He Chose His Company

In a private visitor room where interrogation usually takes place, Master Wang appeared haggard sitting opposite Madam Wang. Over a few hours, Madam Wang was no longer the fearless and arrogant woman. The residue of cosmetics was left behind, glued to her irritated skin. Rashes and inflamed areas remained bruised on her face even after she sought medical attention.

"Husband! You must help me get out of this hell hole! I didn't even do anything at the wedding! They can't keep me here! I must be bailed out. I don't want to stay in this horrifying place!" Madam Wang trembled as her handcuffed hands stretched out to hold his.

Earlier, she recognized a few faces in other cells. Those were women she had previously framed and falsely accused, which resulted in them living behind bars. If she were to join them in jail, they will team up and beat her to pig pulps!

"I want to help you too, wife. But….this is not up to me. They aren't allowing bail and they have several charges against you. No matter what my lawyer said to them, they wouldn't release you. I can't bring you out of here. I'm sorry." He sounded and looked apologetic, but only she knew how real his acting was.

"Are you treating me as a fool? You guys are using me as a scapegoat to not ruin your plans! Tell him to bail me out or I'll make sure people will know who was behind this whole thing!" She slammed her fist against the surface of the rectangular white table between them.

"What are you saying? I am your husband! After marrying you for this many years, how could you doubt be like this? No matter what tricks I use against others for benefits, I will never trade my wife to gain wealth. I tried to negotiate with the chief who is in charge of this precinct. His brain is made of steel and wouldn't let me bail you out!"

Master Wang exclaimed, striking his chest a few times to exaggerate the extent he has gone to help her. He sighed, "Wife, I also contacted him. I asked him for help, but he told me to wait. He told me he needs to consider his plans and eventually, you will be able to get out of this hell hole. I promise I will find an escape for you. You won't have to endure too long here."

"Husband, I...I'm sorry for doubting you. I just can't stand the idea of staying here for more than a few hours. I can't even shower privately without other women eyeing me weirdly. Please hurry and tell that man that we will not say anything related to him to anyone. In exchange, please get me out of here as soon as possible!"

Madam Wang knew her current position. She can only plead and speak good words to soothe the other party's worries. After speaking for ten more minutes, Master Wang used his company as an excuse to leave her.

"I still have a lot of things to deal with at work. I need to prepare the money for your bail and connections. With Isaac against us, many partners decided to withdraw their investments and projects. If I don't deal with this problem, we will go bankrupt. I will visit you next time." Master Wang turned around to leave.

"Okay. Work is important. Come see me when you have the time. I'll be waiting for your good news." Madam Wang watched as Master Wang walked out of the room without turning back. A sudden rush of helplessness struck her when she noticed the slight difference in his actions.

'No, I need to trust him. We've been married for so long. I've helped him with many things. I am still useful to him. Yes, he will come back to help me.' Madam Wang repeated these words to herself as if it was a type of hypnotism to refute her doubts.

The moment Master Wang stepped into his vehicle, he dialed a string of numbers on his phone. On the third ring, the other party picked up the call. "What do you want now?" Master Liam sounded frustrated after all his plans failed.

"I...I've lied to my wife already. She believed me wholeheartedly and told me she will not mention anything she shouldn't mention to anyone. So, please don't worry about her tongue slipping." Master Wang held his breath as he reported back to Master Liam.

"Oh? You're calling me just to tell me this? Did you think I wouldn't know how to shut her mouth myself? If there's nothing else, then hang up. I am busy." Madam Wang was the last of Master Liam's worries at this time.

"And...I want to ask when will the funds transfer to my company? You know how badly affected my company is right now. I need it! I've already chosen my company over my wife. This sacrifice should be enough to show you my loyalty and dedication. So, please...the investments...I need it." Master Wang nearly begged on his knees for the investment funds.

Facing between company bankruptcy and saving his wife, he chose his wealth. The only way for him to save his company is for him to persuade his wife to shut her mouth while she waits for her prison days to come. However, he had underestimated Master Liam's ruthlessness.

"Sure. The funds will be transferred in a week. I will have someone contact you." Master Liam hung up the call after replying to Master Wang's question. Tossing his phone across his couch, he continued tasting the wine in his hand.

"Shadowers." He twirled the glass in his hand.

"Yes, Master Liam." A dark shadow figure appeared out of nowhere and kneed in front of him.

"Only dead people can keep secrets. Precinct 13. You know what to do." Master Liam took a sip from his wine glass while the figure had disappeared already.