The White Van

Keeping their steps light and steady, Blake and Jeffery followed the man out of the abandoned warehouse. But it wasn't the same route which they took in. After exiting the hall, the man took a couple of turns which led him to the outer corridors of the building.

All this while, he had his eyes looking forward as he kept dragging the girl behind him. He paid no attention to what was going on behind him and hence, he missed the two figures which were trailing him. Not like he could have even if he had looked behind for once or twice. Blake and Jeffrey were too careful of their movements, and they made sure to keep a safe distance between themselves and him.

Every time Blake's eyes landed on the girl's trembling figure, he felt a sudden urge rising from the pit of his stomach to aim his hand gun at the man's back and empty the magazine into him. He would more than enjoy seeing the bullets buried deep in his flesh. And he would see it coming true sooner. He knew that he had to be a little patient if he wanted that to happen. It was better to pull a weed out along with its root than to trim its leaves.

A couple of minutes later, the man's steps came to a stop before a rusty metallic door and he finally bothered to look over his shoulder briefly. "Keep your mouth shut, brat." He threw an irritated glance towards the girl as her whimpering had more or less become cries now as her lips trembled with fear.

Despite the shattering noise filling the air, his words were loud enough to get heard by the two figures which were lingering in the shadows.

Throwing another look over his shoulder, he turned his attention back to the door. From the inside of his pocket, he took out a rather odd looking key and inserted it in the lock which looked no less ancient than the door itself. It could only make one wonder as to where they were able to get their hands on it.


The lock came undone and the man didn't take long to get it out of his way before opening the door. He stepped out of the corridor dragging the girl behind him. At that moment all he cared for was to do right by his Boss's word. With his steps as steady as a tall mountain, he headed to the contact point where he was supposed to meet his Boss.

"Where do you think he is taking that girl?" It was Jeffery who spoke up as the two continued their pursuit.

"We are about to find it." Blake answered as both of them made their way towards the open door. Blake was more than sure by now that girl was not just an ordinary teenager. There was something more to her. Something which made her important enough to be saved by them even if they were at the edge of their own downfall. Blake was more than tempted to find that out.

"Just be a little patient." He added as the corners of his lips curled upwards in a playful smile.


"There you go, Boss." In between his puffs of fresh air, he managed to speak up as he tugged at the girl's elbow, pulling her forward. He pushed her a little forward, his eyes lingering over the man's figure who was standing across him.

With her tear streamed face and muddied vision, she looked up to see the same man from earlier standing across her. He was still wearing the same green vest. Her gaze lingered over him before moving to the black van behind him as he had his back leaning against it.

"I have talked to them, they said it will be fine if we push it up. As long as we are able to get rid of her, the both of us can take shelter under their organization. We would be protected by them." He spoke up as he stared back at his subordinate. His face was devoid of any emotions, and the girl could not find the playfulness from earlier on his face. The only thing his expressions were giving off was deviousness.

For someone who didn't know herself, it was enough to send the girl in an emotional turmoil. Her mind was in a frenzy. As the thoughts of getting her memories swapped away once again filled her mind, her body could only tremble in fear. She took a step backward only to get shoved forward.

"I d-don't w-w-want to go." She let out a crying plea, crossing her hand across her chest. She rubbed the sides of her arms bending forward as she continued with her pleas. "P-pleas-e… Don't do this to me."

"Little one, we are just doing our job. We don't have anything against you." He spoke standing up straight. Taking a couple of steps in her direction, he went done on his knee before her. "For all we know, you might end up living a better life than what was stolen from you." He reached forward and patted the top of her head.

"Aren't you being too good for someone who runs a child-trafficking cartel?"

The voice startled the two men along with the girl, making them turn their head towards the source. Two figures which were clad in black uniforms came into their view. What intrigued them was the boy who was walking towards them with a relaxed expression hugging his face.

"Do we end them now?" Jeffery spoke up from behind. He had his gun pointed in their direction with his eyes fixed on them.

"It would be rude to kill them before an innocent girl." Blake had only finished his words when the two men took out their guns.

"As if a boy like you can beat us." Aiming his gun towards Blake, the man in the green vest spoke up only to get a chuckle in response.

"And you think that you can beat this boy." Blake spat back at him.