She's Missing!

Blake stepped inside the room, not forgetting to close the door on his way in. He was slightly agitated by his own self. The way he had reacted out there before the girl, wasn't something he was proud of. He was no longer the same Blake who would have reacted in such a manner when the other person was just trying to be nice with him.

After the death of his father, he decided to change himself for good. It was not only better for himself, but also for the people he was now responsible for which included his twin sister as well. Though she was merely a couple of minutes older by him, he still found himself responsible for her as he was the only family she had left.

Clenching his jaw, he let out a repressed groan as his eyes roamed around the room. It didn't take him long to realize where he was. In his irked state, he just wanted to get away from the girl as soon as he could. He was frustrated with himself to the extent that he didn't even realize where he was going to.

He breathed out a long sigh and found himself calming down. It was a good thing that he hadn't rammed the door shut.

After his mind had regained some peace, he trailed his eyes back to the figure who was lying on the bed, unmoving. An IV was inserted in the back of her right hand and a finger clip was holding the tip of the index finger of her other hand which was in turn synced with a screen on his left.

The room he was in was no ordinary room which could be left for spare for anyone. It belonged to him. Every time he ended up getting hurt in one of the practice sessions, this was where he would come to rest and heal. To share the space where only your doctor was allowed to enter apart from the usual cleaning staff with someone else, felt weird to him.

"How long are you going to take to wake up, little one?" He mumbled to himself before his steps began to walk in her direction.

His feet came to a rest next to the bed as his eyes lingered over her face. There were so many questions running through his mind at the time, and he wanted each of them to be answered. But at the same time, he knew that his questions could wait.

What mattered to him more was to make sure that the girl recovered fully.

"My questions can wait, little one, but you better answer them when you wake up." He muttered under his breath, his voice barely a whisper.

He trailed his eyes to the screen which was fixed in the wall, next to the headboard of the bed. He took his time in taking a look over her vitals. From what he could tell, they were all within the normal range. He wondered what was taking her so long to wake up from her slumber.

For once in his life, he was regretting not using a silencer. Throughout the years, he had picked up the habit of using guns without one. For him, the loud bangs served the purpose of numbing his senses along with just deafening of his ears. It was one of the things he needed in his life to keep himself in check.

Giving the frail unconscious figure one last look, he made his way out of the room while being careful of keeping his steps light.

Once he was out of the room, he started to walk towards his office which was right next to it. Since he had no place to rest his tired muscles and mind, he decided to get some work done in the meanwhile. He could have taken any of the spares room on the floor, but he was too keen on keeping on his things to himself. His mind would never be at ease knowing that he was sleeping in the same bed which had been used by someone else.

Settling himself down in his swiveling chair, he stretched his arms up and cracked his knuckles. One of his hands moved behind his neck and he cranked it with his backbone following the suite. Though he had taken on missions before, it was his first time leading one of them. Bringing down a gang could not be considered an easy feat, no matter how small the opposing party is.

His eyes moved to the black screen of his laptop and stayed there for some time before he took his phone out from his jean's pocket and left a text for Jeffery. After seeing the small green tick below the two lines of text, he put it away and turned on the laptop. There were other things which he needed to get done as well.


Twenty minutes later,

"Young Master." A man who was in his late fifties walked inside the room quietly. He had knocked a couple of times already but didn't get any response.

He struggled for quite a few minutes with his thoughts before deciding to enter on his own since he knew that he was one of those few people who were allowed to invade his personal space without permission.

As soon as he made his way into the room, his eyes landed on his sleeping figure. He was dozing off while sitting in his chair. His head was leaning against the headrest of his chair and his hands resting on the armrests on either side.

The butler shook his head helplessly as he walked towards the table. Putting down the coffee next to the laptop, he turned off the machine as the light from the screen was directly falling over his face.

He was about to leave the room quietly, leaving the coffee mug behind just in case he woke up and needed it as he was the one who asked for it in the first place, but his steps came to a sudden stop when the door to the room flew open and Jeffery walked in with rushed steps.

"She's missing!"