Chapter 032 - 53's HPPC Main Office

It was late into the night and Marcus was in front of the HPPC's Main Office in 53.

It was a tall building no different from the futuristic sail-like skyscrapers found in Dubai, except with the obvious difference that the HPPC's Main Office did not have any glass windows, but instead, the whole building was made up of white marble as it sparkled white in contrast to the other futuristic buildings next to it.

Due to the Main office's geographic location being at the city center of 53, where most of the rich and fancifully exorbitant gather, most of the surrounding buildings were also beautiful futuristic pieces of Architecture that paled not to the glistening white building that was the Main Office. But even if the Main Office was unnecessarily pale and glistened white when hit by sunshine, the building was surprisingly inconspicuously fit beautifully with the city center's high-class futuristic scenery.

But no matter how beautiful the glistening white building shimmered, Marcus knew of the dark and putrid-black soot of corruption that dwelled within the misleading white frame.

"Ah! Senator Marcus! Good to *Blurk* you today~! I'm already excited about the incoming *Blurk* elections! *Blurk* According to the surveys, *Blurk* you've already won by a landslide!" *Blurk Blurk* A flying gigantic heteromorphic green fly wearing a tailed coat and top hat greeted Marcus as he continued to make blurking sounds, a sign he was in heat due to their race's mating season currently ongoing.

"Oh, sir Bllig-Blurk! You know I am no longer a Senator, huhuhu~ But I thank you nonetheless for your enthusiasm! I'm sure you'd be voting for me, yes? Hahaha" Marcus kindly the weird alien fly-creature as despite his current horny disposition, he was one of the few rare incorruptible influential men inside 53.

"But of course sir Marcus... You do not know how I value the good work you've been doing for 53... *Blurk*... Please do excuse my scandalous *Blurk* behavior" The fly blushed, trying to hold back his Blurk.

"Hohoho~ No worries sir Blig. Well then, may your Blurk in peace!" Marcus courteously responded a farewell, sir Blig's race commonly use to bid good friends farewell.

*Blurk Blurk "Oh yes~ I will" The alien fly-creature responded as he flew away, happy from the pointless yet courteous encounter...

Noticed by the Policeman guarding the Main Office's front gates, Marcus' presence was immediately reported to 53's Chief of Police, and so Marcus was quickly escorted into the Police Chief's office even if Marcus didn't have an appointment.

"Marcus~ It's been a while... How are the Peperonchino? Hmm?" A blue furry muppet-like alien creature greeted Marcus.

(Peperonchino = Mussolini's gang (citizen militia) that's associated with the Marcondre)

"...Cook, still getting rich off of the Tengri-Mor's little Hyper Bikes, are we?" Marcus sarcastically retorted, knowing the corrupt Chief of Police in front of him was part or maybe even a leader of the Tengri-Mor biker gang.

The face Cookie Monster looking alien in front of Marcus twisted, then quickly turned back into the poker smile he showed before.

"I believe the Tengris call their 'bikes' steeds..." Cook calmly replied, but his annoyance was quite visible.

Cook, the muppet-alien in front of Marcus who looked like a larger and more muscular serious-version of the Cookie Monster was indeed a member of the Tengri Mor, Marcus just reconfirmed this just now through his reaction when their 'steeds' were likened to lowly bikes.

You see, the Tengri Mor treat their bikes like real living mounts, and even venerate them to the point that they live and dye with their "steeds"... Even their gang name, Tengri Mor, meant 'Heavenly Steeds' from an archaic language now lost to time...

"They? or We?" Marcus smiled as if catching a naughty child on camera.

*Tch* "Marcus... even if you are the future Hyper Mayor here in 53, accusing 53's Chief of Police with collaborating with a heinous terroristic gang is a bit... You know: Too much..." Cook's fake smile completely turned into an aggressive and serious face.

"Huh, sir Cook, I am not here to play games with you. We both already know the HPPC is but another gang clawing into the Hyper Galactic Federation's funding... The only difference between you and other gangs is that you guys are authorized by the Hyper Galactic Council, while the other gangs aren't..." Marcus cut to the chase.

*Fwoosh* Marcus threw a document filled with the dirty laundry the HPPC's branch in 53 had.

"I know it's not the HPPC generals who're behind the Police operations here in 53, surprisingly. But instead, it's you, the Tengri Mor... I don't know if I should cry or laugh at the HPPC's incompetence to even control influence in their own institutions..." Marcus sighed as he revealed he already knew everything behind Cook's operations.

"Tch... So what, huh?! Trying to pull another Montreari?" Cook mocked Marcus' choice in exposing Montreari, inevitably inciting the Orochi's retaliation.

"No... What I ask from you in exchange for our side's silence, is silence in return..." Marcus stared into Cook's eyes.

"Hah?! Silence?!" Cook asked, intrigued by Marcus' words.

"Were already at odds with the Orochi, I don't want the Tengri Mor and the HPPC adding pressure to our side. Just stay neutral, and I won't touch your side..." Marcus threatened...

*Tch* Cook clicked his tongue.

Taking Cook's silence as a sign of approval, Marcus left the room, not caring for whatever the HPPC and the Tengri Mor's next actions were, as long as he warned them, that was all that mattered to Marcus.

Left alone in his room and embarrassed by his display of helplessness against the political giant named Marcus, Cook banged on his chair as he muttered to himself:

"Dammit, first those damned 50 HyperCops disappeared, and now that asshole coming here like he owns the place!... Gahhhh... Dammit, where DID those HyperCops disappeared to?!" Cook shouts resounded throughout the HPPC's Main Office that day...

Meanwhile, inside Marcus' mansion where 49 deactivated Hypercops were laying on the floor, an unsuspecting perpetrator was gleefully tinkering with a Hypercop.

"Dammit! Where did that bolt fell to?!" Bop shouted. But then the hand holding onto the HyperCop got electrocuted as squirts of water hit the HyperCop's adaptor box.

*BzzztZZZT!!!" "GRAAHHHHHH!!!" Bop screamed as he was cooked alive by the remaining electricity inside the HyperCop.

The sight of Beep and Policeman Bob playing Police vs. Criminals with the squirt guns they bought from Meiyu's shop filled Bop's rage-induced sight...