I was startled awake as my alarm clock started to go off, I sighed and got my body off of the bed. Which I immediately regretted as my legs give away, my body ached all over. "He over did it this time," I muttered angrily to myself. As I crawled to my alarm clock which was still angrily going off, a cold liquid started to run down to my legs. I turned around and saw my Dad's cum coming out of my legs, I wanted to cry but of course I didn't. I quickly turned the alarm clock off as to not awake anyone. And quickly crawl to the bathroom like the devils themselves were on my heels, well one devil was in my bed so I wasn't too far off. As I entered the bathroom I used the toilet to hoist myself up, as I did my body was frantically shaking telling me to sit down. I didn't of course I needed to get to school, so I got up and looked myself in the mirror.
What looked back was a boy with fine skin, leafy green eyes, and escespently blond angel like hair that would glow whenever light touches it. The mistake on Samuel's part is he thinks that everyone avoids him because he's a "nerd" since he has the highest grades in the class. But this is not true everyone around him thinks he's a God that you shouldn't underestimate, whenever he speaks people thinks that he also has a voice like a angel. The few brave people who did talk to him quckily got put down, what they don't know i
about him is trying to hide his home life. Thush people are too shy to talk to him, he's very popular with both boys and girls.
"Damn do I look terrible," I softly mutter to myself. I quickly took a shower getting all of the cum out of myself, quickly got dressed and ran out of the house, I heard my Dad waking up. My body felt like it was on fire, this was going to be a long walk well I guess it's always been a long walk. I live five miles from my school so I have to leave extra early to get to school on time. Today was a special day because it was finally my birthday which means I turn 18 today, I can finally move out. I felt like I was floating, today was probaly the best day of my life!
The only problem that I faced is getting my birth documents and what not from, my "parents" I tried to get it out of my Mom and Dad while they where both drunk but that didn't work. I frowned at the thought why couldn't my life just be a little bit more easier? I scrunched up my face in anger, 'No it's fine, I need to stay calm. I deeply breathed in and out, its weird but it makes me calm somehow. I looked up realizing I made the wrong turn, I slapped my face out of anger, and to punish myself for making such a stupid mistake I was so occupied with my thoughts that I hadn't realized it. As I turned to walk in the RIGHT direction of my school. I felt someone's hand suddenly on my shoulder and turned around and saw a very mature man with three men with him. I arched my eyebrow indicating what they wanted, I already knew what they wanted I just hope since it was birthday and all, that fate will take pity on me and leave me alone, boy was I wrong. Suddenly someone grabbed both of my hands so I was unable to defend or escape at this point. 'My luck,' I thought numbly. "You look very cute you know that right?" Before I could answer he suddenly pulled me by my hair and kissed me. I was at first in shock I didn't except him to be so quick, 'quick mental note never judge a book by it's cover'. Anyway back to my situation I really need to get to class, your like that's all your thinking about!? Well yeah that's where I get my peace their. In school?! Yes:). He s uddenly tried to put his tongue in my mouth, crap, back to my situation. I'd rather be unconscious and lose my breath then let this guy put his tongue in my mouth. Be careful for what you wish for because that's exactly what happened, I passed out, oh well I'd rather. be unconscious while they rape me...