An Incident 5.1

Chapter 5

"To play a good game, you need a few players." - R.J. Torbert

Lexie sat at the booth seat she had now claimed as her bed, massaging her feet. The night had finally ended, the customers and staff all gone leaving her alone with her thoughts. It was a busy night, the club was crowded, after Kaylee's office she made sure to make up for her screw up, she was running around the club serving customers, helping out Jen at the back, and her least favorite task - cleaning the comfort room.

As she traced the callouses starting to form on her feet, she didn't notice her thoughts drifting towards Nathan. She had been avoiding him the whole night, she didn't know what to say to him, how to act in front of him. She hated this, being shy and awkward because of some guy. She remembered how close they were earlier, his face inches away from her. He smelled like booze and cigarette, and there was a faint hint of perfume. She couldn't point out exactly what it was, but it smelled like an orange orchard, a citrus grove. She wondered what she was thinking, was he really concerned about her a while ago? It seemed like it, or maybe it was just wishful thinking. She came back to her senses, realizing she was smiling like an idiot.


Nathan lay on his bed thinking about the night. She looked so fragile, so delicate than he didn't realize what he was doing when he did it. 'No, it was the tears' he told himself. He hated seeing people cry, he never knew what to do in those moments.

"Just the tears." He whispered.

But even as he said it, he couldn't help himself picturing her. How close they were, how his heart was beating so fast. How her lips - slightly parted - looked so soft, so warm, so inviting… He shook his head, forcing the thoughts from his head.

"Ughhh." He turned and buried his head under his pillow.


Lexie slowly opened her eyes, she felt a warm hand on her cheek cupping her face, and another tapping her lightly on her shoulders.

"What?" It took a minute for her eyes to adjust to the brightness, once it did, she saw the person who woke her up.

"Hey angel." He smiled sweetly at her, his hand moved from tapping her shoulders to caressing her hair.

"Hey. What are you doing here? What's happening?" She asked still confused.

"Come on angel, get up." He took her hand, gently pulling her up.

She got up and he lead towards a double door, it opened as they got in front of it and he ushered her in but didn't enter. She looked back at him, confused. "What's happening?"

"I'll see you later okay?" He smiled and balked away still smiling at her.

She was still confused, what's gonna happen later? The doors closed and she looked around the room, it seemed familiar, like she's been there before, but she couldn't exactly remember when. It was a large room, filled with flowers, the sunlight flowed from the large windows illuminating the room. At the end was a big bookcase filled with old books, on one corner there were piles of gifts, so many that the pile was actually taller than her. On the other corner was a dressing mannequin wearing a white gown.

Lexie slowly walked towards it, getting more and more confused. Is this what she thinks it is? It was a beautiful gown, it looked both modern and classic. It had a deep V-neckline with long lace sleeves and a train that were embroidered with flowers. She touched the fabric, feeling how soft it was when a sudden voice behind her startled her.

"You are going to look beautiful in that." The woman spoke with such love. Her eyes shining, tears starting to pool at the edge.

"Thanks mom." Lexie smiled at the woman in front of her, she moved to hug her.

"Come on, you have to get ready." The woman whispered to her. Lexie nodded but refused to let go, she missed her mom so much, she missed her hugs.

"Mom, what's happening?" Lexie asked as she broke the hug but kept a hold on her mother's hand.

"Nothing to worry about dear, you just have to get ready first, okay?" The woman smiled sweetly at her daughter.

As Lexie looked up at her mother's eyes, she felt the warmth radiating from her, she felt like she was home, like everything is gonna be okay. With her mother, she felt safe. She nodded.

After getting ready, Lexie stood in front of the mirror looking at herself. It was her eyes that stared back at her, her nose, her lips, her ears, it was her same body and yet she felt like it was different.

"Oh honey, you look amazing." Her mother came up behind her, holding something white.

Lexie just smiled and faced her. Then her mother placed a white mid-length veil on her head, pinning it lightly on her hair. It was had the same embroidered flowers like on her dress.

"There. Perfect." Her mother kissed her cheeks and pulled down the veil in front of her.

Later Lexie was walking down the aisle. The room was filled with guests, all looking at her in awe. The aisle was beautifully lined with flowers, peonies, hydrangeas, and calla lilies so perfectly decorating the whole place. But Lexie barely noticed anything, she was looking at the person in front waiting for her.

His eyes were sparkling with joy, his mouth curved up into a big smile. She looks so beautiful as she walked towards him, she looked like an angel. She watched him as she walked slowly towards him.

His hair was neatly combed, like it always was, his eyes were focused on her, his lips smiling widely, he was wearing a black suit that fitted him perfectly, he looks handsome as usual. He held his hands behind his back, trying to hide the fact that they were shaking.

As Lexie finally reached him, he went to take her hand, leading her to the altar. As Lexie took a step forward she stopped, she felt something, something calling out to her. She turned and in the audience, sitting at the back was Nathan.


Lexie was jolted awake at the sound of bottles breaking as they hit the floor. She sat up, looking around, it was pitch black. She was about to call out when she heard something, then the blood drained from her face.

"Idiot! Be careful! Someone might hear us!" A man whispered loudly to his companion.