Chapter 39: By Her Side

Although I didn't really talk back to his father... I wanted to be near Louie and to be his future husband someday... although by disrespecting his father... It'll end me getting bad blood with him...

So I never really bothered to try to correct him with his mistakes and misconceptions.. since I didn't want my relationship with Louie as friends to be ruined. So I just sit still look pretty...

I never really remembered anything else other than that... but the first and only time I met his father it was a bad time...


"Anyway... we need to go to the company... the presentation is soon right?" I told him.

"Ya.. it is... anyway... let's switch phones now..." He took my phone from his pocket and gave it to me. "So we can properly respond to other people's messages. Remember that communicator I gave you in your ear." He pointed towards his ear. "When one of my colleagues texts me or one of your colleagues text you. Tell me immediately. Got it?" He said sternly.

I nodded. He sighs... "Well good luck... I'll go to your company... text me the address... I'll ask my driver to drive you to the company... so good luck. Don't hesitate to contact me with the communicator who got it?" He reassured me giving me a slight little nudge...

I guess he really trusts me to handle it... although he's the one directing me what to do...

"You better not mess up got it?" He squinted.

Nevermind... he doesn't trust me... Well, he just thinks of me as a lowly idiot anyway... I rolled my eyes and I walked towards where the driver was parked... I guess this is the first time we are parting ways... the last time we parted ways... it didn't exactly end very well...

POV: Sungah

"Guys! I'm really worried about Grace... she just suddenly left us... I'm kind of worried..." Greg whimpered as I continued fiddling with my hair.

We are currently in a cafe near the company... I mean we should be working but since Grace just suddenly got up and left... she's the only one that has the keys to her office... meaning we can't go in and we'll have to wait for her...

"You know it kind of annoys me... I BETTER STILL GET PAID FOR THIS." I said jokingly.

"YOU ARE STILL THINKING ABOUT MONEY? AREN'T YOU WORRIED ABOUT GRACE... She suddenly just left being carried by him! HIM OF ALL PEOPLE! I hate that guy!" Greg pouted in anger... I raised an eyebrow... Is he jealous or something? He's usually never like this...

"Are you JELLY..." I teased him... He giggled. "Haha very funny... but no. I'm just worried for Grace that's all I mean for god sake. She almost got kidnap a day ago... aren't you the least bit concerned for her."

I mean it is very alarming that there was someone out there to get Grace... I remember it very clearly...


This was during that night of the reunion... when Grace was almost kidnapped.

We were all walking back home. I grabbed my stuff and thanked everyone from the party even though I didn't really join the after-party.. not really into seducing a bunch of poor men... as we were attempting to go home after the exhausting time from the reunion although we didn't really meet a lot of people since we were focused on making the spell..

I walked all wobbly... as we walk towards Grace's car. "I'm so tired!" I muttered out as my eyes are desperately fighting to keep open...

"You should have slept like at least 8 hours you know? Why do you even stay up late all the time."

As we continued walking we saw a shadow... no. a group of men carrying a woman who seems to be unconscious... what are they doing?!

"IS THAT GRACE?!" Greg yelled in terror as we saw the men taking Grace to somewhere...

"Maybe it's like a late-night date or something?"

"CLEARLY SHE ISN'T AGREEING TO IT. SHE'S UNCONCIOUS. WE NEED TO SAVE HER! Greg dashed forward to where all the men were going.

"Hello, dears!" He shouted in a flamboyant manner at them... they slightly turned their backs to face him... all of them scanning him from top to bottom...


"That's kind of like our friend.. do you mind letting her go for me. Please? Before I'd have to hurt you." Greg spoke aggressively with a hint of innocence.

The group of men giggled and said "Like I'd be afraid of a femboy. Come on just fuck off the kid and go to the parlor where you belong to."

They continued to mock Greg... as they all turned their back in him... Greg glowed with anger... at the speed of light, he dashed forward one of them punching them in the stomach causing them to go down...



Right! I grabbed my cellphone from my teeny tiny purse... and called in 911...

One of the men pointed their gun at him... threatening him to stop. he refused to kick the gun out of his hand before kicking him to the ground... they all tried to fight back towards him. Punching and kicking Greg but Greg was just strong... blocking every punch and kick and knocking all of them to ground...

It all happened right before my eyes... I can see the adrenaline hitting Greg's eyes... as he settled down... he chuckled.

"So now you are neutralized. Tell me.." He grasped the neck of one of the beaten victims from the ground.. "WHO HIRED YOU?!" He shouted at them... pulling back their clothing as the man started to struggle... he tightened his grip making the man shriek in pain... "WHO HIRED YOU!" Greg demanded an answer from them.

As he said that we all hear the sirens of the police coming through! Finally, they are here... although all of them have already been apprehended thanks to Greg...


Honestly Greg kind of saved the day... he acts all carefree and weak but he's pretty strong...

I took a cup of my coffee and took a sip. "Of course not... Grace is like a tough girl... answering his question.

"But still... I'm just worried about Grace... We still don't know who hired those guys to take her... what if we weren't there to save her? What could have happened to her." Greg said full of worry.

"I mean with you by her side. She's honestly safe... like dude.. you beat up like 8 strong looking men.. wearing makeup and acting girly and all... pretty sure she's safe." I chuckled.

"I don't really beat up people...." Greg said shyly... "I'm honestly just doing my job... as a bodyguard that's all... I just wanted to.. be in Grace's side you know?"


"Do you have a crush on Grace?!" I asked him directly. He turned bright red... avoiding my gaze. "No. I don't. I'm just doing my job!" He denied it... although...

I guess that'll be fun to toy around with... hehehe!