Extreme Might

Cough, cough, cough, cough!

Zhao Dengtian had been drinking tea leisurely in the private room.

However, he choked when he saw Jing Yan block Li Tianfu's attack without taking any damage.

His face reddened as he continued to cough.

"Go... godd*mn... it. Is Li Tianfu going easy on him?" Zhao Dengtian shouted in rage as he lurched to his feet. His eyebrows twitched spasmodically.

This wasn't happening the way he had anticipated.

Jing Yan hadn't been cut in half. That didn't make any sense to him.

"Godd*mnit, this is ridiculous!" he thought.

The elder assigned to watch over Zhao Dengtian was staring at the ring, his expression severe. His brow was locked into a hard frown.

He could sense that something was off about the match. At the very least, the fight wasn't ending as simply as he had expected it to.

It seemed that the one to 30 odds weren't guaranteeing an easy win after all.


Li Tianfu shouted and attacked again.

In most fights, the man remained stern and silent. His personality was gloomy, and he hardly bothered talking to any of his opponents.

His only goal was to defeat or kill his opponents in the ring. He attacked in a ferocious, brutal manner. However, there was one principle that he held inviolable; if his opponent admitted defeat in time or suffered debilitating damage that put them out of the fight, Li Tianfu would refrain from continuing to attack.

A huge shadow coalesced from the black flash of his blade.

The air above the ring stirred in a frenzy.

All who were present in the hall seemed to sense the intense killing intent when the attack was unleashed, even though they were on a different floor.

The space around Li Tianfu's blade seemed about to be cleaved open.

There was no doubt about how terrifying the man's Top-grade martial system was.


This time, Jing Yan didn't wait passively like he had for the first attack.

He opted to take the initiative.

Moonbeam Sword tore through the air like bolts of lightning, leaving behind a series of afterimages. The screen of swords opened up like a net in no time.

Dazzling flashes from Jing Yan's sword began to spread across the ring.

Jing Yan didn't stop after the screen of swords was formed, however. His moves picked up speed instead.

A second screen of swords began to take solid form within the first screen. The two screens of swords looked like two separate impenetrable barriers. Piercing killing intent emanated from the pitch black sheen.

"Go!" Jing Yan shouted firmly and his body moved, changing his location constantly within the ring.

Jing Yan knew very well that despite his Vital Qi being far more formidable than that of common Seventh Heaven warriors, it was still quite a distance from what Li Tianfu was exuding. If he were to clash with Li Tianfu head on, he might end up losing.

But then again, he had no need to clash with Li Tianfu head on to begin with. The Arch of Heaven's power enabled him to seek out flaws in Li Tianfu's swordplay. Because he could exploit those weaknesses, Jing Yan was able to conserve a lot of energy.

Of course, fighting a warrior like Li Tianfu meant that taking advantage of weaknesses in his skills wasn't an easy feat, not even for Jing Yan.

At that moment, Jing Yan was in quite a perilous predicament. Any slip-ups could end with his defeat.

Li Tianfu's full head of long hair billowed as he moved.

"Break!" he shouted maniacally at his opponent.

Terrifying Vital Qi burst like a popped balloon, and it seemed that he intended to tear everything around him apart with sheer, unforgiving force.

Under the power of such terrifying Vital Qi, the black flash of the saber immediately grew in size. The blackness swirled malevolently, and it seemed to be taking the shape of a huge saber.

As Li Tianfu shouted, that terrifying flash of the saber was brought down mercilessly toward Jing Yan.

The two sword screens right before Jing Yan surged out to meet the attack head-on.

The flash of the saber seethed.

The sword screens dazzled.

Both constructs clashed, and a deafening boom was heard.

Neither the flash of the saber nor the sword screens dissipated right after the clash. They had become entangled with each other instead, and they tore each other apart.

Even the gamblers in the hall on the first floor, who were watching the battle play on the crystal wall, were clearly able to see just how terrifyingly mighty those two bursts were. The two powers ground each other down until they exhausted themselves.

No one spoke at that moment.

No one was in the mood to discuss or argue about what had just happened.

There were a good number of warriors among those people, and some of them were of higher rankings as well.

Many among those high-ranking warriors recognized the martial system that Jing Yan had used—it was clearly Moon-Freezing Triple Waves. As for Li Tianfu's martial system, it was something that even common folk could recognize. Li Tianfu had fought in the association many times, and his techniques had become well-known. While few people had experienced his attacks firsthand, many people had watched his fights.

Jing Yan's Moon-Freezing Triple Waves, which was a Middle-grade martial system, had actually been able to resist Li Tianfu's Top-grade skill.

In truth, most people hadn't actually been able to see the intricacies woven through both attacks.

Moon-Freezing Triple Waves, which Jing Yan had modified and improved, was actually on par with Top-grade martial systems. But then again, it was worth noting that Jing Yan's Vital Qi was below that of Li Tianfu, and the difference was pretty obvious. Despite that, Jing Yan had used only two layers of his own power to resist Li Tianfu's Top-grade martial system, which the man had brought to bear with at least 80 percent power. The details of what had happened within that blur of motion were something that only a very small minority of the audience could have seen.

Through the Arch of Heaven's power, Jing Yan had been able to detect and exploit some flaws in Li Tianfu's martial system. Due to that advantage, Jing Yan's sword screens were able to resist Li Tianfu's saber flash.

Jing Yan's sword screens had been able to wear down the might of the saber flash with greater effectiveness because they had that edge.

"That was Moon-Freezing Triple Waves, I take it?" Li Tianfu couldn't help but ask. He was frowning.

He didn't know how the young man before him had done it.

The martial system was none other than Moon-Freezing Triple Waves. There was no mistaking it. However, he was unable to fathom why it had been so terrifyingly powerful.

"It is indeed Moon-Freezing Triple Waves," Jing Yan said with a faint grin on his face. He then leaned forward.

"Triple Waves!"

Jing Yan was about to bring out his strongest attack.

He intended to push the power of the move to the very limit.

Three layers of sword screens gradually appeared. The power contained in the move was making the air shake.

The muscles all over Li Tianfu's body tensed, and as he stared at the three layers of screens, his dark eyes hardened.

He slowly lifted the black saber with a thick spine in his hand. His move was extremely slow. However, a deep grinding noise echoed around him as the blade rose.

"Roaring Wave Saber, break!" Li Tianfu leaned forward slightly and fired his move. His hair billowed and his black clothing puffed with wind.

His Vital Qi was running at maximum power, as he launched himself at Jing Yan.


When Li Tianfu's blade clashed into the screens of swords, his body abruptly froze in midair. It was as if some force was pinning him in place, preventing him from moving even half an inch more.