I'm back and will be posting at least two chapters daily and if I can't I will make sure notify y'all.

So how did yall like Authority of the King? I thought it was a pretty nice trump card. After all if human magic was based on the one wielded by supernatural creatures, gods included, why can't Damon fake their authority? It has consequences but well, everything has it.

I hope you enjoyed this chapters! See ya ~