A Tied Loose End

"Sure, I don't see why we shouldn't, " Rosa said as she stood up from the bed and started to unbutton her shirt.

Gerald's face turned as red as a boiling kettle. He could not hold his awkwardness, it was just too much for him to handle. He ran out of the room and waited in the hallway again to see Laura who was smiling smugly at him.

"Fine, what is it?" Gerald asked.

"Nothing, I just have a feeling that you need me, " Laura said.

"Yes, let's assassinate your "friend". Where is the Yorkstein academy? We will go there using the corvette on the hangar, " Gerald said.

"Let's go!" Laura said excitedly.

Both of them left Rosa alone on that ship. Though, Gerald hadn't run out of surprise yet. He made something for her and she would find it soon.

"What's wrong with him?" Rosa said to herself as she took off her clothes in her room.

"What's wrong with you is more fitting ma'am, " A voice suddenly could be heard in her room, but the source was quite unknown.

"Who are you?" She's looking everywhere through the room until an orange-colored hologram appeared in that room. It was a wise-looking man, he was wearing a suit and greeted her.

"My name is Morgan, I'm an Artificial Intelligence with a series of #629028482936. Please to meet you, ma'am," He said.

"Yes, Pleased to meet you too whatever you are," Rosa said to the hollow orange body in front of her. She looked at his hollow orange body that gradually disappears, "I'm still around ma'am even though I'm invincible."

She entered the bathroom and put off her towel on a hanger. "Let me take care of that for you ma'am," Morgan said as he filled the bathtub with warm water and lemon bath salts.

She put her foot on the tub and felt the breeze of warm water on her feet. A red wine glass appeared on the side of the tub, "For you ma'am, please enjoy."

The jets on the bathtub turned on and Rosa enjoyed herself on the bathtub. The view of the bathroom changed into a view of the sky thanks to the high tech interior of her bathroom. She moaned as the soft water bubbles hit her back, "aaaahhhh."

Meanwhile, on the Ailenborough-

Border Region.

Two figures were walking through the dense forest. Both of them were wearing medium combat armor. Its active camouflage was activated so no one could see them. Laura held an M4BR assault rifle, chambered in 10x98mm ammunition. While Gerald had a very long rifle in his back, it was the 40mm PLR-892 infantry railgun. They were walking through the rain forest with rain pouring on their heads.

They were walking through the mud pool that was as high as their belly. Because the suit was a fully enclosed environment, they were dry and comfortable inside. The HUD on their suit showed them the map and coordinates.

"Sir, why are we going to the forest? The academy is on the east. We are going in the wrong way, " Laura said.

"Nah, this rail gun is able to kill on a distance of 500 kilometers. We just need to adjust the scope to this planet rotation and we're set. If we fail, we will commence a scorch earth operation using the Corvette, " Gerald said as they were forced to swim in the mud pool.

"I see, we are about to commit mass murder then?" Laura asked.

"Yes, " he said as they swam deeper on the mud pool.

[Activating vision assistance]

The muddy vision turned into a virtual vision made from dozen of strings that showed the terrain and any biological creatures. They found out that the jungle was very dangerous due to a large number of biological creatures such as crocodiles and wolves.

One of the crocodiles launched an attack at Gerald's hand, but he didn't feel anything due to the more than heavy armor plating of the suit. He only noticed that because the suit said so. He pulled his combat knife and slit through the crocodile's neck.

The crocodile died on that pool of mud and the rain was starting to penetrate the deep mud pool. They hoped that they don't notice any other creepy things.

"While we walk to the top of the mountain, why don't we talk about that favor?" He asked.

"The favor, I sent a letter two days ago to a small kingdom very very north from here. But I doubt that anyone will reply to it. We will go straight to there once we tie this loose end, " Laura said

"Why?" Gerald asked.

"Simple, it is because of chaos that I used to create there. I was a double agent, " Laura said.

"I see that. So you are an ex-special force, mech pilot, and spy. Are you that multi-talented?" Gerald asked.

"A Baron, an archmage, and the right hand of the leader of the Royal Guards, I guess so," she said.

