Fusion of Martial System

Voom, voom, voom, voom!

Li Tianfu's black saber clashed with Jing Yan's Moonbeam Sword. As the Vital Qi of the two continued to burst, the impacts of their swords remained furious and terrifying.

Stifled booms spread all over the place as both of them crossed blades.

It was as if the air all around them was shaking furiously.


The outermost of the three sword screens that Jing Yan had conjured snapped and exploded all of a sudden. The black flashes of swords quickly dissipated in the air.

However, he only frowned slightly at the sight.

While he was able to find and exploit certain hidden weaknesses within the Roaring Wave Saber martial system employed by Li Tianfu, the man's Vital Qi was just too powerful. In addition to outclassing Jing Yan in raw power, Li Tianfu was also a lot more experienced in this sort of duel. All that experience was able to make up for some of the weaknesses in his martial system.

The power of Moon-Freezing Triple Waves was severely diminished as it ground against the might of Li Tianfu's martial system.

That was why the outermost layer of Moon-Freezing Triple Waves ended up being broken, despite having a minimal impact on Li Tianfu's attack.

"Jing Yan, you are one of the most formidable opponents I have ever fought!"

"But you still can't win against me!"


Still hanging in midair, Li Tianfu focused and leaped again. His arms grew to twice their original size in an instant, causing his sleeves to burst right then and there.

From that distance, Jing Yan could see Li Tianfu's huge arms preparing to deliver a powerful attack.

Jing Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and a glint of red appeared in his eyes.

Pulsing heat surged through his martial meridians yet again.

After having absorbed an entire Soul Crystal in the process of breaking through to the Seventh Heaven, Jing Yan was left incapable of cranking his Vital Qi to the limit.

However, Li Tianfu was forcing his hand. He couldn't afford to hesitate.

"Burst!" Li Tianfu's face had flushed such a deep red that it seemed as if blood was about to drip from it.

Then he brought a secret art to bear.

Jing Yan sensed the incredible thickness of Li Tianfu's Vital Qi. It had spiked just a moment before, which told Jing Yan that Li Tianfu had managed to boost the power of his Vital Qi for a short period of time. However, such measures usually came with side effects, such as damage to the meridians. Because of the risk, warriors who trained in the use of such arts avoided using them unless it was absolutely necessary.

It was apparent that Li Tianfu intended to defeat Jing Yan with that final attack.


The second layer of the sword screen shattered right away.

At that moment, Jing Yan was left with only the final layer of Moon-Freezing Triple Waves.

The force coming against him was so massive that Jing Yan was forced to take a step back just to relieve the tension.

While he backed away one step after another, Li Tianfu advanced from midair, cornering him.

Jing Yan would be forced off of the ring in mere moments. Once he stepped outside the ring, he would lose the battle immediately.

The eyes of the bettors widened as they watched the scene unfolding on the crystal wall.

Everyone could tell that Jing Yan was about to lose.

Everyone had been certain from the beginning that Jing Yan would lose, but this wasn't how they had expected it to happen. Jing Yan hadn't suffered a decisive blow from Li Tianfu right away. Even though he had lasted longer than anyone expected, none of the audience thought that he could make it out of this predicament. As long as Li Tianfu emerged victorious, the gamblers didn't really care how it happened.

Many were somewhat relieved to see Jing Yan being backed into a corner.

The bets they had placed on Li Tianfu were too large. If Jing Yan ended up defeating Li Tianfu, they would all suffer huge losses. Quite a number of people in that crowd had gambled everything they had on Li Tianfu.

"This is unbelievable."

"He's still going to be defeated by Li Tianfu, though. If Jing Yan's rank had been just a little higher and reached the Eighth Heaven, Li Tianfu would have been the one to lose instead," Ran Qi said slowly, as light danced in her beautiful eyes.

There was sympathy and regret within her words. It was as if part of her had actually been hoping that Jing Yan could defeat Li Tianfu.

The president grinned again after hearing what Ran Qi said.

"It is an impressive feat nonetheless. Forcing Li Tianfu to use secret arts is an achievement that will earn Jing Yan a lot of respect. I believe he will definitely reign supreme in Dong Lin City, possibly even the entire Lan Qu Province," the president added.

Ran Qi turned her head sharply, looking at the president with a shocked expression.

Despite having worked in the Extreme Combat Association for such a long time, she had never heard the president compliment a young warrior in such a manner.

It was utterly unbelievable to hear the president give such praise to Jing Yan.


In another room.


"Boy, that was quite a fright! I really thought that good-for-nothing Li Tianfu was going to lose!"

"Come on, Li Tianfu! Get rid of that *sshole called Jing Yan already!"

Zhao Dengtian laughed heartily, his eyes glittering.

For a moment there, he had been worried sick. If Li Tianfu lost that battle, Zhao Dengtian would have lost 20,000 Spiritual Stones. He had no idea what he would say to his clan if he lost that many stones.

Even if his father was the Patriarch, he still would have had to explain himself to the clan.

Such a loss would probably result in him being grounded for some time.

However, seeing that Jing Yan was on the verge of falling out of the ring, Zhao Dengtian relaxed completely. His momentary fears left him.

The elder beside Zhao Dengtian nodded slightly at that moment.

Zhao Dengtian wasn't the only person who was concerned about the outcome of the battle. The elder was very tense about it too. Since Zhao Dengtian was the son of the Patriarch, he wouldn't have suffered too severe of a consequence even if he were to make such a severe mistake. The elder, on the other hand, was just a bookkeeper. If he lost that many Spiritual Stones, it would have very dire consequences for him. Even a light punishment would have meant being exiled from the clan and sent to a life of hard labor at a Spiritual Stone mine.

If he made such a misstep, his life as he knew it would end.


Back in the ring.

"D*mn it!" Jing Yan cursed under his breath.

His Arch of Heaven was mad at work. His meridians were cranked to the verge of bursting. He had to put the Arch of Heaven to work just to suppress his Vital Qi, which was on the verge of going berserk.

Although he put just about all of his focus on his opponent, he was very aware that he was only a few steps away from falling off the edge of the ring. He would lose the fight if he kept backing away.

Jing Yan never expected that Li Tianfu had command of secret arts enabling him to boost his Vital Qi for a short amount of time. That was a killer move that Li Tianfu would have used if he had any other choice. And no common adversary could have forced him to activate the risky skill.

"No way!" Jing Yan wasn't giving up so easily.

"Huh? Wait..."

"Stance of Autumn Wind and Falling Leaves, Moon-Freezing Triple Waves!"

As Li Tianfu bore down on him and the Arch of Heaven's power surged within him, Jing Yan seemed to come to an epiphany. The two martial systems started to show signs of fusion.