Chapter 5 "Mistakes that needs to be fixed"

It was a busy day at work and I have to do over time because one of the employees has an emergency in her home. "Hey big boss wanna talk to you" Levin looking all worried "is everything okay?" and I just smiled. Oh I remember today's the day where I start my affair with big boss which is one of my mistake that I should correct. When straight to his office and sat on the side chair. "hi Ana, You are such a beautiful girl" and I replied thanks. Then the atmosphere went heavy or If I were like before it's hot which is stupid. Should I sing her Jewish praise song, I've heard his Jewish or offer him brisket for treating me good. " okay look big boss, I have big respect for you and your family. If you'll be involve in affair it should be with loving more of your kids. I know you love them dearly and resisting temptation is one of many ways you express them your love. What would you think if your kids grow up to be a mistress or getting cheat on? Do you like that?" and I just snap. "uhmm, are done?" he asked and I man my chest felt feels light. " no yet, I don't you regretting something all your life and let that mistake consume you, now a day's people don't really give second chances" and then he laughed. "Why are you laughing" me with my confused face. "You really are something. Is it obvious I like you? well thank you for reminding me though" and still laugh when all of a sudden some called. It's his wife and his faced totaly changed. "I'm not cheating on you? And why would I even do that? Look let's talk later, let's fix this and take the kids to vacation." then he hangs up the phone. "Our relationship is rocky, some days I love her and someday I kinda like you but I will always remember my kids" he said. Maybe he just see me as miserable as he is that's why we like each other before? I don't want to be in that same position. "Maybe because she doesn't make me more of a man now not likes before" he added. "It's not a woman's job to make you more of a man; you have to choose to be a man for you and your family. If I surely learned about love, it's constantly choosing that person every day, extra on their bad day, and also in good days. You already made a promise to her and starting that day it's your job to be man enough choosing them over any situation in life." wow did I just said that? He just cried and lost it. Is this Big boss? This man really needs some reminding. "Anyways, I have to cover someone's work so can I now go?" I said in the middle of a heavy drama. "Yes you may, and thank you" and I leave the office and went back to work. The night was so busy and as I'm about to leave Levin talked to me about my actions towards him these past few days, it's as if I'm acting out and cold towards him. But I just shrugged him off and said I was tired and I went straight home.