"Back to this kingdom, so... Why did you destroy it? And how?" Gerald asked.

"Let's just say that I trigger a civil war and everything went south. You know, the old and reliable, devide et impera. Trigger a war between them and we murder the king in a clandestine operation, " Laura said.

"Ok, so who's in power now?" Gerald asked.

"His son, Prince Augustus I. Though, he was only 5 years older than Rosa. Still, the kingdom was in the middle of the tyranny of another kingdom and civil war. They gain their independence with a term under the other kingdom, " Laura said.

"What did you offer to him?" He asked.

"I offer him financial support through the achievement of safety and stability with the usage of superior firepower and number, " Laura said.

"I see, I will renegotiate the terms with him then. That's very one-sided, but I doubt that the prince will refuse my term," Gerald said as they got out of that rainy forest and started traversing to the top of the mountain.

The mountain was located on the border of the Ailenborough kingdom. They chose this place mainly because the assassination could be blamed at the neighboring kingdom. There was a rumor according to Laura that the mountain was haunted.

On top of the mountain, there was a flat place. It was suitable for sniping. They stayed there and waited for their target. The sniper would display the target information for the spotter while the shooter would pull the trigger.

He deployed the bipod and laid down on the ground and looked through his scope which triangulates bullet trajectory in a scientific manner. It also gave the user a clear image as if the target was in front of them.

"Help me identify the target," Gerald said as an image from his sniper scope appeared on Laura's HUD.

The scope viewed a place that looked like a castle. That's where the coordinates that Laura's gave located, in the middle of a castle in the middle of nowhere. There were several peoples wearing the same uniform and several older peoples than the others. That was Yornstein academy school ground.

Laura: "Brown Hair, 173 cm, young posture. Got it?"

Gerald searched for a brown-haired boy in the middle of the students' crowd. There were lots of brown-haired boys.

Laura: "He should be wearing the teacher's uniform."

There were also lots of brown-haired teachers, ranging from someone looking like a grandparent to someone that had the appearance of a young adult. There were also different uniforms, blue and green.

Gerald: "Hmm, there are the ones that wore a green uniform and a blue uniform. Which one is it?"

Laura: "He must be wearing a green uniform since he's a young teacher. Search for him."

"Input target data. Height: One-Seven-Three, margin of error 3 cm. Hair: Brown. Age:16, margin of error 1."

[Inputting Target Data. Filtering. Done.]

A square appeared in the HUD and it was formed around a single person that was eating a piece of bread on a bench near a water fountain. He further zoomed in at that person.

Laura: "Yup that's him. Make sure that it is his last bread."

Gerald: "Don't worry. I got this."

He put a dart inside the railgun. It was a 40mmx200mm Danardium dart which was harder than tungsten alloy. It should kill him swiftly and efficiently with a lot of mess.

[Capacitator Charged]

"God bless this bullet," he whispered as he pulled the trigger of the railgun. À sound louder from thunder came out from the railgun with a brief flash brighter than a thunder.

'Ah shit, I forgot the suppressor,' he said as he looked at the scope which only showed a red misty smoke. They didn't cough or anything else, just focused their view on the smoke that the HUD displayed. The complex was in chaos when they zoomed out on it. The students were looking at the smoking fountain.

Laura: "Have we done it?"

Gerald: "Maybe. Let's wait for the red cloud to dissipate."

The red cloud dissipated and revealing the side effects of firing a projectile with a speed of 1500 Mach. Nothing was left from him.

Laura: "Wow, you killed him."

Gerald: "Yup..."

Laura: "And the fountain, some other students. Plus a crater on the fountain."

Gerald: "Well, no evidence right? You can't find what is remains of his body."

There was no gooey paste left from the boy. It literally evaporated and its bone was shattered into fragments that wounded the students around him. 'I've done it again,' he looked at the mourning teachers and students.

Laura: "Let's get out of here."

Gerald: "Yes, Clarisse. Charge the teleportation grid."


Both of them dematerialized from the area and returned back to the Corvette which was waiting for both of them.