
On her way to the restroom, she recalled the awful night she had at a family dinner that her mother had set up for her. It was a blind date and the man she met was not any better than the rich spoiled brats from previous set ups. Her mother had always placed high expectations on her and her older brother, Isaac Wang when it came to choosing their future partners.

In the past, Isaac used to be her shield from her mother's arrangements. Sighing, Jessica began speaking words from her mind. "Honestly, I'm happy for brother. At least he got away from mom's greedy claws."

A month ago, Isaac announced to the family that he has proposed to Kyla Os, Jessica's childhood friend and personal bodyguard. Jessica felt extreme joy when she found out Kyla would become a member of the family. Although her brother had kept their relationship low profile, Jessica had always known about their dating status. Of course, her mother was not pleased by his decisions but she couldn't do anything to change Isaac's mind.

Sighing once again, she continued speaking. "How could I get away from her arrangements for me?"

Prior to coming to the bar, Jessica was tricked into a matchmaking date with a man who has lived a wealthy yet frugal life. As much as she appreciated the thought of the man having his own career and independence from his family, she did not agree with his lifestyle. His mother was practically in control of his final decisions. From the way he styled his hair to the shoes he wore; everything was decided by his mother.

Jessica sat for an entire hour listening to the man's mother brag about having a son who listened to her every word. She thought about politely brushing off the arrangements between both families after the dinner, but things went sour when the man's mother spoke about their after-marriage plans.

"What century is this? Women had to stay in the house and do all chores after marriage? Her son has to give her every cent of his salary and ask her for money whenever he uses it? He wouldn't even let me refill my coffee because it costs an extra $2.50 during our individual time? We were at the cheapest cafe in the city! He'll probably make me drink fountain water from the park if I get thirsty in the middle of the streets!"

"It was our first meeting and he already mentioned having eight kids with insurance plans ready. After getting married, I have to quit my company and transfer all my assets and properties under his name? He is in control of my stuff while his mom is in control of him? What bullshit! If I want a man, I could get one myself anytime! Just you wait, mom!"

Her footsteps paused in front of the female restroom. Staring deeply at the female triangular sign, she said. "Oh, I'm here. Kyla! Are you here?" She pushed the door slightly open but stopped to turn around when she heard Kyla's voice coming from down the hallway.

"Huh? Isn't that's bathroom?" She squinted her eyes and found her way to the source of the sound. As soon as she reached the men's room, she heard a familiar voice shouting. Instinctively, she kicked the door open to find Kyla holding a man's collar.

"Where's my chicken and waffles?! Where did you hide Jessica?!" Kyla was so drunk that she didn't realize she had gone into the wrong bathroom. As Jessica's bodyguard, she was taught to taste food and drinks before Jessica devoured it. Though Jessica had told her to not consume the alcohol earlier, Kyla still took a sip of each drink. As a result, she became a crazy drunk.

Alfred raised his hands in surrender mode as Kyla held his collar tightly. He looked helpless against the wall, trying not to touch the lady in front of him. He replied, "Who is Jessica? Miss, this is the men's room. You've entered the wrong door! As for chicken and waffles, it's probably already in your stomach."

Seeing Kyla confused with her surroundings, Jessica facepalmed as if she already expected something like this would happen. Pulling Kyla's arm, Jessica whispered. "Your bucket of chicken and waffles are at our table! I told you not to drink my drinks but you wouldn't listen. Aiya, I'm right here! How are you my bodyguard but have such low alcohol tolerance? Brother needs to teach you how to drink properly!"

Perhaps the alcohol effects had kicked in, Jessica's vision blurred for a few seconds before it cleared up again. Her body weakened as she tried dragging Kyla away. Kyla eyed Jessica from head to toe before letting out a low hmph. "You say you're Jessica? Then I am your brother, Isaac!"

Rendered speechless by this lousy drunk, Jessica dialed her brother's number but it didn't connect. Since he didn't pick up the call, she shared her location to her brother and sent him a quick text message to come to pick them up. As her fingers glided across her screen, she accidentally dialed her assistant's number. Luckily, she hung up before the call connected to the other side.

Jessica studied the five feet seven inches tall girl with a twisted half updo in front of her. She had a white tank shirt with a dragon drawn on it. Her leather crop jacket was slightly disheveled from the way she leaned her body weight on one side. Her distressed leggings and Adidas sneakers completed her street style look.

At this moment, Jessica whispered in a low voice. "Uh huh…It makes me wonder sometimes why I chose Kyla to be my bodyguard…"

Her question didn't escape Alfred's ears. As soon as she finished questioning out loud, she heard a soft laugh from the side. Jessica's sky-crystal eyes reflected glaciers with tints of light turquoise, attracting his attention instantly. As she moved closer towards him, she stumbled forward, almost tripping to the floor.

When she lifted her head, her eyes gazed into his. Her palms had coincidentally landed on top of his. Her fingers also locked onto his when she almost fell just now. Taking a close look, Alfred found himself lost in her jewel sparkling eyes. The hues in her eyes were unique - a combination of servility, wildness and desires. A lump struck his throat as words failed to get out of his mouth. Before he could speak a word, Jessica's glossed lips curved upwards.

"Handsome, entertainment costs a lot. Laughing at my words just now...will cost you…"

"What are you doing to my miss?!" Kyla interrupted their conversation.

"Tsk.." Jessica clicked her tongue and turned around to ask what Kyla wanted to do for interrupting her words. The moment her eyes caught sight of her bodyguard, a few loud slams from the stall made her jump into Alfred's embrace. To be exact, she rubbed her face against Alfred's chest as she witnessed her bodyguard closing the door of an empty stall continuously.

Apparently, she thought the toilet was Jessica and she was trying to save her by kicking open the stall door. When throwing kicks to the door didn't feel right anymore, Kyla took out poker cards and fiercely flung it like ninja stars towards the metal door.

"Right...That's exactly why I hired her. She could barely punch someone in the face, but she could fly poker cards to slice their necks." Jessica chuckled sillily as she closed her eyes from drowsiness.

The door cracked like shattered glass after several throws and broke down to pieces. At the same time, Alfred was still stuck in the same position because Jessica's immense strength pinned him to the cold wall. He sighed while hoping Michael or Aaron would come look for him. His eyes widened in amazement when he saw the door crash on the floor like piles of fragile wood.

At one point, he thought he was part of a reality show where he was under a spy camera to record his reactions. Shaking his head, countless thoughts entered his mind. He tried coaxing Jessica to let go of him but that plan failed. Her corny pickup lines only worsened over time. Surprisingly, he didn't find her words annoying. Instead, her voice sounded innocent as her sweet smile looked adorable in his eyes.

Minutes later, Michael opened the door, observed the situation and stepped out. "Sorry for interrupting. You three can continue whatever you three were doing."

Alfred raised his voice by a tad, "Get your ass back in here and help me!"

"Hahahahaha! I was wondering what took you so long. So, you got pinned! By a girl!" Michael pointed and laughed at Alfred's reaction. After snapping a picture of the current situation to Aaron, they managed to work together to help the girls back to the lounge. It took the three of them half an hour to persuade the two girls out of the men's bathroom.